Not far from the top of the mountain.

Two Zombie King see this scene are confused, for a long time speechless, began to suspect the corpse.

"Damn it, how could it be, how could it be!"

"How can this happen? Where the hell did this guy come from?"

The reason why this tide of corpses has reached an unprecedented scale is that there are two zombie kings at the same time.

If the plan goes well, the zombie army will be able to rush into Seoul in about 20 minutes.

It turns out that the plan went well.

But who could have thought that at this time suddenly a person came from the sky? Let's call it human.

Suddenly, Su Xun in the sky looked at them.

The blood of the two zombie kings was coagulated instantly, as if they had fallen into the ice hole. A cool air ran directly from the soles of their feet to the tianlinggai.

Then the next second is almost no hesitation to turn and run.

"Run away?"

Su Xun sneered and waved his hand.

Two swords broke through the air.

"Stab -"

the legs of two zombie kings were cut off directly.

"Ah! Roar - "

with a painful roar, he fell to the ground, and his blood flowed out.

Su Xun looked at the other zombies below and offered the seal directly, and then a divine light came.

A zombie just fell down in place and turned into corpse water, leaving only the crystal nucleus.

"Immortal! This is a fairy

"The gods have come to save us!"

"The immortal has come down to earth..."

Seeing this scene, everyone was excited, and the people in Seoul ran out one after another.

Apart from immortals, they really can't think of anyone else who can do such a thing.

Cao Tian and Chen Xiaoze are confused. Is Su Xun really an immortal?

Did he just come down to experience life before?

Are there any gods in the world?

But since there is a God, why has mankind suffered for so many years without any help?

Meng Hai murmured to himself: "elder sister, elder sister, your refusal makes you miss a good marriage."

Liu Xuan shows a bitter smile. He has been sneering at a man who is close to God.

I'm still alive now. I can only thank you for not caring with him.

Soon, the tide of corpses, which was like a huge wave, disappeared.

There are only countless shining nuclei left on the ground.

There are a lot of intermediate zombies and senior zombies in this corpse tide, which represent strengthening potions and strengthening people.

Therefore, the seven districts will rise completely.

"Come on, organize people to collect nuclei." Cao Tian said in a trembling voice.

Chen Xiaoze was also short of breath. In the past, the tide of corpses was to block the zombies and beat them back. He could never completely eliminate a tide of corpses.

That's why zombie nuclei are so precious.

But now, it seems that their seven districts have suddenly become upstarts. There are countless intermediate nuclei and many high-level nuclei.

Oh, by the way, there are two king level nuclei on the mountain.

Su Xun stepped out to the top of the mountain.

"You What kind of existence are you The two zombie kings looked at Su Xun in horror and surprise.

Su Xun's face was expressionless and uttered a word: "God."

"God? Is there a God in the world

The two zombie kings were in a state of suspense.

They were human beings before. After they became zombies, they gradually evolved into zombie kings and recovered their intelligence. They were all atheists.

"If there is no God, what is it?" In the face of the dead, Su Xun was more patient.

The two zombie kings were speechless for a moment.

Yes, if there is no God, then what is this?


They don't believe it themselves.

Su Xun said faintly: "this God has answered your question. Now it's your turn. Why do you want to attack Seoul?"

"Don't try to deceive me, and don't try to resist. God is God. There are many ways to know it, but I don't want to use it."

In fact, even if Su Xun didn't threaten at last, the two zombie kings were not prepared to hide.

Because they can do something before they die, why don't they?

"It's zone 4. Zone 4 studied something called X potion, which can make zombies evolve. We saw him use that potion to turn a low-level zombie into an intermediate zombie."

"We don't know if that potion is useful for our king zombies, but in order to re evolve, we can only choose gambling, so we have reached a cooperation with the four districts to attack Seoul and specifically contain the power of the seven districts."

Su Xun's face was so gloomy that he didn't expect that at this critical moment of life and death, the Fourth District colluded with the zombie in order to suppress the seventh district.This is the traitor against humanity.

Su Xun took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera and pointed at the two corpses: "say it again, repeat all the details."

Looking at the mobile phone, the two zombie kings felt that the painting style was somewhat against the line, but they obediently did as Su Xun said.

After recording the video, in order to thank them for their cooperation, Su Xun gave them a good time, and then dug out two Wang level crystal cores by himself.

As for their bodies, save them for the vultures.

Holding the crystal core, Su Xun flew down from the top of the mountain and landed in front of Chen Xiaoze, Cao Tian and Meng Hai.

Looking at Su Xun, they were all constrained. For a moment, they didn't know how to speak.

They were not afraid of Su Xun's identity as commander of the garrison.

What they fear is Su Xun's identity as a God.

"Why don't you know me?" Su Xun laughed.

Looking at his performance, the three were relieved, and the atmosphere eased a lot.

Meng Hai was the first to say, "brother, are you really an immortal?"

Su Xun nodded.

The three men widened their eyes. After all, their own guess was totally different from Su Xun's own admission.

"That Yao Yao..." Cao Tian wants to say nothing. Su Xun is an immortal. Will he be with his sister?

Su Xun knew what he was worried about: "there's no rule that immortals can't fall in love."

and, on the earth, I am the only immortal, and I has the final say.

Cao Tian was relieved, and then said, "thanks to you this time, this corpse tide is too sudden."

"Look at this." Su Xun showed the video he had just recorded to three people.

All three were furious after watching it.

"These four districts are so crazy, they collude with zombies!"

"King level zombies are already very strong. They even make this kind of medicine. What do they want to do?"

"We can't just let it go, report it immediately, and let the video out to let everyone know about it."

If they could, they would like to take people into the territory of the four districts and then kill all the pig teammates in the governor's mansion.


The governor's office of Tianjing City.

The governor and other senior officials did not leave the conference room, waiting for the news.


At this moment, the door of the conference room was knocked open, and a man rushed in with ecstasy: "win, the news just came, Seoul won."

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