"Handsome man, do you really know fortune telling?"

The woman blinked and looked at Su Xun. She felt a little sorry. How could such a handsome little brother become a liar?

Before Su Xun said anything, the woman's boyfriend said impatiently, "he's a liar. He's just a liar. Are you serious?"

Originally, his girlfriend was going to do fortune telling, so he would go shopping with him. Anyway, he wanted to have fun.

But I didn't expect that the dead fortune teller was so handsome that he almost took away his girlfriend's soul. It's strange that he has a good face.

"What are you talking about?" The woman looked at her boyfriend reproachfully, and then apologized to Su Xun: "I'm sorry, he's just like this. Don't worry about him."

She knew that her boyfriend was jealous, but it was only the first time that she saw such a handsome fortune teller as Su Xun. She was just a little curious and didn't mean anything else.

"What happened to me? He was a liar." The young man was still a little unconvinced, and he could not get angry with his girlfriend, so he could only spread his anger on Su Xun's head: "you said to yourself, are you a liar, who still believes in this thing now?"

"This gentleman, you just look at people with colored glasses. I said I'm not a liar, and you won't believe me." Su Xun looked at the young man with a smile and said.

The young man snorted coldly, because what Su Xun said was the truth, and he never believed it.

Su Xun continued: "in that case, why not count it as a hexagram? No, no money. "

"No money is not enough. After all, you've wasted my time." The young man said coldly, with some provocation in his eyes.

In the face of the aggressive youth, Su Xun's face was still smiling: "what do you say?"

His face is smiling, but his heart has already been approved. If it wasn't for Lao Tzu to complete the task, he would teach you how to be a man every minute.

Such arrogance, you can live to such a large extent, which fully shows that our social security is good.

Otherwise, you should have been beaten to death.

"If it's not right, I'll smash your stall!" The young man stood on the table with one hand and stared at Su Xun coldly.

Mad, what I hate most is you little white faces.

Isn't it just handsome?

What's the big deal?

Around many people's attention has been attracted to come over, eating melon masses want to see how the next thing will develop.

The middle-aged man in blue shirt sighed and sympathized with Su Xun for three seconds. Come on, the young man just had no experience. He had to close the stall on the first day.

As soon as the young girl friend's face changed, she quickly stopped him: "what are you crazy about? Can't I forget it? Let's go back to school. "

It turns out that they are still students who have not been beaten by the society. No wonder they are so violent and arrogant.

"Let go of me!" Young people have long been aroused anger, a shake off his girlfriend's hand: "today I will expose the true face of this liar!"

As the voice dropped, the young man looked at Su Xun: "don't you have nothing to do, then..."

"Wait a minute." Su Xun suddenly interrupted him.

The young man showed a sneer: "why, are you afraid now?"

"No, I just want to say my rules." Su Xun shook his head and said, "my rule is to count only the events of the day, and everyone only counts once."

Hearing this, many fortune tellers around looked at Su Xun with the eyes of a fool.

There's only one thought in my heart: can this guy play or not?

They give people fortune telling. They are eager to do it in a few years or more. Who knows if it can be done.

Ten years later, even if it doesn't come true, can the other party still come to them?

Su Xun was only a matter of the day. Didn't he pass the knife to others?

Why, just cheat others? Why do you take it seriously? Do you really think that you are a schemer?

"Good!" The young man was eager to do so and said with a sneer: "if it doesn't come true after today, I'll smash your stall tomorrow!"

"What is it?" Su Xun asked calmly.

The young man blurted out without hesitation: "even if my fortune today is how."

"Birthday eight characters, hand over." Although he knew that he was a parallel product, Su Xun pretended to be like him.

After all, his psychological quality is very strong. Otherwise, how can he take charge of the 100 billion group and become the king of killers?

He put out his hand in the Youth Daily. He knew that these fortune tellers like to play with such deceitful things as touching bones.

Su Xun touched the young man's palm, then released him, pinched his fingers, said something, and then said, "this gentleman, your fortune is not very good today. I think you are suffering from a disaster. You'd better not go out."

When he speaks, no one can see that there is a small microphone working in his collar, which can clearly transmit all the conversations here."Ha ha ha ha ha..."

Hearing this, the young man burst out laughing and looked at Su Xun's eyes. He sneered: "I have a disaster of blood? Laozi taekwondo black belt, you told me that I would have a bloody disaster? "

"I can't miscalculate. Whether it's true or false will be known today." Su Xun didn't say a word with a smile. His face didn't fluctuate. He was really a bit of an expert.

"Hum!" The young man gave a cold hum, and a grim smile appeared on his face. He pointed to Su Xun's nose and said, "boy, if you are smart, don't cheat people by setting up a stall here, or you will be disgraced tomorrow."

As the voice dropped, he turned and left.

Looking at Su Xun, the young girl friend sighed: "you'd better change places, or you'll have bad luck tomorrow."

After that, she shook her head and quickly followed the young man.

"Boy, you took off this time!" The middle-aged man in blue looked at Su Xun sympathetically.

Other people are also gloating at Su Xun, saying that their peers are enemies. This sentence is applicable everywhere.

Of course, they would be very happy to lose one of them.

"Ha ha, it's ridiculous that Mao didn't grow up and came out to learn fortune telling from others."

"Who said no, it's not. Is it in trouble? I don't have any experience. It's only the day. "

"Yes, tut Tut, I saw a good play in the morning..."

In the face of these cold words, Su Xun didn't take them seriously, because he didn't pay attention to them at all.


"Don't fight! Stop fighting

At this time, a scream mixed with the scream of a woman with a crying voice suddenly came into the public ears.

Everyone is subconscious.

The young man who just claimed to be the black belt of Taekwondo curled up on the ground and was beaten by a strong man like a younger brother.

Next to him, his girlfriend cried anxiously, as if she could cry at any time.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, suddenly thought of something, suddenly looked back to Su Xun.

Su Xun sat on the stool, smiling and speechless, with an enigmatic posture.

The strong man who is teaching young people how to behave is one of his many bodyguards.

I said you have a disaster of blood, then there will be a disaster of blood, there must be no!

Human fortune telling is the most lethal (˘ Omega ˘).

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