Wang was silent.

He regretted that he had arranged for the shooter to kill Su Xun.

Otherwise, wangjiacun will not come to this point.

"Kill me, give me a good time!"

Wang Li Li closed his eyes.


Su Xun was not polite. He pulled the trigger directly.

Wang Jianli was hit by a bullet in the middle of his brow, swallowed his last breath and died completely.

Ten minutes later, the battlefield was cleaned up.

The weapons, ammunition and materials that have not been burned in Wangjia village are all spoils of war. The most important thing is money.

Villages outside the district like Wangjia village do not deposit their money in the bank. They put it all in cash at home in case of emergency.

The places where the gold bars and banknotes are stored have been fireproof. I'm afraid that a sudden fire will turn all my family into nothing.

So it's convenient for them.

"Take it, brother."

Zhang Yuanli threw a bag to Su Xun.

Su Xun opened it and saw that there were piles of federal currency in it, which was about three hundred thousand.

"It's all for you, isn't it?" Su Xun asked.

Zhang Yuanli grinned: "if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have the chance to get rich."

"Thank you." Su Xun was not polite, so he put it away.

After all, in this world, he is still a little short of money.

"OK, it's almost done. Withdraw. Just now, we've been fighting so hard here. There's too much noise. Don't bring in the zombies."

Zhang Yuanli said.

Su went out of the village and got ready to leave.

"No, battalion commander, there are zombies!"

Just came to the car, not on the car, the team came out with a shout.

Almost all people subconsciously follow the rules, and then the scalp becomes numb.

On the other side of the road, there were a lot of zombies. At a glance, the number was at least 2000.

Although most of them are low-level zombies, there are a lot of them for an ordinary battalion.

"There's one ahead, too!"

I don't know who sent out another exclamation.

Many people found zombies on the road and blocked their way back.

It's obvious that there are zombies in command, otherwise this group of low-level zombies with no brain can absolutely complete the encirclement without sound.

The total number of zombies in all directions is roughly more than 5000.

"Damn, I haven't heard that there are senior zombies around here!"

Zhang Yuanli couldn't help yelling.

At least a high-level zombie can play this level of command.

The reason is that there is a high-level zombie instead of a king level zombie, because when the king level zombies command the battle, there are tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of zombies.

However, for a battalion level combat unit with an isolated army outside, high-level zombies plus unknown number of middle-level zombies and thousands of low-level zombies are enough to be regarded as a disaster.

"Come on! Get in the car and ask for help from the communications department

Zhang Yuanli gave the order in a hurry, and then a group of people got on the bus.

"The armored vehicles open fire, rush out, everybody shoot down."

"Dada dada..."

The machine gun on the armored vehicle fired at the zombie in front, just like a harvester cutting corn. A zombie fell down, but the one behind came up again.

"Kang Kang..."

"Throw thunder!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom

Just after fighting with people, and now fighting with zombies, the soldiers, who are already in high tension, look exhausted.


A zombie rushed into a military vehicle, but was soon kicked down by a soldier.

But after the first one rushed into the military vehicle, soon there was a second one and a third one.

"Ah! I'm bitten. Come on, shoot me. "

A soldier was bitten on the shoulder by the zombie, and immediately dropped his gun and hugged the zombie.

without hesitation, Kang and his zombie pulled the trigger.

Because zombies will become zombies after being bitten for the first time, so people who are bitten usually commit suicide or let others do it.

This process must be fast, because the process of necropsy will not exceed ten seconds.

"Kang Kang..."

"Boom! Boom

"Fuck NIMA's zombie, come on, come on, I'll kill you!"

Soldiers with submachine guns, while shooting, while roaring to vent their tension and anger.

When one's fear reaches its peak, it is anger.

Even if they have been through more than one battle, they will be scared every time they face the scene of zombies swarming up.But fear doesn't mean to retreat. They are used to killing zombies in fear.

"Female zombie, can you do the same?"

"Don't say, some female zombies are pretty. It's as cool to cover their heads and turn off the lights."

"Brothers, shoot them to death with the guns in your hands!"

"Dada dada..."

"Aren't you afraid, brother?" While shooting from the muzzle of the gun, Zhang Yuanli looked at Su Xun and asked.

Su Xun looked around the window looking for something, and replied: "it's useless to be afraid, so I'm not afraid at all."

"Bull pie." To this explanation, Zhang Yuanli expresses admiration, then changed a bullet clip again.

"Battalion commander, the zombies are retreating!"

A platoon leader on the co pilot called out.

Su Xun had a look. Sure enough, the zombies outside began to retreat slowly, leaving only one corpse in the same place.

"Back, really back, madder. I thought I was going to tell you today."

Looking at the zombies retreating, Zhang Yuanli wiped the sweat off his forehead and was relieved.

But Su Xun's face was dignified: "no, what are these zombies waiting for?"

"Is it the high-ranking zombie who is going to do it himself?" Zhang Yuanli's face changed.

High level zombies are enough to abuse any of them. Although they can be killed by cannonballs, the speed of high level zombies can completely avoid cannonballs.

Su Xun said: "if it's really just a senior zombie, if he wants to do it himself, I can solve it."

His estimate for himself is that the current strength is probably equivalent to an intermediate strengthening person.

Cao Tian said that two high-level reinforcers can work together to strengthen a Zombie King.

It's not a big problem to kill a senior zombie.

What's more, he felt that his strength should be a little bit better than the intermediate strengthening people.

"Big brother, it's time for you to stop boasting." Zhang Yuanli obviously didn't believe Su Xun's words.

Su Xun's face suddenly changed, his eyes fixed on the window: "unfortunately, what he was afraid of was that it was not a high-level zombie."

"Not a high-class zombie?" Zhang Yuanli looked out of the window and saw a figure jumping from a distance at a high speed. Finally, he stopped less than 100 meters away from the motorcade.

All the zombies were on one knee.

Zhang Yuanli's face suddenly turned pale, and other soldiers also showed panic.

Because this horse is a Zombie King!

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