"What did you say?"

Hearing Mei pangzi's words, Su Xun and Liu An looked at him at the same time.

Mei pangzi said: "you can see the news just now when you take out your mobile phone. Half an hour ago, there was a sudden earthquake in Kunlun mountain. Some tourists photographed a colorful light beam flashing by, and then calmed down again. At present, Kunlun Mountain has been surrounded by the army."

Su Xun and Liu An were dignified. They both had the same idea.

Ma Dan, people from xuanyue mainland have broken the seal of the passage.

"I'll see. You'll wait for me."

Leaving a word behind, Su Xun grabbed the demon sword and disappeared in the alchemy room.

"Ah, it's too fast. Slow down. I can't stand it. I can't stand your flying so fast..."

Su Xun was full of black lines: "can you shut up and stop yelling like that?"

Zhenyao sword was wronged: "I've never flown so fast. Can't you slow down?"

"At this juncture, if you go more slowly, the day lily may be cold." Instead of slowing down, Su Xun flew faster and faster.

Zhenyao sword said: "your strength is very strong on the earth now, it's just because other people on the earth are too weak. If it's true that the TIANYAO clan of xuanyue continent comeback, you'll just deliver vegetables."

"I'll see it, too." Su Xun said softly.

If the demon clan invades again, even if he knows he will die, he will not be afraid of the war.

Zhenyao sword asked: "if you never come back?"

"Then I won't go." Su Xun made a joke.

Soon, one person and one sword arrived at Kunlun mountain.

It has been listed as a military reserve, with soldiers armed with live ammunition on three posts and five sentries.

After Su Xun showed his identity, the highest officer came to meet him and accompanied him to inspect Kunlun mountain.

"The expert group has arrived, but it hasn't found anything wrong yet."

Su Xun can't deny it. It's strange that science can check the results of theology.

After that, he went around Kunlun Mountain, but he didn't find one.

Even where there are aura fluctuations are not felt, wrong, it should be immortal fluctuations, after all, blocking the channel seal is set by the immortal.

The whole Kunlun mountain does not seem to be different from before.

Su Qun is not reconciled, and turned several circles, but still nothing.

In the end, I felt relieved. I thought it might be because I was thinking too much. If there is any change, it doesn't mean that the channel seal must be loose.

Then he took the Zhenyao sword and set foot on the way home, and told the officer in charge that if there is any new change here, he must be told.

Deep in Kunlun Mountain, there is a crack smaller than hair and shorter than melon seed kernel, which is very inconspicuous. Beside the crack, a white feather moves, because there is wind blowing out from the crack


"How's it going?"

Just back to Yuliang mountain manor, Mei pangzi and Liu An, who were waiting at the door, quickly welcomed them.

"I didn't find anything. Maybe I thought too much. It was the source of the battlefield hundreds of years ago. It should be the light of some broken magic weapon. As for the earthquake, it should be a coincidence."

Before Su Xun said anything, the demon sword answered.

"Hoo -"

Liu An and Mei pangzi were relieved.

Both are ready to die.

After all, it is impossible to surrender. In the face of foreign invasion, all those who surrender are shameful.

At night, Su Xun proved to Qin Zhu that he was strong, and half an hour later he killed her.


In the next few days, Su Xun went to R star. After he came back, he went to the company for a day's work, which was a meeting without stopping.

The East China Sea Dragon Palace tourism project is already under construction. With R-star's scientific and technological conditions, it can officially open for business in one month at most.

On Friday, Cao Yuanzheng's team came back and brought Su Xun a historical document recording the period from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms.

It records in detail the Huang Jin uprising, Zhang Jiao, Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang, who had the skills to become soldiers, to call the wind and the rain, and Fu Shui to cure all kinds of diseases.

The red rabbit horse has the blood of a dragon. It's a dragon horse. Lu Bu can be invincible on it.

Zhen Ji is the reincarnation of a fairy

All in all, as before, the three countries as we know them now have been completely overthrown.

After reading this document, Su Xun came to Li Jianguo's home.

"Every time I look at these things, it makes me feel incredible. Once upon a time, the Dragon kingdom was really a magnificent world."

Li Jianguo expressed his sincere feelings.

"Professor Li, I think these can be published. What do you think?"

Su Xun came up with a good idea.

These things are of little use to him now. It's better to publish them to let us know the real history."Really?" Li Jianguo looks happy. Before, Su Xun was not allowed to spread it. This is the place where he always felt lost.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I know what you think. Of course, I have to satisfy your wishes."

Pooh! shame on you.

"Thank you, Sue. Thank you so much." Li Jianguo was very excited and held Su Xun's hand tightly: "don't go back tonight. I'll go to an old friend's house and just discuss these historical documents with him."

The implication is that you are here tonight to harm my granddaughter. I'll make room for you two young people.

"That's not good..." Su Xun was still a little reserved.

Li Jianguo interrupted him: "it's settled. I'll leave now."

With that, he can't wait to start packing. He can't help but want to share these with his old friends.

More than ten minutes later, Li Jianguo left.

Only Su Xun and Liu Yun were left in the villa.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward, ambiguous and rising.

"Do you know why Professor Li is going out to sleep?" Su Xun looked at Liu Yun and asked.

At this time, it's still early. Liu Yun just came back from school and is practicing yoga.

Yoga clothes on the body will be concave and convex to have the delicate body outline curve exquisite, really very obvious ah.

Liu Yun is a little shy: "why?"

It's one of women's unique skills.

But Su Xun won't give her a chance to pass the exam: "don't let the old man down."

At the same time, the rhyme of Liu's hand is on his shoulder.

Liu yunjiao trembled and broke away with a red face: "I I'm going to take a bath first. I'm all sweaty. "

"No, I don't like it." Susian grabbed her and fell on the sofa.

"No, Wuwu ~ I'm not ready, I'm afraid."

"Don't be afraid. I'm Su Xun and Li Jianguo.

Although it is late at night, but this article is still attracting a lot of traffic, and began to ferment.

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