"Hello, Zhang Yuanli, commander of 3rd Battalion, 6th regiment, 17th division, 25th army of the northwest group army."

Out of the office, the lieutenant stopped and stretched out a hand to Su Xun.

There are four army groups stationed in a large region, namely, the southeast, northeast, northwest and southwest military regions.

There are four army groups stationed in each military region, that is, 240000 people. A large region maintains a total of about one million troops.

There are more than 7 million professional soldiers in the seven regions of the world, which is much smaller than that before the era.

After all, the limited population and the decline of productivity and science and technology after the catastrophe are not enough to maintain more professional soldiers.

If it's not for the zombies outside the area, this number will have to be cut down a lot.

"Su Xun, head of the criminal investigation team of the Public Security Department of Yu'an District, Seoul."

Su Xun held Zhang Yuanli's hand.

"Leader Su and our leader know each other?" Zhang Yuanli loosened his hand and took Su Xun to the third camp.

Su Xun asked, "how could you ask that?"

"There are many cases of Wang family outside the district. It's such a survival mode that we have never managed and can't manage." The implication of Zhang Yuanli is that if you don't know our commander, he can't send troops to help you.

Su Xun said with a smile, "my boss, director Cao, and your team leader are comrades in arms."

"I see." Zhang Yuanli nodded and said, "here we are.

Su Xun saw that in front of him, hundreds of soldiers with live ammunition were standing like javelins in a square array.

Next to it was a military vehicle with several howitzers, more than a dozen mortars and four armored vehicles with machine guns.

"There's no need for such a big scene." Su Xun said something with a smack of his tongue. He thought that these equipment were used to fight against Wangjia village because they were cannons and mosquitoes.

Zhang Yuanli laughs: "for a long time, no zombies have come to invade. Brothers' guns are going to rust. This time, we'll fire a few guns to flatten Wang's village!"

Su Xun observed a minute of silence for Wangjia village.

Although what the school official said was to help Su Xun arrest, it was just a face talk.

After arriving at Wangjia village, there was no communication at all, and there was a wave of direct communication.

What is wangjiacun?

Should we negotiate with the garrison?

"All three battalions, get on the bus, target No.3 field, Wangjia village, let's go!"

With Zhang Yuanli's command, hundreds of people boarded the car in order without saying a word.

Su Xun and Zhang Yuanli got on an SUV.

A few minutes later, a team of nearly 20 military vehicles roared out of the barracks.


Wangjia village.

"It's over. Su Xun is not dead."

Because the news is backward, until this time, Wang Shuqiang and others who had been waiting in the living room for an afternoon got the news from the city.

Wang's hand on the arm of his chair shook, though he had tried to be as calm as he could.

But after hearing the news that Su Xun was not dead, he was still a little flustered.

"Fire all the guns, one for each man." Wang Shujun sighed and said.

Wang set up a low voice, said: "is not too much fuss, he is just a team leader, not the strength, not the courage to break into the Wang village to revenge."

In his opinion, at most, Su Xun could only use some means against them in the city, such as forbidding the Wang family to buy and sell goods in Seoul.

As for forced revenge in wangjiacun, Su Xun was only in charge of about 20 people. He didn't have the strength.

"You forget the new director. He thinks highly of Su Xun and has a deep background." Wang Shujun, the Maitreya Buddha, is more alert.

Wang Jianli shook his head: "susian is not dead. The other party has just arrived in Seoul and has not yet established a firm foothold. They will not conflict with us. The most likely thing is to come forward and pay more compensation for susian."

"I still suggest that the gun should be fired first. If there is any emergency, at least everyone in the village will be able to fight." Wang Shujun sticks to his ideas.

Wang Shuqiang also said: "I also agree."

"That's all." Wang Li Li sighed and yelled out of the door: "Si er."

"Uncle." A middle-aged man came in.

Wang said: "go, open the storeroom and put the guys down door to door. Let's be smart these days."

"Well, good." Hearing this command, Si'er was shocked, but he didn't ask much.

After Si Er left, the three brothers continued to discuss.

Wang Shujun said: "since we have already started, Liang Zi has already been immortal. Let's just go through a shooting. He won't think of it. We'll arrange another one immediately, and we'll take him by surprise!"

It seems that Maitreya, who laughs all the time for 365 days, is actually the most ruthless."I think so. It's dark now. It should be a good night." Wang set up his eyes, obviously ready to move.

But Wang Shuqiang and Wang Shujun's view is just the opposite: "no, he has just experienced shooting, and now he is a frightened bird. He must have taken precautions."

In this way, the three brothers had a fierce dispute over whether to launch a second shooting tonight.

"Step on..."

At this time, accompanied by a burst of rapid footsteps, a young man rushed in and interrupted them.

"Village head, army Uncle Qiang, there are many The car is coming in our direction

The young man stammered with panic.


The three stood up in an instant.

Wang Shujun asked, "do you see who they are?"

"It's too dark at night. I can't see clearly. I can only see a lot of lights moving towards us."

"Did the guns go down?" Wang Shuqiang asked.

"Yes, every household in the village."

Wang set up an order: "everyone all alert, to ensure that the convoy is not malicious before they can go back to rest."

Just now, I still said that Su Xun was frightened, but they were.

"Step, step..."

Another man came running in.

"Village head, those cars, those cars all stopped a few hundred meters outside the village, as if It's like a military vehicle. It's all soldiers. "

"Military vehicle?"

Hearing these two words, Wang Li Li and his three brothers were directly confused, but they didn't react for a long time.

Because no military vehicle ever came to Wangjia village.

Is there a large number of zombies nearby?

At the same time, Wangjia village is more than 400 meters away.

The mortars and howitzers were set up, and the dark muzzle and the dark night merged.

"Adjust the trajectory, 12 o'clock, wind speed level one, 1.5m per second."

"Prepare your guns, fire them!"

"Boom, boom -"

in a flash, the howitzer and mortar were close to 20 rounds, and the shells were like fireworks cutting through the night sky and falling in the Wangjia village, accompanied by screams and wails, bursting out a flame that ate people.

In the dark, the fire seems to light up half of the sky.

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