On the glass of the coffee shop, the words "Xiao Yun, the disciple of Changsheng sect of the murderer" were left.

Key words: changshengzong, inner disciple.

Mark changshengzong is to let lingyangzong know who did it, convenient to pull hatred, double happiness.

The purpose of indicating the identity of the inner disciple is to prevent lingyangzong's high-level officials from attacking him. Otherwise, a real fairyland elder will be attracted. What if Su Xun slaps him to death?

Isn't that exposing cultivation?

After all, it's more reasonable to say that he got a chance cultivation and broke through the harmony of Tao. Changshengzong believed it.

But if you shoot to death in the real fairyland, can you say that you have got a chance to break through the anti virtual realm into the golden fairyland?

This step horse is to take changshengzong high-level when silly beep.

So the identity of the inner disciples, the people Ling Yangzong came to seek revenge are at most the top or core disciples of the inner disciples.

After all, if the elder of lingyangzong gives a hand to a disciple of changshengzong, lingyangzong's face will not look good.

An individual can be shameless, but a sect must be.

Taiyang city is lingyangzong's territory. It's common to meet lingyangzong's disciples in the city.

As soon as the person Su Xun put back to report the news stumbled out, he met a group of fellow martial brothers.

A group of inner disciples came out of an Internet bar talking and laughing.

Video games are still very attractive to these young people who are really civilized. In their opinion, they are more fun than women.

"What's the matter with you?"

Seeing the injured disciple, the group of people coming out of the Internet bar stopped and stopped him.

The injured disciple looked at the leader and said, "elder martial brother Zhao, there is a disciple from the inner gate of changshengzong who has come to Taiyang. Elder martial brother Li, they are all dead. I'm going to report back to the clan."

When they heard this, they burst into a rage.

"Even if a disciple of changshengzong dares to come to lingyangzong's territory, he dares to kill people. How brave!"

"Yes, elder martial brother Zhao, we must make him pay the price. We will kill him now."

"Is it true that none of us in lingyangzong is successful?"

A group of people clamored to let the inner disciples of changshengzong pay for the blood debt.

Elder martial brother Zhao, who was the leader, was also very gloomy. Looking at the injured disciple, he said, "it's just a disciple of the inner gate. Why do you need to report back? Take me now, let me go and get him. "

"Elder martial brother Zhao, that man is very powerful. I'd better report back to the mountain and let the elders make the decision." The injured disciple was pale and still making the final persuasion.

Elder martial brother Zhao is not only the grandson of the three elders in the inner gate, but also one of the most important talents. If something happens to him, it will be a great loss to Ling Yangzong.

Elder martial brother Zhao was dismissive: "powerful? No matter how strong I am, I'm just a disciple of the inner sect. Can lingyangzong's inner sect be inferior to changshengzong's? "

"Aren't you scared? Take me quickly, lest the thief of changshengzong run away! "

The injured disciple took a look at elder martial brother Zhao and the six people behind him. He gritted his teeth and said, "elder martial brother Zhao, if you don't want me to tell you the place, you go first and I'll report back."

There was no way. He didn't dare to contradict elder martial brother Zhao, because the whole lingyangzong knew that elder martial brother Zhao had a bad temper. Now his body can't stand beating.

I can only make such a compromise when I think about it.

"Waste!" Elder martial brother Zhao scolded scornfully and asked coldly, "don't you say it soon?"

"It's in the coffee shop at the second left corner of the street ahead." The injured disciple showed the way.

"Go away! Coward without guts! See how I brought my head back to the clan. "

He bumped the elder martial brother and left with his shoulder.

The injured disciple sighed and flew to the zongmen branch of Taiyang city with the magic sword.

There's no way. He can't stop elder martial brother Zhao, but he must send the news back as soon as possible.

I hope there's still time.


In the coffee shop.

Su Xun is enjoying his second cup of coffee, waiting for his "date" by the way.

Suddenly, a rapid sound of footsteps came to my ears.

Su Xun's mouth went up.

He's waiting for his date to come.

"The base of changshengzong is arrogant!"

Elder martial brother Zhao and six of them came to Su Xun, looked down at him, and chopped the glass of the coffee shop with a sword.


The glass with the words "Xiao Yun, the disciple of Changsheng sect of the murderer" broke into dregs.

He stares at Su Xun.

This is the downfall.

"Pa! Pop! Bang

Su Xun put down his coffee, clapped his hands and exclaimed, "good sword! How much for one? ""You want to die!" Elder martial brother Zhao was so angry that Su Xun humiliated him for selling swords. Selling swords was cheap!

This is one of the knowledge he learned from the Internet after he came to Gaia.

Su Xun was really surprised: "Oh, I'm still a young man in the new era of Internet."

"Elder martial brother Zhao, what are you doing with all this nonsense? Just kill him!"

One of the disciples in the middle of the anti virtual world clamored.


The next second, he was directly slapped by Su Xun and killed by his cheap mouth.


Elder martial brother Zhao and others were all shocked and stepped back subconsciously.

Only now did they understand what the disciple who had to go back to the mountain to tell us about Su Xun's strong strength was.

In the middle of a moment between them, they write lightly.

It's a complete crush on them.

For a moment, I was a little flustered.

Elder martial brother Zhao will never regret giving him another chance.

Elder martial brother Zhao resisted his fear and threatened Su Xun calmly: "boy, this is our territory of lingyangzong. I advise you not to mess around, otherwise..."


He's not finished yet.

A coffee cup wrapped in mana flew by and hit him on the head.

The elder martial brother and Zhao were stunned to death.

It's hard to die.

He may be the only immortal who has been killed by a coffee cup since ancient times.

"Zhao Elder martial brother Zhao

The remaining six lingyangzong disciples were all stunned. They looked at the corpses on the ground for a while, and then they looked at Su Xun. They were at a loss.

"A bunch of silly beeps."

Su Xun boasted, got up, took the sword, stepped into the crowd, killed, took the sword and left.

The whole action is like chopping melons and vegetables, flowing water, no more than three seconds.

After walking out of the cafe, Su Xun left the words on the floor in front of the Cafe:

Xiao Yun, a disciple of the murderer's Changsheng sect!

"Here, I'll pay for the damage."

He threw a piece of gold into the pale Storekeeper's arms, then stepped up and left as streamer.

It's exciting to run after loading.

As for the consequences of pretending to be forced, it was naturally left to changshengzong to deal with.

Who makes himself an excellent disciple of changshengzong?

Next, just sit and watch the dog bite the dog.

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