On the ground, the monks of Lotus Temple, xiuyisi and tenglongjun all died.

But as time goes on, the death rate of monks in Lianhua temple is getting higher and higher.

Because they don't understand war at all.

Killing people, fighting wars, especially mass wars, are all good at by the army.

Their existence is the war machine of the Empire.


The empty body hit the roof heavily.

Su Xun immediately landed beside him.

"Put Let them go... "

After all, it's the half step martial saint. Even if his heart is penetrated, he still hasn't lost his breath for a while.

"Do you think it's possible? If I lose, you don't want to let me go

Su Xun sneered without hesitation.

He doesn't like to leave hidden trouble for himself, so he'd better destroy the whole house.

Forget empty eyes dew unwilling, eye flash a touch of resentment, no longer speak.

He didn't say he was still locked up for his grandmaster.

Because as long as the grandmaster is still there, they have the hope of revenge in Lianhua temple, and also the hope of a new life in Lianhua temple.

If you are disturbed and forced to leave the pass, even if you kill Su Xun on the spot, you will die of Zhenqi riot afterwards.

But the next second, Su Xun's words mercilessly broke his fantasy.

"I heard that there is a martial saint in Lianhua temple? Just now, I'm looking for the martial saint to fight. The Taoist martial saint is missing. I'll take your Buddhist martial saint to practice my martial arts. "

"You..." Forget empty suddenly stare big eyes, then a mouthful of blood gush out, completely cut off gas.

However, in order to prevent him from dying thoroughly, Su Xun put a knife on his heart and neck.

After all, who knows if there are any feign death skills in the world.

"Kill them all, no one will stay."

Su Xun gave orders to Xiuyi department and Tenglong army.

"Everyone run separately and rush down the mountain. As long as there are still people alive, the root of our Lotus Temple will not break and there will be a chance of revenge."

An elder yelled, and the next second he was beheaded by the commander of Xiuyi department.

The monks who are still alive are no longer in love with war. They all find the right chance to escape.

But just as they were flying, a few broken crossbows with baby arms came whistling and shot them through each other.

So, these people have no chance to run at all.

Half an hour later, it was over, and there were bodies all over the ground in front of the Lotus Temple and in the courtyard.

There are xiuyiwei, tenglongjun and more monks in Lianhua temple.

The pungent smell of blood filled the air, and even the green bricks on the ground were dyed blood red.

"Tell the national master that Lianhua is a monk, and no one has escaped. He has been killed here."

The commander looked at the voice on the roof, knelt down on one knee, and said in a loud voice.

He was full of excitement.

After all, scholars, Buddhists and Taoists used to be the best in Daqian.

But now, Su Xun took them to kill Shizi, and now he killed the Buddhist leader Lianhua temple.

It really made him feel happy and full of admiration and respect for Su Xun.

"Cleaning the battlefield, there is still one person alive."

Su Xun said lightly.

"Who else?" The commander was stunned.

But without explanation, Su Xun stepped out and disappeared in the same place.

Then a huge sword cut on a pagoda in the back mountain of Lianhua temple.

"Martial saint of Lotus Temple!"

The conductor reacted instantly.

The pagoda was cut off by Su Xun.

"Who's being reckless in Lianhua temple?"

With a roar, a figure flew out of the ruins of the pagoda.

This man is not bald. He has long gray hair. His cassock is ragged and thin. His eyes are deep but shining.

He is the ancestor of Lianhua temple, a martial saint who has lived for more than 400 years.

The reason why we have to close the door is that we still have decades to go, so we want to try to break through.

After entering the realm of wusheng, you will have a life span of 500 years. Each time you break through a small stage, you will gain 100 years.

So the peak of wushengjing can live at least 900 years.

However, every breakthrough in the realm of wusheng is as difficult as the sky. For example, this lotus ancestor has been in the realm of wusheng for hundreds of years, but he is still stuck in the early stage, so it is difficult to enter.

"I want to tell you that the Lotus Temple is finished."

Su Xun looked at the lotus and said faintly.

Smelling the faint blood in the air, the lotus ancestor's eyes were red and staring at Su Xun.

"Who did it!"

"What do you say?" Su Xun laughed, his voice dropped, his body turned into a streamer, and hit him with a punch: "anyway, if you force to pass, you will die. Just let me see the strength of wusheng before you die.""You are arrogant

The lotus elder was furious, and his real Qi was furious. He directly met him with one punch.

Forced out of the pass, he will soon die, so before he dies, he will avenge for Lianhua temple.


Their fists collided in the air, and an air blast broke out when the real Qi and divine power collided. The aftereffects scattered around. Several big trees collapsed directly, and the houses of the two main halls were thrown away directly.

"The martial saint and the strong are so terrible."

Looking at this scene, the four Royal worshippers and xiuyiwei commanders, tenglongjun commander and others were pale.

The aftereffects alone can make them feel palpitating.

Although there is only one big difference between the master realm and the martial Saint realm, it is just like the difference between the immortal and the mortal.


Lotus ancestor is also startled. What happened to him in these years?

Why is there such a young martial saint in the world?

"Wusheng? What a fart

Su Xun's arrogant smile, when he first entered the world, all his fears disappeared.

Because he has just played, he has tried to find out the strength of wusheng.

I can't compare with myself, and I'm not as good as myself.

It seems that I have overestimated the value of force in this world.

No, to be exact, the world is already very strong, because warriors are everywhere.

But who made him God?

Meeting him is the most desperate thing for the warriors in this world.

"You are useless, so you can die."

Su Xun looked at the lotus ancestor, and his eyes were full of murders.

"Ignorant, today Buddha let you know that there is a difference between wusheng and wusheng!"

Lotus elder is furious and takes the initiative.

Su Xun was not afraid and met him directly.

"Boom!" "Boom! Boom

Two people fight in the void, you come and I go, the surrounding houses and trees collapsed, and the scope is expanding.

Xiuyiwei and tenglongjun on the mountain kept retreating to prevent the aftereffects from spreading to themselves.

"God, give you death."

A voice resounds through the heaven and the earth, and the mighty power is like the waves, swallowing all things in the world, which makes all people on Lianhua Mountain kneel down.

A huge sword appeared behind Su Xun and pointed directly at the sky, as if to split the whole world.

Knowing that the highest force in the world was not his opponent, Su Xun was too lazy to pretend.

He is the God, without a vest.

The old lotus was pale.

Middle stage of wusheng? Or later? Peak?

He guessed the strength of Su Xun again and again in his heart, and he was already desperate.


The sword fell.

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