Yu'an district security department.

Interrogation room.

Chen Xiao sat opposite with his hands folded.

"Come on, Xie Feng wants to kill you. He won't defend him."

Su Xun knocked on the table with his pen.

Chen Xiao after the initial anger, at this time already calm down: "don't say may die just me, said, my family how to do?"

Before Su Xun opened his mouth, Chen Xiao sneered: "don't say that the people of your department of public security will protect my family. Do you believe it?"

Although he hated Xie Feng for trying to kill him, he knew that he had to carry it down by himself.

As long as you take out the gun, you won't give up anything.

"So I'm not going to say that either." Su Xun grinned and said faintly, "you say, if I let out the news that you have already recruited all, what will your family do?"

"With your mouth? When all are fools, will they believe? " Chen Xiao's eyes sneered and thought that Su Xun was too naive.

Susian turned the pen in his hand: "you attacked me tonight. It was arranged by Xie Feng, right? He called you at 10:30 in the morning

Chen Xiao's face changed and his eyes were full of amazement.

Meng Hai also looked at Su Xun with a confused face.

Su Xun continued: "your arms business criminal investigation team leader Joe Keli accounts for 30% of the shares, right? He colluded with you in April this year."

Chen Xiao looks at Su Xun incredulously, and his eyes gradually become frightened.

He didn't say anything. Where did Su Xun know that?

Who betrayed them.

Su Xun knocked on the table: "still use me to go on, I know more than you think."

Because I have psychics.

Chen Xiao seemed to have been drained of all his strength and collapsed on the chair, full of despair.

If susian let out the news, Jocelyn would be the first to suspect that he would spit out.

"Since you know everything, why should I say it myself?"

Chen Xiao said in a hoarse and low voice, revealing a rotten breath of death.

Su Xun did not answer, but looked at him with a smile.

I do know, but if you don't confess, how can I go through the normal way to get jocelli and Xie Feng?

Chen Xiao was silent and said, "I can say it, but you have to protect my family."

"Don't you believe that our department of justice can protect your family?" Meng Hai sneered.

Chen Xiao's face was blue and white. He didn't pay attention to Meng Hai. He just stared at Su Xun.

"It may be exaggerating to say that 100% can protect your family. You don't believe it. You can only say do your best." Su Xun said very frankly.

Chen Xiao nods feebly, takes a deep breath, and then slowly talks about the interest relationship between him and Qiao Keli.

He is not a big man in Yu'an District, otherwise he would not listen to Xie Feng and shoot Su Xun.

Officially, the biggest person he can contact is jocelli. As for whether there are still people on jocelli, he doesn't know.

The whole criminal investigation team will get a sum of money from him every month.

"Do you have a book?" Meng Hai put in a word, because it's not always like this on TV.

Chen Xiao glanced at him: "No."

"Damn, TV series are just cheating." Meng Hai made a rude remark.

Chen Xiao explained: "it's not cheating in TV series, but I'm just a little guy on the ground. There's no need to do this kind of thing. It's unnecessary."


At the same time, it's brilliant.

Room five.

It was full of people. All of them were senior officers of the Public Security Department of Yu'an district. In addition to the special group, the leaders and deputy leaders of the other four groups arrived.

At the top of the list is a fat, middle-aged man with small eyes. He is Qin Fen, deputy director of the Public Security Department of Yu'an district.

At this time, a group of people have been drinking face red, a few are delirious, a mouth wine fuming.

After all, it's almost three o'clock in the morning. I've been drinking for more than two hours since midnight.

"Thank you for leading me tonight Enjoy It's nice to eat Almost. Let's change places, go upstairs and continue Next

A young man with three or seven points staggers up and burps.

He's the first team leader of the criminal investigation team, jocelli.

A group of deputy group leader retired, currently empty, he aimed at this position, dinner, big insurance, health has been for several days.

After all, he's not the only one who's focused on this position. We have to straighten out these collars and guides."Ding Ding Ding..."

All of a sudden, the mobile phone rang.

It's Qin Fen's mobile phone.

"I'll take a call first, from Siri."

Qin Fen is the most sober, because he is the boss here, no one dares to drink his wine.

"Hello, what's the matter?" Qin Fen got on the phone, then his face changed the next second, and his voice increased several decibels: "what?"

Other people in the private room look at each other face to face, quiet down, don't understand what happened, let Qin Fen suddenly changed face.

A moment later, Qin Fen hung up the phone, looked at Qiao Keli and said, "all the people in your first team have been arrested by the special team. They have also been arrested together. There is a man named Chen Xiao."

Although the members of the special team have paid close attention to confidentiality, it still reached Qin Fen in 20 minutes.

There's no way. The Department of public security is like a sieve. It can leak air to Qin Fen everywhere.

"What Jocelli suddenly sobered up, forced his panic and angrily scolded: "why do they arrest people, Qin Si? You have to decide for your brothers."

"Back to Sili." Qin Fen glared at him and knew he was going to wipe his ass.

Although he has no interest entanglement with Chen Xiao, his interest entanglement with jocelli is not shallow.

Chen Xiao has to finish this matter. He can't continue to investigate.

At the same time, Su Xun and Meng Hai come to Cao Tian's office with the confession signed by Chen Xiao.

Cao Tian didn't get off work at this time, just to wait for the result of the trial. Su Xun didn't let him down.

"Well done! Sure enough, I saw you right. I was surprised on my first day at work. "

After reading the confession, Cao Tian was smiling and patted Su Xun on the shoulder: "the position of the Deputy group leader is yours!"

As long as Su Xun's meritorious service does not require qualification, he can ask for the letter of appointment for Su Xun.

"Brother Cao, I've been shot in the leg. I'll bleed for you." Meng Hai pointed to his leg that had been simply treated and bandaged.

Cao Tian said: "pull down Qiao Keli and give you the position of leader of the first team. In addition, go to the hospital and lie down. I'm afraid your leg will be broken."

"Yes, sir!" Meng Hai's salute was more like a happy traitor who couldn't close his mouth after he got the reward.

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