Outside the Institute.

Koizumi's battle with Xiang Hongfei is not over, but the offensive is weak.

Several trees were knocked down around.

There are deep pits on the ground.

"Xiang Hongfei, I've made a note of what happened today. Sooner or later, I'll make you pay with blood."

Koizumi said with gnashing teeth, saying this proves that he is going to leave.

Xiang Hongfei sneered: "why do you think our seven districts are shopping malls? You can come and go if you want?"

He can't kill Junichiro Koizumi alone.

But this is his territory. If you really want to kill Koizumi, you can directly mobilize the army's heavy firepower and missile coverage bombing.

Koizumi will still die miserably.

It's just that Xiang Hongfei didn't kill his heart. After all, there are not many high-level enhancers. If one dies, there will be few experts on the human side.

There will be more pressure on zombies.

However, Xiang Hongfei does not want to let them leave easily.

Otherwise, people in other regions will be able to follow suit?

"Xiang Hongfei, you and I have equal strength. I want to go. You can't stop me. No one can stop me."

Koizumi in two words sound down, the body jumped up, ready to step on the treetop to leave.

"Go? Did I let you go? "

At the moment when he just jumped up, a cold and strong voice came into his ears, and then a shadow jumped higher than him and hit him in the air.

Koizumi saw that it was Su Xun.

He could feel the smell of Potion on Su Xun's body, which indicated that the potion extracted from the king level crystal nucleus had entered his stomach.

He did not dare to underestimate the enemy immediately, but raised his hand to resist.


By a boxing, Koizumi in two feel as if he was hit by a truck in general, the body is not controlled quickly straight down.


Hard hit on the ground, the ground has been smashed out of a pit, smoke flying.

"Lying trough."

Xiang Hongfei couldn't help but make a rude remark.

He and Koizumi have been deadlocked for so long.

Su Xun beat the opponent down.

Although I had thought that Su Xun would be better than them after taking the medicine, it was too strong.


Su Xun fell down from the air with a dull sound, and he cut a hole in the ground.

Like zombies, fortified people only strengthen their body and internal organs, greatly improving their attributes, but they can't fly.

It's just a little higher at best.

"Cough Cough... "

Junichiro Koizumi got up from the ground, covered his chest, coughed and turned pale.

Su Xun's eyes were full of panic.

"It's all here. Bury it here today."

Su Xun said softly, and walked step by step to Junichiro Koizumi.

Junichiro Koizumi is afraid, because their strength is not at the same level at all.

This kind of fist, he will die in a few punches.

He's not afraid of death, but he doesn't want to.

He is still young and in a high position. Of course, he is reluctant to give up his power.

And if he died, there would be no senior reinforcement in area 8, and it might end up playing.

Looking at Su Xun approaching step by step, Koizumi Zhonger could only step back and yelled at Xiang Hongfei: "Xiang Hongfei, don't you stop him soon? Do you really want to see me die? I'm dead. Who's going to stop the zombies in the south? "

"Sue, he's right. Let him go." Xiang Hongfei said to Su Xun.

Koizumi dared to be so arrogant, on the one hand, he gambled that Xiang Hongfei would not kill him in the overall situation.

Su Xun said: "Marshal Xiang, it's because we care too much about the overall situation that Koizumi, who doesn't care about the overall situation, dares to be so unscrupulous."

"He's dead, zombie in area eight. I'll stop him. District eight, I'll kill anyone who refuses. "

As the voice fell, Su Xun rushed to Junichiro Koizumi and kicked out.

Koizumi crossed his hands to resist.

"Click -"

however, the forearm was directly broken, a mouthful of blood gushed out, and the body flew back heavily.

Just as Koizumi was about to get up, susian kicked him down again and stepped on his face, making him unable to move on the ground.

"Xiang Hongfei! Xiang Hongfei! Xiang Hongfei

Koizumi in the two hoarse roar, just killed the object, but now has become his only hope alive.

How funny is the scene?

"Xiao Su, in the face of zombies, many people always have more power." Xiang Hongfei still didn't want to see a senior reinforcement man die like this.

Su Xun turned his head and said, "Marshal Xiang, I'm afraid he has a grudge. Instead of making efforts, he stabbed in the back. Island people are habitual criminals in this respect."Xiang Hongfei feels thoughtful when he hears that the conflict is so serious, because of Koizumi's character, or to be exact, the island people's character, he may have done something to stab in the back.

"No, I won't do that. We have a common enemy. Our enemy is zombies. Don't kill me. Help me!"

Seeing Xiang Hongfei's silence, Junichiro Koizumi is sweating, and his heart is full of fear.

Su Xun looked down at him and said with a smile: "in fact, I just said those are bullshit. The main reason why I want to kill you is because you wanted to kill me before, and you dare to kill me?"

The voice falls down, stepping on the foot on his head gradually.


The chance of life and death, strong desire for survival trend, Koizumi two burst out, roared, lying on the ground, one leg upside down with a golden hook to kick Su Xun's head.

Su Xun didn't turn his head back.

"Click -"

smash his knee directly and abuse him, which is as simple as abusing a dog.

One is from ordinary people to advanced people.

One is that people who have experienced the baptism of divine power and mana become intensifiers.

The strength between the two is naturally very different.

"Ah, ah

Koizumi in two is a scream, knee was broken that leg weak droop down.

The rest of the people around are looking at it, and their hearts are empty.

Damn it, no one can offend him.


Su Xun spat out a word, raised his foot, and then aimed at his heart.

"Click -"

the chest was directly depressed by him.

"Ah! Puff - "

Koizumi's two whoops spit out a big mouthful of blood, his body twitches twice, and then he dies.

Eyes full of unwilling and regret.

Xiang Hongfei's mind is a little complicated.

How could a man who matched himself die like this?

He was hit.

Su Xun is so strong that he is afraid.

Because Su Xun's killing power was too heavy.

"Arrange for the body to be sent to the eighth district." Xiang Hongfei took a long time to relax and said to a military officer.

"Yes, marshal!" The sergeant saluted and turned to leave.

Xiang Hongfei looked at Su Xun again: "it's good to die. This guy has been disgusting for so many years."

"How will the other districts react?" Su Xun asked.

Xiang Hongfei sneered: "what's the response to the verbal condemnation?"

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