Outside the east gate, the head is surging, but it is a dead silence.

The body with a collapsed heart on the ground shocked the public.

Master of martial arts.

But it couldn't hold Su Xun's seemingly understated hand.

What is Su Xun's strength?

Is it a martial saint?

Is there such a young martial saint in the world?

"Younger martial brother!"

The living Taoist broke the silence with a shrill roar. He rushed to the body with red eyes and tears.

When he saw the idea of retreating from each other's eyes, both monks looked at each other in fear.

Originally, I thought that the four masters at the top of the world were enough to kill Su Xun.

But now it seems that Su Xun's strength is even stronger than they thought.

It's impossible!

Even if he started to practice in his mother's womb, he would not be so powerful!

In fact, Su Xun didn't look so relaxed and comfortable. At that moment, he did his best.

These four people are much better than tianxuanhe.

"Lizi, I want you to pay for my younger martial brother's life."

The Taoist held the corpse and cried for a while. Then he got up and pointed his sword at Su Xun.

"It's really touching that my brother is deeply attached to me. I can hardly see my son in tears. In that case, I will send you down to get together with your younger brother."

Su Xun clapped his hand, looked at the Taoist priest sincerely and said.

"Two masters, the thieves are fierce. There's no need to talk about morality and justice with these evil ways. We three go together side by side."

The Taoist priest looked at the two monks and said.

"Amitabha, it's our duty to get rid of demons and defend the way."

The two monks looked at each other and agreed.

Let's have a try. Even if we can't fight, we can always run.

This is their speculation on the basis of affirming that Su Xun is not a martial saint.

If Su Xun had been a martial saint, they would have knelt down and begged for mercy. They didn't even dare to run.

"Amitabha, benefactor, you are sinful. You'd better die and go to hell as soon as possible."

The monk read a Buddha's name, and then three of them rushed into the tea shop at the same time.

"Well come!"

Su Xun gave a cold drink. Void held the sword in his hand, and his body appeared in front of the three people. He raised the sword and stabbed them.

The three changed greatly.

Because Su Xun's speed was so fast that they didn't react. Just in the blink of an eye, the point of the sword was in front of him.



A war broke out over the tea shop.

The more they fight, the harder they are. They are already sweating. They know that if they go on like this, they will die sooner or later.

"Well, that's the end of the boring game."

Suddenly, the sword in susian's hand dispersed, and a purple gold seal floated out of his body and floated in the air.

This is his seal.

The moment the seal came out, everyone felt a great pressure.

"What is it?"

The three monks were all frightened.

It was the first time that they saw someone who used a jade seal as a weapon.

"This is the magic weapon of the son of God."

"Mortals, you did your best."


The voice falls, the seal falls.

At the moment of falling, the seal suddenly becomes bigger than a hundred times. The Golden Dragon contends with the seal and bursts of dragon chants shatter the sky.

"Immortal, this is immortal."

"It turns out that there are gods in Shendi temple. Shenzi is also an immortal. Today I will believe in jiuxiao God."

"See Lord Shenzi..."

Seeing this scene, the onlookers all knelt down to worship. After all, it was a miracle.

"Don't kill us!"

The two monks were a little desperate. They didn't expect that they could not fight, and they didn't even have a chance to escape.


With a loud noise, the tea shop collapsed, smoke everywhere, blocking the sky and the sun, blocking everyone's sight.

A full minute later, the dust slowly dispersed.

On the ground, the three corpses died miserably. After all, they were killed by the seal of God.

Su Xun held his seal on his right hand and stood with his left hand on his back. His white robe floated like a banished immortal.

The next second, into streamer dissipated in place.

"To the son of God."

Believers are very excited to become believers of jiuxiao God Emperor, which makes them feel proud.

At this time, Wang Shigong and many other ministers in regular clothes arrived in a hurry.

"There was so much noise just now. Is Su Xun dead? Hahaha, what about the four masters of Buddhism and Taoism? Where? Where is it? "Before people arrived, the voice came first, and Wang Shigong's face was red, full of excitement and joy.

"Where is it?" One of the crowd pointed to the body whose heart had collapsed.

Looking at the Taoist's body, Wang Shigong was stunned. There was a bad feeling in his heart.

"Three more are there." Just now, the man pointed to the three bodies in the ruins of the tea shop.

Wang Shigong looked at the three corpses. The smile on his face had disappeared, and his body was shaking.

At this time, a group of people carrying four coffins swaggered over.

"Where are the bodies of the four Buddhist and Taoist masters? We are ordered by the prince to collect the corpses for burial, so as not to expose them to the wilderness. "

The leader yelled.

Wang Shigong only felt that it was dark in front of his eyes. The next second, he fainted to the ground.

The main reason is that when I was old, I was just in the same mood as when I was on a roller coaster. I was stimulated too hard and my brain was congested, so I fainted.

"Wang Xiang, Wang Xiang, wake up."

"Wang Xiang, Wang Xiang..."

The ministers who followed him turned into a mess in an instant.

Tian Xuan and Yuan were killed in the palace. The specific process is unknown to the outside world.

However, in today's battle outside the city, no one would dare to underestimate the value of Su Xun's force.


In the palace.

"What a shame! The Buddhists and Taoists dare to send people to assassinate Zhenfeng's national master. They are flouting the imperial power and challenging the authority of the heavenly family. Damn it, they should be punished! "

Emperor Zheng Kun also learned about the things outside the palace. He was so angry that his beard was about to be raised and he smashed everything in the hall.

Su Xun is his eternal hope.

Although he knows that mortals are not God's opponents.

But he was always afraid that Su Xun would have an accident or something, so Buddhism and Taoism not only wanted to kill Su Xun, but also wanted to cut off his long life.

This is forcing him to kill!

"Come on, send orders, mobilize the Tenglong army, all the Buddhist temples and Taoist temples will be demolished, and the land will be taken back to the government. From now on, Buddhism and Taoism will never be allowed to preach in Daqian."

Zheng Kun put down an imperial edict to stop him from living. It really stimulated him. He wanted to destroy Buddhism and Taoism!

"Your Majesty, there are many experts in Buddhism and Taoism. As a national teacher in * *, you should share your worries for your majesty. Why don't you leave this matter to me?"

Su Xun came in from outside the hall and said calmly.

He had no grudge against Buddhism and Taoism. It was because he wanted to kill him that he killed them.

Now the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism join hands to seek revenge, which shows that they can't let go of it.

Su Xun didn't like trouble, especially the endless trouble.

So he's going to nip all the trouble in the bud!

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