Liu Xuan is comfortable over there.

Su Xun accidentally saved a licking dog, otherwise Liu would be in danger if he continued to lick it.

After all, there is an old saying that licking a dog is not a good way to die.

But Yao Yao's side is inexplicable.

"Is Liu Xuan playing hard to get?"

Yao Yao is holding a mobile phone in her hand, guessing the intention of Liu Xuan's sudden call.

After all, Liu Xuan pestered her for so long and suddenly gave up. Yao Yao couldn't believe it.

She was afraid of the last white joy.

Suddenly, her eyes fell on the mobile phone.

It's a piece of news.

The above is the news about Su Xun.

Yao Yao points to open the news and is shocked beyond comparison. Her lips are slightly open and her face is unbelievable.

She always admired Su Xun and knew that his future achievements would not be low.

But before it came to the future, he jumped up and was awarded the rank of general and held an important position.

But also become one of the masters of the blue star, all this is too fantastic.

She suddenly realized that Liu Xuan must have seen the news, and then she thought that there was something between herself and Su Xun. She was afraid of offending Su Xun, so she chose to give up voluntarily.

Thinking of this, she was ashamed and angry. It was clear that she and Su Xun were just friends who could talk.

Of course, since she is just a friend, I don't know what kind of shame she is doing.

Yao Yao felt her innocence was suspected. She picked up her mobile phone and called Liu Xuan. As soon as she got through, she immediately asked, "Liu Xuan, what do you think will happen to me and Su Xun?"

"No accident, you will have children later." Liu Xuan answered honestly.

Yao Yao

"Go away!"

Bite the silver teeth spit out a word, and then hang up the phone, followed by mouth up, smile gradually rampant, and then pick up a pillow with a fool like rolling on the sofa.

I'm so ashamed, Liu Xuan.

And Su Xun is also an asshole, which is misunderstood.

However, to do that kind of thing in the video will have children, but it looks so painful.

Su Xun is so strong that he won't stab him to death.

Eh, how shameful.

Look, what does it mean to have three hundred taels of silver here? All of these things come to mind. Is that nothing?

Women just like to cheat themselves.

"What are you grinning at?" Ye Qianqian came down from the upstairs and saw her sister-in-law rolling around like a husky on the sofa.

Yao Yao instantly got up, the whole mess on your body: "no, nothing."

"Is it?" Ye Qianqian's eyes are suspicious.

Yao Yao quickly changed the topic: "sister in law, do you know about Su Xun?"

"Su Xun? What's the matter with him? " Ye Qianqian asks curiously and goes to Yao Yao to sit down.

She knew that Su Xun and her boyfriend had gone to Tianjing, but she really didn't know what had happened.

After all, women don't pay much attention to this.

If Yao Yao didn't see it by accident, she might have known it for a long time.

Yao Yao handed over her mobile phone: "look, sister-in-law, is he very powerful?"

Between the words there is a bit of pride.

Ye Qianqian took the phone and looked at it. The more she looked, the more dignified her face was. The shock in her eyes became more and more serious. She asked strangely, "is this true?"

How does she feel that this kind of news is like the news made up by the marketing number of unscrupulous we media, which is not credible at a glance.

"Of course, the video was released on the official website of Lianhe government, and the appointment was released by the governor's office of the seven districts." Yao Yao said triumphantly, sitting cross legged, with her little hands touching her feet wrapped in black silk.

So, licking dogs, the goddess you lick will also pick your feet.

Of course, goddess's foot picking and ordinary woman's foot picking are definitely not the same picture.

When you see an ordinary woman picking her feet, you feel sick and look away.

See Yao Yao this goddess pick feet, most people are greedy drool, want to put other people's silk, socks are licking wet.

"So that's why you were just so happy to be a fool?" Ye Qianqian is so experienced that her last words point to the center and she looks at her sister-in-law with a smile.

The smile on Yao Yao's face solidified and turned her head: "it's not."

"Really?" Ye Qianqian is not smiling.

Yao Yao threw the pillow in her hand and said with a red face, "Oh, sister-in-law, you hate it."

That's the equivalent of calling on yourself.

"Your brother won't agree." After confirmation, ye Qianqian's face became serious.

Yao Yao curled her lips: "why?"

"Because he's your brother, because you're afraid of him." Ye Qianqian rolled a white eye, she knew her man's idea too well.Yao Yao is so scared because she is really afraid of Cao Tian. Cao Tian dotes on her, but as soon as she gets angry, she is too scared to say a word.

Looking at the little sister-in-law's pitiful expression, ye Qianqian has some sympathy, because this is the first time that a little girl is attracted to a man.

What's more, she thinks that Su Xun's younger brother is very good. He is handsome, has experience, can be a man, has strength, and now has status and identity.

If the two families really became relatives, the relationship between Cao Tian and Su Xun would be more reliable and would be a great help to him.

Therefore, in terms of feeling and reason, she felt that Yao Yao had no harm in following Su Xun.

Immediately casually said: "I tell you, you don't want to go to him, don't want to get on the bus with him first and then buy a ticket, don't want to force your brother to agree after having a baby."

"Sister in law, I love you so much." Yao Yao eyes a bright, rushed to kiss Ye Qianqian.

Ye Qianqian wiped his saliva: "well, I warn you not to mess around. Your brother will be back today. Don't think about running now, and don't take the cash in my drawer and your brother's room as the travel expenses."

Yao Yao ran upstairs to pack up.

Ye Qianqian sighed. Silly sister-in-law, you're going to meet your sweetheart. When your brother comes back, I'll have to be disciplined.

When Yao Yao goes to Tianjing, if Su Xun is also interested in her, the two will naturally walk together.

If it's Luohua's intention to be merciless, then Cao's family is in Tianjing, and Yao Yao can go home directly.


At the same time, Tianjing City.

Tianjing Hotel, private room 3.

There are only Su Xun and Cao Tian in nuota's private room.

At this time, they had drunk a lot of wine, but they were still conscious.

"Come on, I'll go with you one more time." Cao Tian raised a glass of wine and said.

At this time, he didn't realize that his sister was going to deliver the goods to the door soon.

Otherwise, what he raised to Su Xun was not a wine glass, but a pistol.

Su Xun waved his hand: "no, it's almost over. I'm very hungry when I order."

"Bang Dang!"

At this time, the door of the private room was suddenly knocked open, and a disorderly sound came into my ears.

In the corridor outside, a group of people with wine bottles were fighting each other. The scene was very chaotic.

"Grass Mud Horse, dry, he, hit on the head, * * old, son responsible."

"You brag, you have the kind of * * I try, Gan linliang, so arrogant, I think if you don't have your two eggs, the son drags you, you will float to heaven!"

"Kill them..."

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