Hall of Diigent Government.

The emperor of Chu was waiting anxiously.

This is a world of immortals and chivalrous men. The sky is clear. On the day of the examination, there must be a reason for the appearance of such phenomena above the Gongyuan.

He was a little worried about whether there was a major overhaul coming to Yujing and making such a big stir. He didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend.

It's a pity that Zhao chuancha's murderer has gone. Otherwise, the emperor of Chu would be at ease.

"Your Majesty, the two grand masters are here."

A eunuch came in to report.

The chief examiners of the examination are two academicians who came from Jinshi.

The emperor of Chu got up in a hurry: "Xuan, quickly Xuan."

Soon, two examiners came in in a hurry.

"Congratulations, your majesty. Congratulations to your majesty."

Just into the hall, the two examiners directly said with excited face, even forgot to salute.

"Why are you so happy? What is the reason for the abnormal image of Gongyuan before? " The emperor of Chu asked two questions.

One of the examiners stepped forward: "tell your majesty that the previous vision of heaven and earth was caused by a scholar who wrote a poem when examining the rhyme of poetry."

"What Chu emperor stares big eyes, full face unbelievable looking at two people: "this matter seriously?"

It's really incredible. Not to mention that the great Chu state was founded for hundreds of years, even several other countries have never heard of such a thing.

A mortal, who has made a poem, can actually trigger the heaven and earth visions. What a talent it is, and how amazing the poem should be.

If this is true, it would be a great joy to get such a talent.

"Your Majesty, please watch it." Another examiner came forward and handed over the poem that Su Xun had written.

When the emperor of Chu took it over, he just took a look at it, which was a shock to his body. Then he felt that there was a charm in the poem, which made his Lingtai clear and relaxed.

With a closer look, read the whole poem, a heroic and excited between the heart.

"Good! Good! Good! It's a good person to count the number of celebrities and to see the emperor of Chu. I'm really my confidant. "

The emperor of Chu even said three good words, and directly said that Su Xun was his confidant. His face turned red with excitement. After reading this poem, he was even more excited than taking drugs.

As an emperor, there are countless people who flatter him in different ways.

But none of them even touched his heart.

What's wrong with flattery? This is the affirmation and praise of his life!

Especially when we think of the strange phenomena of heaven and earth caused by this poem, we should not say that in the future, even if the state of Chu is destroyed, his name will go down with this poem.

He calmed down a little and looked at the name of the examinee.

"Su Xun?"

The name was unexpected and expected.

Because he has also heard and written qingpingdiao and jiangjinjiu.

The two examiners looked at each other, bowed their hands to salute, and cried out in a loud voice:

"it's a great honor for the great Chu to have such a talent. I'd like to congratulate your majesty and the great Chu."

"Two love Qing flat body." The emperor of Chu said, "let Su Xun be at ease to answer the five classics and the questions..."

"Your Majesty, Su Xun has finished answering." Said one of the examiners.

The emperor of Chu was stunned, and his mouth grew big: "the answer is over?"

It's less than an hour since the beginning of the exam. Even if Su Xun's chest is full of talent, doesn't he have to think about it?

"Your Majesty, Su Xun's question and the five classics examination paper are repeated." The examiner handed in two more papers.

The emperor of Chu took it and couldn't wait to see it.

Wujing didn't give him too much surprise, even let him a little disappointed, because it can only be said that it is in order, can't pick out big mistakes, but also not excellent.

However, the question was refreshing and astonishing to him. He had never heard of many points of view, and there were many places where there was only a concept, but after Su Xun wrote it, he felt like he was in a daze.

Even if there was no poem that caused the abnormal phenomena of heaven and earth, this question alone proved that Su Xun had the talent of prime minister.

"God bless Da Chu, God bless me da Chu!"

The emperor of Chu laughs and drags him to ask. After laughing, he says, "come on, recruit the prime minister, the Taiwei and the six ministers to the palace."

"In addition, I personally approved the examination and directly announced that Su Xun was Huiyuan. After the examination, I announced the decree."

Huiyuan is the first person in the examination.

If he didn't want to test Su Xun himself in the palace examination, he would like to directly announce that Su Xun is the number one scholar.

The palace examination is also an examination.

Those who pass the imperial examination are the Jinshi, and they can wait for the distribution of employment.

More than half an hour later, the prime minister, Taiwei, Liubu Shangshu and others entered the qinzheng hall one after another.

Then the gate of qinzheng hall was closed.

"Do you know the image of Gongyuan before?"

The emperor of Chu looked at the crowd and asked.

"The Gong Yuan makes a strange noise, and the whole capital has seen it. Do you dare to ask your majesty why The right prime minister asked tentatively.The emperor of Chu said with a smile, "yes, it's like a scholar who wrote a poem when he examined the rhyme of poetry."


Chu's bigwigs were in an uproar.

Their first reaction was that they couldn't believe it because it was so incredible.

"I didn't believe it before, but you can read this poem first."

As the voice of the Chu emperor fell, a eunuch took the poem and let the big men read it in turn.

After watching it, everyone was shocked and had already believed in it, because only those who had seen it with their own eyes could feel the unique charm.

If a mortal who participated in the examination could write such a poem, the previous vision of heaven and earth could also be accepted.

What's more, his name is Su Xun?

Su Xun is now known as the sage of poetry by the good doers in Yujing.

"If you look again, this is the question he will try to answer."

The voice of Chu emperor falls, a few eunuchs take hand to copy version to a few big men hand sent a piece.

They were still surprised that Su Xun was so quick to answer, but when they got the question, they were completely immersed in it, and their faces became more and more dignified, sometimes frowning and sometimes stretching.

"Your Majesty, this man is very talented. If you have Su Xun, why should I worry about him?"

"Heaven bless, this is the true reincarnation of my majesty."

"Congratulations to your majesty..."

Everyone praised Su Xun for his talent. For a moment, Su Xun became the hope of the whole country.

Prime Minister Zuo, who had been silent all the time, said: "Your Majesty, it's good that Su Xun has great talent, but he is too young after all. He has achieved so much at a young age. I'm worried that he will be confused in flattery and flattery, so I should not encourage him. I should pay more attention to training his ability. In this way, after ten or twenty years, he will be the pillar of the state of Chu."

"Well." The emperor of Chu nodded his head as if he were thoughtful.

The Minister of rites said: "I have heard that this son has said many times that he wants to return to his hometown as an official. In this case, it's better to send him to Chen County, which not only meets his homesick requirements, but also trains him, so that he can have the experience of governing the grassroots."

Everyone else thought it was a good idea.

"It's a very good remark, and I'll secondment it."

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