Lingyangzong main hall.

Master mu Shuangxiong was holding the jade slips that Su Xun had thrown in.

The elders of each church sat at the bottom.

The atmosphere of the whole hall was very depressed, as if it was the prelude to the coming storm.

"Changshengzong! Too much deception Mu Shuangxiong set the tone and directly crushed the jade slips in his hand.

In the jade slips, Su Xun described in detail that Li Qingshan took the initiative to attack Zhao Ding, then died with Zhao Ding, and the Shanmen branch of Taiyang city of lingyangzong perished.

If it is just like this, mu Shuangxiong will not believe it so easily.

However, the jade slips also said that the three elders of the Eternal Clan led people to set up an ambush outside the two boundary passageways, and all the disciples of lingyangzong who wanted to go to gaiyaxing were intercepted and killed.

But the disciple Ling Yangzong sent to gai Yaxing two days ago to collect the elixir hasn't heard from yet.

All this is worth considering.

Other people in the hall have known the contents of the jade slips for a long time, and they are also angry.

Changshengzong Li Qingshan takes the initiative to attack zhaoding and start a war. Now Xie Wuyan is even ready to attack lingyangzong. How can people bear it?

In addition to anger, they have some fear in their hearts.

Because of this, they will be caught off guard if they don't get a bad result.

"Elder martial brother leader, didn't he want to kill us by surprise? Then we'll give him a stratagem and secretly recall his disciples to prepare for war. "

"That's right. It's them that should be caught off guard."

"No! Who passed on this jade slip? What is his purpose? Is that really true? "

Some people are indignant and want to fight with changshengzong, others are calm and questioned.

"It's not easy to determine the authenticity of jade slips?" One celestial fairyland elder sneered: "isn't it said on the jade slips that the three elders of changshengzong took people to ambush outside the passageway? Why don't you ask the disciples to have a try? "

"If the three elders of changshengzong are really outside the passageway of the two realms, then we can take the opportunity to surround and kill him, cut off one arm of changshengzong, and recall the disciples to prepare for the war actively and wait for work."

"As for who sent this jade slip, does it matter? It doesn't matter, as long as it's good for lingyangzong. "

As soon as this proposal was put forward, people could not help nodding their heads to show their approval.

Mu Shuangxiong said in a cold voice: "the second younger martial brother and I will go to the two world passageway. The third younger martial brother will gather his disciples to prepare for the war. We must keep it strictly secret. This time I will beat changshengzong to pieces!"

"Yes, elder master."


What is Su Xun doing now?

At the foot of lingyangzong mountain is Lingyang city.

Lingyang city belongs to lingyangzong. Most of the people living in the city are the family members of the disciples of lingyangzong.

Most of the industries in the city belong to lingyangzong, and are managed by some disciples who are always stuck in the hopeless period of refining Qi.

After all, this kind of disciples have little hope in practice. If they help the clan take care of their property, they can enjoy the protection of the clan and live a rich life.

This is also the common mode of operation of all major branches in Haohai.

Su Xun was shopping in the city in his casual clothes. He was eating a fresh steamed stuffed bun with monster meat, and he looked relaxed.

This is his first time to eat steamed stuffed bun made of monster meat. It tastes good and the meat is firm and elastic.

Suddenly, he saw a lot of people gathered in front of him. The most prominent people in the crowd were the two inner disciples of lingyangzong.

He walked over and looked at it for a while, then Su Xun realized that Ling Yangzong was recruiting disciples.

Every year, lingyangzong recruits disciples in its own city. Those who want to join lingyangzong will come to lingyangzong at this time to wait for testing. Those who pass the qualification test will then go up the mountain for assessment.

Su Xun took a look and was ready to leave, because it was meaningless.

"Please give me a chance and let me take part in the examination. Please, Shangxian, give me a chance."

Just as he was about to leave, a voice of prayer suddenly came into his ears, and Su Xun stopped and looked back.

I saw a ragged young man kneeling on the ground and pleading to the two lingyangzong disciples.


One of them directly kicked the young man down and angrily scolded him: "how can we get longevity? Go away quickly. You are not qualified enough to take part in the examination. Even if you take part in it, you can't pass it! "

"I'm willing to be a slave and a worker. I just want to be a God and give me a chance. I've been walking from Nanzhao for a whole month to worship lingyangzong."

The young man refused to give up. After being kicked down, he quickly got up and grasped the disciple's robe.

"Nonsense! How can you live in the middle of the mountain! Don't lie to me! Get out of here now

"You're a poor person, and your income is a waste of resources. You won't make a breakthrough in immortality in your life. Do you want to join lingyangzong? If you don't go away again, don't blame me for being rudeThe two lingyangzong disciples didn't believe the young man's words and didn't want to entangle with him any more.

The young man got up from the ground, clenched his fists, clenched his teeth, turned a deaf ear to the laughter around him, and bowed his head out of the crowd.

He won't have the same understanding with these people, because these are just the passers-by in his life, and he will never give up the pursuit of immortality if he has seen the immortal road and great power!

Besides, only by cultivating immortals can we save my sister.

Suddenly, a gentle voice came into my ear.

"Do you want to cultivate immortals? I'll teach you. "

Young people's subconscious rise.

What came into view was a handsome young man with a smile on his face. At this moment, he was warmer than the sunshine in the sky.

This Shuaibi is naturally Su Xun.

He used the skill of that identity - the eye of insight - to this young man.

The discerning eye is naturally discerning of everything.

Name: Lin Hao

race: human

age: 18

qualification: low

temperament: 100

evaluation: tough personality, regardless of temporary honor and disgrace, can afford to put down, like to take risks, believe in revenge and gratitude.

Su Xun could be sure that this Lin Hao was the destiny of the vast world, that is, the protagonist.

It's just the routine of the protagonist to refuse to give up, but refuse to give up.

So Su Xun made a decisive move.

He even thought, does it have something to do with his mangeqi luck that Lin Hao can meet himself?

"Please accept me as an apprentice!"

Lin Hao didn't think much about it. He knelt down on the ground immediately and made a sound.

The protagonist is the protagonist, decisive, neat, will seize the opportunity, if change a person, perhaps also have to ask East ask West.

"Come with me."

Su Xun's voice dropped and he turned to a restaurant not far away.

Lin Hao got up and followed him.

He thought very clearly that he was as poor as a beggar and had nothing to be cheated of.

No matter what the other party's identity is, and no matter what the other party's purpose is, as long as he can get in touch with Xiuxian, Lin Hao is not willing to give up this opportunity.

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