Su Xun wanted to see what kind of person the prince was.

He thinks that if his skills are better, maybe he can try to eat the prince and the fourth prince at the same time.

You can only eat two at most, and you can't play any more.

How were those scum girls found?

Most of them are stepping on more and more boats, which will inevitably lead to negligence and capsize.

The most stable thing is to step on two boats.


Penglai Pavilion is the most popular place for scholars and poets in Yujing city.

Those who can come here to play are rich CHILDES, or princes and noblemen's ladies.

Today, the whole Penglai Pavilion is reserved by his royal highness.

In addition to the girls, only the local scholars who took part in the examination could get in by way of guidance.

In the state of Chu, the guidebook is equivalent to the modern ID card and pass, which is a must for ordinary people to take with them.

When Zhao Xie and Su Xun arrived, there were already many people inside.

The prince hosted a banquet in a beautiful side hall of Penglai Pavilion. The whole side hall was completely built on a rippling lake.

Su Xun and Zhao Xie went in and sat down in front of a table at the end.

As soon as he sat down, Su Xun found a very interesting phenomenon.

That is to say, the plain clothes sit on one side, and the luxurious clothes sit on the other side. There is a clear distinction between the two sides.

On the one hand, Zhao Xie was a poor scholar who studied hard and came from a poor family. On the other hand, he must be a rich or noble family.

Su Xun and Zhao Xie, who were not of the same class, were sitting at the same table.

It's just two different kinds, just like two erha mixed into the wolf pack, very conspicuous.

Together with Su Xun's good looks and good temperament, their table immediately attracted everyone's attention.

All the people who were still talking were quiet, and their eyes focused on them.

"Brother Su, what do they see us do?" Zhao Xie was staring at him unnaturally, but he didn't know what the problem was. He asked Su Xun in a low voice.

Su Xun said with a smile, "maybe it's because I'm handsome."

Zhao Xie thinks this is too shameless, but he can't refute it after careful thinking, because he has to admit that Su Xun is very handsome.

Zhao Xie clenched his teeth, got up and made a self introduction to the crowd: "I'm Zhao Xie in Nanyang County of lower Qingzhou Prefecture. I'm very polite."

"Hum!" A young master of royal guards snorted coldly and asked: "are you from a noble family? Or a family of officials? Or from the gentry's house? "

Zhao Xie was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and replied, "no, I have been poor for generations in my family."


As soon as his voice fell, the young master of royal guards put his wine cup heavily on the table and yelled: "in that case, how can you be equal to me? Go to the opposite side quickly. Don't let your coarse cloth get in the way of our eyes. "

"Yes, country boy. I really don't understand any rules. Can you sit in the right place?"

"All over coarse cloth, is it worth sitting with me? Don't dirty my clothes. "

"Go away quickly..."

Many people in the aristocratic family agreed one after another and sneered at Zhao Xie.

Only a few people have been sitting and drinking, watching coldly and not participating.

Zhao Xie's face was blue and white, and his fists were blue and blue. But thinking about the identity of these people, and thinking about his mother and wife, he finally held back.

The poor scholar's side was also very angry, because the other side was not only humiliating Zhao Xie, but also humiliating them as a whole.

Just as they were about to share a common hatred, a careless voice suddenly rang out.

"I'm curious. Who set the seat, but his Highness the prince set it?"

Everyone followed the reputation and found that it was Su Xun who spoke.

It's a surprise that Zhao SHIXIE's family would speak for him?

Immediately after that, a steady stream of admiration and admiration for Su Xun rose in their hearts.

The aristocratic family was also very surprised. It was obvious that there was a traitor among them.

"Are you talking for him?"

The first one who opened his mouth slightly narrowed his eyes and looked at Su Xun badly.

Su Xun said with a smile: "I'm just curious. Who set the seat? Please tell me, but the rules set by the prince?"

The young master of royal guards' face was uncertain. After a long time, he said, "it's not the prince's decision, but..."


Before he finished his words, Su Xun stood up and changed his face: "since it's not decided by the prince, it's decided by you. It seems that you didn't pay any attention to the prince! Or do you think you are more noble than the prince's palaceHearing this, people's faces changed a lot. It's heartbreaking.

"You don't want to be bloody!" The young master of Royal Guards was obviously aware of this, sweating, angry and angry: "I never said such a thing."

"But that's what you mean." Su Xun's words were clear and firm.

"Yes, you are right. We all know that. That's what you mean."

"Even the crown prince has not made such rules, but you meddle in your own business. Don't you think you are more noble than the crown prince?"

"No wonder you are so arrogant and domineering. Since you don't even pay attention to your royal highness, I and other poor scholars will not be able to enter your eyes. You can be forgiven for coming here."

The poor scholars took this opportunity to fight back.

No one in the aristocratic family dares to help, because if anyone helps the young master of royal guards to speak, doesn't he say that he thinks the same way as him?

The prince of Royal Guards was isolated and almost vomited blood. He looked at Su Xun with a sinister look: "good, good, I remember you."

"Don't forget that." Su Xun's face was full of sincerity. He shook the folding fan and was elegant.

The young master of the royal guards snorted coldly and chose to recognize him for the time being. He sat back to his original position.

Zhao Xie looked at Su Xun with gratitude and guilt: "thank you brother Su for your help. In fact, brother Su doesn't have to be like this. It's not beautiful to offend these people."

"Just a bunch of eyes above the top of the straw bag." Su Xun waved his hand to show that he didn't need to care.

The poor scholars are much easier to win over than these rich and complicated families.

Poor scholars need nothing more than money and dignity.

And all these, the aristocratic family has already had.

So he can only win over the poor families, suppress the aristocratic gentry and drain them.

"Your Royal Highness is here --"

as soon as the shrill voice rings, you can see a young man in bright yellow and colored Python robes coming in surrounded by a group of people.

Everyone in the hall got up and bowed.

"I'll see you, your highness."

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