As soon as the saleswoman's eyes brightened, she also looked at Su Xun.

From Meng Hai's confident attitude, she can see that this man really can afford money.

And Su Xun's temperament was quite different from that of ordinary people, so he should not be short of money.

If she can sell two villas at one time, her Commission will blow up this month.

"Cough, forget it, I'm so short of money." Su Xun politely refused the offer.

Meng Hai patted him on the shoulder! "Isn't it just a little money? I have it. I'll lend it to you and pay it back when I have it. "

"I have five thousand." Su Xun said.

Female salesperson, "....."

Meng Hai

Are you a little short?

Although 5000 is equivalent to ten months' salary of ordinary people, it is still 18000 miles away from buying a villa.

Meng Hai was a little embarrassed: "well, it's OK. There are many rooms in the villa. You move here to live with me. It's closer."

His financial resources are not enough to support the situation that he can give others a villa at will.

"Forget it, I'm still used to living alone." The Wangs have to hunt him down. It's easy to implicate this young man to live with Meng Hai.

In the end, Meng Hai bought a villa for 500000 yuan.

Originally female sales said that the company has a special business car, you can go to the field to see the house, and then decide whether to sign a contract.

But Meng Hai didn't bother to work hard. He signed the payment directly, which was very efficient.

From this we can see that this guy really has a lot of money.

Half a million. That's half a million after the new era. How many people can't earn in their lifetime.

"Come on, let's go to dinner now. I've heard that there's a splendid city in Seoul, which is very famous. I just went to see it."

I can't wait to send the key to Sue's house after the contract is signed.

As for the villa I just bought, I didn't care at all.

"Big boss, big bag, raise me. I'll be responsible for praising your head shape in the future."

Once upon a time, he was also a person with a head and a face. He never thought that he had fallen to such a level.

It's delicious to have money.

"That's not good. You're the only one who appreciates my elegant hairstyle so far. You're my confidant. When it comes to money, it turns sour. Our friendship is pure."

Meng Hai patted Su Xun on the back and said that he stopped a taxi with his other hand.

Su Xun said that in fact, our friendship doesn't have to be so pure. I like the smell of money!

"Master, go to jinbihuang."

After getting on the bus, Meng Hai said to the driver.

Golden resplendence is a famous club in Seoul. It is also located in Yu'an district. It integrates eating, drinking and playing.

Half an hour later, the taxi stopped at the golden gate.

"Tut Tut, most people outside the district live like dogs. Countless people have been killed by freezing and starvation. In this district, there are two worlds of singing, dancing and drinking."

Looking at the really splendid gate and the bright people coming in and out, Meng Hai uttered a sigh, with a bit of irony in his eyes.

"Come on, touch your light. Today I'll try my life too." Su Xun joked.

What kind of casino has he never seen?

Resplendent and resplendent, sprinkle water.

Meng Hai said with a smile: "I don't know if there are ocean horses. I also ride imported goods."

"Vulgar." Su Xun despised him for a while, and then changed his words: "however, those big ocean horses in the fourth area are really good."

"Hey, hey."

Two people look at each other, showing a smile that men all know, and then go to the club.

But they were stopped.

"I'm sorry, we have a rule here. You can't go in if you're not dressed properly."

The security guard looked at the two people and said with a stiff tone. His eyes fell on Meng Hai, with some disgust.

Meng Hai looked down at his retro style of dress: "Crouching trough, brother, will you appreciate it? Do you know what retro trend is? Don't you come to have a meal and go whoring? I have to wear a suit and tie when I step on the horse. Nowadays, the service chicken is more noble than the money whoring, isn't it?"

Su Xun took a step to the side and said that he didn't know this guy. It was too humiliating, just like a big silly beep.

"Don't step on the horse and talk nonsense here. Get out of here. It's a retro trend. Wearing a pair of big underpants is like stealing. It's like a husband who's stuck in the house and looking through the window." The security guard impatiently drove them away. Of course, the security guard of jinbihuang club is not a serious person, otherwise it would not be this attitude.

See each other actually humiliate their own fashion wear, Meng Hai instant explosion: "I steal your mother."He can tolerate the other side to humiliate himself, but he can never tolerate the other side to humiliate his own aesthetic and pursuit of fashion.

"What are you talking about! It's a choice, isn't it The security guard was angry and stretched out his hand to mattress Meng Hai's hair.

Su Xun said in secret: it's over.

You can slap him on the face. Why don't you want to press his hair?

He has known Meng Hai for a long time, but his mind is different from that of ordinary people. He boasts that he is leading the retro route and running at the forefront of the trend. His head can be broken, his blood can flow and his hair can't be disordered.

Don't pressing his hair is equivalent to stabbing him?

Sure enough, the next second, Meng Hai exploded.

"Damn you

He raised his foot to kick the security guard down, and rushed up to him with a burst of fists and kicks. He kicked with red eyes and scolded: "the grass mud horse's elephant, pull clam, let you touch Laozi's hairstyle, let you touch, let you touch!"

Another security guard saw the scene and rushed in to report the news.

"Don't trample on the horse. Let's go quickly, or we'll be finished soon."

Su Xun came forward and dragged Meng Hai, a neurotic lunatic, out.

"Let me go, I'm going to shave his hair. No one in the village dares to mess up my hairstyle. He has more hairstyles!"

"You said it's the village, big brother. This is Seoul, not your village."

Su Xun felt that he was Meng Hai's godfather. He couldn't fuck, but he broke his heart.

"That's them!"

At this time, more than a dozen people in jinbihuili ran out with sticks and knives. The security guard pointed to Su Xun and Meng Hai and yelled.

The young man with triangle eyes, the leader of the group, threw his cigarette end and roared, "madder, two little ruffians dare to come here to pick things up. They're all on the horse!"

Behind him, more than ten people rushed to Su Xun and Meng Hai with steel knives and sticks.

These people didn't speak from the beginning to the end. Their eyes were fierce and calm. They knew that they were old sticks who had been through many battles.

"I don't know how to cut my hair when I sew NIMA."

Meng Hai is not afraid at all. If he has nothing in his hand, he will rush forward, just like a Han force.

"What I regret most is that I looked back at you in the morning."

Su Xun scolded angrily, pulled him back and pulled out the pistol from the back of his waist.

"Don't move."

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