It was morning.

After washing, Su Xun took Chen XiuXiu to the front hall for dinner.

There's already a woman waiting in the lobby.

Dressed in a red dress, this woman is tall, sharp and cool. She is more than 20 years old. She is quite a kind of iceberg beauty.

Her name is Su Yue. She is Su Xun's sister and the head of the Su family.

After the death of her parents, Su Xun was brought up by Su Yue. She doted on her brother, almost morbid.

When the master of the Su family died of illness, everyone in Chen County thought that the Su family would never recover.

I never thought that Su Yue's daughter had resisted the pressure from all sides and further developed the Su family to such a point.

In Chen County, Su Yue's prestige is even higher than that of the county magistrate.

"Sister." Su Xun took Chen XiuXiu into the front hall.

Seeing Su Xun, Su Yue's cold face melted like ice. She said with a smile, "come and sit down next to my sister. Today's breakfast is made of high-class fish soup and porridge, but the taste is very delicious."

Chen XiuXiu some timid line of a gift: "XiuXiu to sister hello."

Facing Su Yue, she bears more psychological pressure than facing Su Xun.

"Well, I've been in the mansion for nearly ten days. I thought you were reluctant to come to see me." The smile on Su Yue's face disappeared and said blandly.

Chen XiuXiu pursed her lips and said nothing. This morning, Su Xun dragged her here, otherwise she didn't want to face Su Yue.

Su Yue continued: "it should be noted that your identity is not worthy of Xiaoxun. Even if you marry in, you can only be a concubine. But Xiaoxun loves you so much that he has to give you the identity of his wife, so I will follow him."

"Now that I'm in Su's house, I don't want to think about those who don't have them. I'm willing to teach my husband and children. Maybe I can understand them?"

"XiuXiu knows." Chen XiuXiu is crushed by Su Yue's aura. Her pretty face turns white and she doesn't dare to look at her.

Su Xun helped her up at the right time: "sister, I can teach my daughter-in-law, so don't scare her."

Chen XiuXiu was finally relieved. She was grateful for Su Xun's help.

"What's the pain? When you have a daughter-in-law, you forget your sister? " Su Yue stares at him a little unhappy.

Su Xun was stunned. As an old scum man, he smelled a smell of vinegar. Su Yue was jealous.

No, no, No.

Su Yuejiao said: "what are you looking at? I don't want to take your baby daughter-in-law to breakfast soon. It will be cold for a while, and it will smell fishy."

"You cook yourself again?" Su Xun took XiuXiu to do it.

Su Yue rolled a white eye: "after mom and dad left, which breakfast didn't I cook in person?"

Su Xun was a little moved. He was a good sister in the world.

"When you go to Beijing for the exam, let XiuXiu go with you, and someone around you will take care of you." Su Yue said again.

The test will be held in February, but Chen county is far away from the national capital. Now we have to start on the road.

Su Xun looked at Chen XiuXiu and asked her for advice.

If he is alone, he can fly directly, but he doesn't want to refute Su Yue's arrangement.

Chen XiuXiu quickly fine if mosquito voice said: "listen to elder sister arrangement."

"That's it, because he's been delayed for some time. He can't wait any longer. Let's start tomorrow." Su Yue is so resolute.

Hearing Su Yue say that she had delayed Su Xun's exam, Chen XiuXiu lowered her head. In front of Su Yue, she had no temper at all.


After dinner, Su Xun took Chen XiuXiu and several servants out to visit Chen county.

After all, this is not ancient times, but an extraordinary world that can cultivate immortals. There is no saying that women can't appear in public.

"Jingjiehu has gone out!"

As soon as he stepped out of the door of the Su family, a figure not far away called out and ran away.

Then the women in the street ran away almost at the speed of running for their lives.

Su Xun

Am I that terrible?

Insane, he even specially arranged a personal sentry around Su's house.

Those beautiful young sisters are nothing more.

But those aunts who are obviously up to 50, you run a wool, I haven't been so hungry.

There are those men, you also run, run even if, while running also cover fart, share, this is insulting me!

Several servants behind him were all trying to smile, and their faces turned red.

"It seems that the masses have misunderstood me." Su xiuxun said to Chen xiuxun.

Chen XiuXiu hears this words speechless, misunderstanding? When I didn't sell tofu, I was robbed?However, she felt that there was something different about this dandy from before, but she couldn't tell.

"Just go to your house." Su Xun shakes the folding fan and prepares his son-in-law to come.

Chen XiuXiu's face turned white and said anxiously, "you said you wouldn't embarrass my parents..."

"What do you think? I'm your son-in-law. Can't I come to my mother-in-law's house? I'm so bad in your eyes? Have I touched a finger of yours so far? " Su Xun looked at Chen XiuXiu and asked repeatedly.

Chen XiuXiu was stunned. On second thought, it seemed that Su Xun had not been rude to her. The only thing that went too far was to touch her face and lips this morning.

Thinking of this, she said: "I have no family. I'm afraid I can't get used to it."

"Don't you get used to going a few more times?" Su Xun said softly, and then ordered the doglegs behind him: "go and buy some gifts."

When Chen XiuXiu saw that he had to go, he had no choice but to guide him.

She also wants to go back and have a look. She has never seen her parents since she entered Su Fu.

More than ten minutes later, a group of people came to Ping'an lane. Just at the entrance of the lane, a bad smell came to their faces.

This is the poor area of Chen county.

"What's the smell? It smells terrible."

"Yes, it tastes like sour water."

A few of the doglegs covered their mouths and noses and frowned, showing an expression of disgust.

Hearing these words, Chen XiuXiu clenched her red lips, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Shut up Su Xun yelled, then looked at Chen XiuXiu and said softly, "this place is filthy and smelly. But when I first met my wife, I only felt the fragrance is pleasant. This shows that my wife is diligent and clean. She comes out of the mud and doesn't stain. She loves my wife's beautiful appearance, but she loves her rare and precious hard character."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he knew that he was an old scum man. In fact, he just wanted to see the color. If he was not beautiful, he would not catch cold no matter how hard he worked.

A few doglegs looked at each other, big eyes staring at small eyes, full of question marks.

Is this still our master?

Doesn't he always rely on the banner of the Su family to coerce and lure women?

Sure enough, a gentleman and a man can switch between reading.

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