Bloodbath lingyangzong Taiyang City Branch shanmenhou.

Don't talk about people. Even susian, a living spirit beast, didn't let go.

As for the slaves forbidden by lingyangzong, Su Xun didn't release them because they could run.

Then he picked up the bodies of more than a dozen lingyangzong disciples, stuffed them into the system space and flew back to Songshan city.

"Elder martial brother Xiao, what about elder two?"

Just after returning to the mountain gate, the left behind disciple asked.

"I'll see you to him now."

At the corner of his mouth, Su Xun put on a cruel and bloodthirsty smile and killed the ten left behind disciples.

Then Yi Rong killed Chen Chao, the traitors of Er Gouzi, and created a chance for the slaves who were forbidden by Changsheng clan to escape.

Then he put the bodies of those lingyangzong disciples who he brought back from lingyangzong in changshengzong according to certain needs.

Then he smeared some blood on his body unevenly.

After that, he got up and flew to the black hole in the sky. He wanted to go to the vast sea.

After all, Xiao Yun's identity can still be used for the time being, and it can play a great role.

Through the passage connecting the two realms, Su Xun was suddenly enlightened. Below was a world completely different from Gaia.

According to Xiao Yun's memory, Su Xun flew to changshengzong.

The vast sea was much bigger than Gaiya. It took him a long time to reach changshengzong.

"Who's coming?"

Roared the patrolling disciple at the gate.

"Come on! Open the Mountain Gate quickly, I'm going to see the Lord! "

Su Xun dropped to the ground and said anxiously.

When the patrolling disciples saw his appearance, they did not dare to delay. After checking the jade plate in a hurry, they quickly opened the mountain gate to let him in.

Su Xun, who was covered with blood, met the leader of Changsheng sect and the other three elders.

The elder, like the patriarch, is in the middle of Jinxian period. The third elder is always in the early stage of Jinxian period, and the fourth elder is always in Tianxian period.

"I've met the patriarch and the elders, but the disciple is Xiao Yun, the third elder

As Xiao Yun spoke, he took out the spiritual treasure that Li Qingshan had given him.

The elder waved, Lingbao fell into his hand, nodded and said, "it's the third younger martial brother's thing."

In this way, Xiao Yun's identity was confirmed.

"Xiao Yun, how did you make it like this? What happened to the Songshan branch of Gaiya star? "

Lord Xie Wuyan asked in a deep voice.


Su Xun burst into tears and yelled in a tearful voice: "please take revenge for my master, and take revenge for hundreds of brothers in the Mountain Gate of Gaiya Star Division!"

Hearing this, everyone's face changed greatly, and Xie Wuyan got up in an instant: "I'll ask you what happened! How's elder three? "

"Master Master and lingyangzong's Zhao Ding are dead together. Changshengzong's branch and lingyangzong's branch are dead. Please avenge our master and our master

Su Xun burst into tears. His eyes were red and his voice was hoarse. He was sad when he heard, but he was in tears when he saw.

"What? How could that be

"What happened! Why are you alone? "

"Shut up! Stop crying! Make it clear right away

Xie Wuyan and the three elders repeatedly scolded and asked questions. Su xuncai pretended to be calm at last and said the matter again.

Of course, he made it up himself. ◕‿◕

"it's all because of the disciples. The disciples are sinners, sinners! Master, you have killed me. "

"A few days ago, I went to Songshan City, lingyangzong's territory, to meet an old friend. I didn't want to be recognized by lingyangzong's disciples, so a conflict broke out. On impulse, the disciples chopped eight people, including Zhao Qiu, the grandson of Zhao Ding, the third elder of lingyangzong."

"Lingyangzong retaliated afterwards. Today, he slaughtered nearly 100 disciples of our changshengzong sect in one day. The master was furious and led us to find Zhao Ding."

"I didn't expect that Zhao Ding had been ready for a long time. He was leading us on purpose. Everything was his calculation. The master fought to death and asked me to report back to haohaijie headquarters as soon as possible."

"But it's because of me. Naturally, I don't want to leave. I want to go back to the gate of Songshan branch and find a left behind disciple to report back to Haohai world. Then I return to Taiyang and kill the enemy side by side with my master."

"I didn't expect that lingyangzong had already arranged for people to attack the Mountain Gate of Songshan branch. When I went back, the left behind disciples and spirit beasts were all dead. I killed the lingyangzong disciples who hadn't had time to leave."

"I was so angry that I just wanted to go back to Taiyang and kill lingyangzong. But when I got back, I found that it was over. It was all over."

"The master and Zhao Ding died together, and all the other brothers died. The disciples had to kill those lingyangzong disciples who were still alive, and then they came back to report."After that, Su Xun cried with remorse and guilt again.

"I killed the master. If I don't kill Zhao Ding's grandson, there will be nothing behind. Wuwuwuwu, it's all my fault..."

Oscar winners are all brothers in front of data - they should be renamed Oscar brothers.

"Good! Good! What a lingyangzong

Xie Wuyan is angry and anxious. He even says three good words. He holds the armrest of the seat more and more strongly, and smashes it abruptly.

The elder looked at Su Xun: "it has nothing to do with you. There's no need to feel guilty. Our changshengzong and lingyangzong are dead enemies. You killed them right!"

"Ask the elder to avenge the master!" Su Xun sobbed and looked at the elder.

The elder's eyes flashed a cold light: "don't worry, I will take revenge for your master. He is not only your master, but also my younger martial brother!"

"Elder martial brother, give an order. Now kill lingyangzong and fight him to death. Blood will pay for blood!"

"Yes, they certainly haven't got the news yet. We can take it by surprise!"

The three elders and the four elders also asked for a fight one after another. Because Li Qingshan and Zhao Ding died, this matter had already made a big difference.

Even if they don't do it, Ling Yangzong will do it when he gets the news.

In this case, it's better to seize this opportunity and take advantage of the fact that the other party hasn't got the wind and kill him unprepared.

Xie Wuyan calmed down: "good! The enemy must be avenged. In this case, send an order to all the disciples who are outside to return to the sect as soon as possible! "

"This battle must be quick, otherwise it will be another fierce battle when Ling Yangzong reacts."

This is really a good opportunity for revenge, because they already know the news, and lingyangzong's people died, no one reported, that means they still know nothing.

If we miss this opportunity, we will not have it in the future.

A joke flashed in Su Xun's eyes. Ling Yangzong didn't know it now, but they would soon know it.

Because I'll tell them.

In this way, when both sides are prepared, the fight will be fierce and more people will die.

To be fair, Su Xun is a fair man.

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