"Put them all down!"

At the same time, Zhao Dabao roared, people rushed to Cao Tian and Su Xun, and hit Cao Tian with one punch.

Su Xun raised his foot and kicked it out.


With a scream, Zhao Dabao's body flew upside down as if he had been hit by a truck.

It was 10 meters away before it hit the ground and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

The other people who were rushing forward were directly confused when they saw this scene. They looked at Su Xun's eyes full of fear and fear.

If they could kick people so far, they immediately suspected that Su Xun was a strong man.

"What are you afraid of? No matter how hard you are, you're the only one. You don't dare to kill us. Damn it!"

Zhao Dabao stood up with the help of two people and yelled with red eyes.

As soon as the others heard this, they rushed up again.

And then Then there's no more.

Three minutes later, twenty or thirty people were all put down on the ground and howled.

"I Lying trough, bull force. " Cao Hua gaped at Su Xun and expressed his admiration.

Su Xun clapped his hands: "pay the bill and go."

"I'll pay for it. I have to pay for it." Cao Hua said quickly.

"Yes, brother, thank you for your kindness. We'll treat you and Tiange to this meal."

"If it wasn't for you and brother Tian, we'd be Muggles today."

"Brother, you have to give us a chance to express our gratitude."

The other four people all agreed with each other and rushed to pay the bill. After all, a meal is really nothing to them.

Su Xun didn't refuse, so he stepped over the ground and walked to the elevator.

"See you some other time, Dabao." Cao Tian smiles at Zhao Yuanlong and waves into the elevator.

Zhao Dabao scolded: "don't laugh too early."

"Don't try to avenge me. I'll go back to Seoul in a moment. If you really dare to come to Seoul to find me, I'll treat you well. In addition, when you see our emotional struggles for many times, I'd like to remind you not to try to avenge the brother next to me."

Before the elevator door closed, Cao Tian finished his last sentence, biting the word "entertainment" very hard.

Zhao Dabao bared his teeth in pain and yelled: "don't step on the horse and shout. Call people. Isn't Cao Tian going back to Seoul? Stop him and give him an unforgettable memory before he leaves. "

"Brother Yuanlong, I'm afraid the guy around him is a fortifier." A young man reminds us.

Zhao Dabao said: "at most, a low-level fortifier, I call two to come."

Hearing the speech, everyone was in a good mood. Holding a breath of revenge, they took out their phones to shake people together.

In the elevator, Su Xun made a call to the garrison headquarters.

"Hello, this is the garrison headquarters. What can I do for you?"

"I'm Su Xun." Su Xun said lightly.


Mobile phone rang out the clear sound of heel collision: "first, long good, please indicate."

People outside may not know or know Su Xun, but this will never happen to the garrison.

At the moment of the order, Su Xun became the commander of the garrison.

Naturally, the Garrison should know their boss at the first time from top to bottom.

What's more, this big boss is still an expert who can kill senior fortifier positively?

"Arrange for the police brigade in the city to transfer a company to Tianjing hotel to listen to my command." Su Xun ordered.

A regular police brigade with more than 7000 people is the military force in Tianjing City.

The rest of the garrison were stationed outside the city, some distance away from the capital.

Because the distance between the zombies and the capital should be widened. Once the zombies invade, it is best to block them at a distance from the capital.

"Yes, first, long!"

In response, Su Xun hung up.

Cao Tian said with a smile: "this is ready to light muscle, to take them Liwei?"

"If you don't have to use the tools to deliver them to my door in vain, you will be charged with attacking me." Su Xun's eyes were full of interest.

The smile on Cao Tian's face converged, and he frowned slightly: "will it be too big? Just now there are nearly 30 people there, involving a lot of forces. There are several old men still there, and you have offended many people."

It's just that it's not a big problem to fight. The elders laugh it off and even fail to win. They will be criticized when they go back.

But Su Xun directly sent troops to capture the people, and the problem was the big man.

Because Su Xun was the commander of the garrison, a general, and a general with heavy troops.

Strictly speaking, attacking him is a felony.

So Su Xun was forcing the forces behind the young people to talk to him and find him to be accommodating.

Let the whole capital know that although he is young, he is not good at it."Do you think I need to worry about what they think?" Su Xun asked lightly.

Cao Tian was stunned and nodded at half a sound: "I always use my position to think about things. You are such a bull, you really don't need to worry about it."

Cao Hua looked at each other for a few years. Although they didn't understand, they felt that the fierce man's identity was like a tough Yazi.

When he came to the downstairs of Tianjing Hotel, after he got on the bus, Su Xun just stared at the door of the hotel quietly with a cigarette in his mouth.

Seven or eight minutes later, four or five young drivers arrived, parked and walked into the hotel.

"Zhao Dabao is not reconciled. It's very annoying." Cao Tian saw a familiar face.

Su Xun flicked the ash: "call, the more people come, the bigger his pot."

Cao Tian nodded. These people came because of Zhao Dabao, and then they fell into the hands of Su Xun. While their parents were complaining about Su Xun, they must be angry with Zhao Dabao.

"What are you fighting for?" Cao Tian thought of asking Cao Hua.

There is always a reason for any conflict.

Cao Hua sniffed: "isn't there a new town planned to be built in the No.15 field 50 kilometers away from the capital recently? Taozi is ready to join in and win the contract of building materials supply. We young people don't have much to do with this kind of big project. Building materials are one, so Zhao Dabao also takes a fancy to this point and comes back from Anfeng province."

"Originally, Tao Zi was going to make a deal. He made some money by doing business in Anfeng, and suddenly jumped out to stir up the trouble. This is how the contradiction came about. Tao Zi and Zhao Dabao have been fighting about it for a long time."

"Yes? Why don't I know such a big thing? " Cao Tian asked suspiciously.

Cao Hua rolled his eyes: "you've been serving in the army outside the country before, and you've had a bad relationship with your family since you retired. You went to Seoul in a hurry. Of course you don't know."

"Before, no matter whether Taozi could compete with Zhao Dabao or not, now he must be stable." Cao Tian patted Cao Hua on the shoulder and said.

Zhao Dabao attacked a powerful general and was about to be captured by the garrison. As long as Taozi seized the opportunity, he would not be stable.

Su Xun asked, "what's sacred about Tao Zi? Listen to you, he has to borrow my light this time. Don't you mind telling me?"

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