When Su Xun returned to Changsheng, it was already dawn.

"Elder martial brother Xiao!"

"Go to inform elder Liu and elder ma."

Elder Liu and elder Ma are the two fairyland monks left behind.

Looking at Xiao Yun with blood all over his body and a head in his hand, his face is expressionless and his eyes are bloodshot, the disciples on duty at the mountain gate all have a bad premonition.

"Brother Xiao! What about the leaders? "

"All dead." Su Xun replied without expression.

"What? Dead

Several of the disciples were shocked.

Elder Liu, elder Ma, and the rest of the disciples of changshengzong, who got the news, gathered in front of the mountain gate.

"Why did you come back alone? What about the headmaster and them! "

Elder Liu can't wait to ask.


Su Xun threw mu Shuangxiong's head on the ground. His face was expressionless and his voice was hoarse: "dead, all dead. The leader and the elder are all dead."

At this moment, he seems to be lost.

He's just acting.


All the disciples were in an uproar, and a feeling called panic and helplessness began to spread among them.

"You fart!" Elder Liu angrily opened his eyes and yelled with red eyes: "how can they die, headmaster! Why did you come back alone? Why

At the same time, he stepped forward and seized Su Xun's collar with emotion.

Su Xun looked down at the hand in front of the collar, then looked at elder Liu and said, "let go."

"Elder martial brother Liu, it has nothing to do with Xiao Yun. You don't need to anger him." Elder Ma began to persuade.

Elder Liu can't listen to anything now, but his eyes are red and he roars: "tell me why even the leader has fallen, you are still alive!"


Su Xun's cultivation at the top of Jinxian was undisguised, and his domineering and fierce momentum suddenly broke out.

"Ah! Pooh - "

elder Liu let out a scream, a mouthful of blood gushed out, and was shocked out directly.

"This How could that be! Kim Golden fairy

Elder Ma and the other disciples were staring at Su Xun as if they had seen a ghost.

Xiao Yun is clearly the peak of he Daojing, but now he has become the peak of Jinxian, which is a great shock to people.

"Please be polite to me. When you are a senior, I respect you. It doesn't mean I'm afraid of you."

Su Xun looked at Liu Chang and said without expression.

Elder Liu was not satisfied, but he could only force himself to hold back and dare not attack again.

"The head on the ground belongs to Mu Shuangxiong, the leader of lingyangzong. I killed him."

Su Xun kicked mu Shuangxiong in the head.


The crowd was in an uproar again. From the beginning to the end, they did not expect that the humble head was mu Shuangxiong.

But they still wondered, why did Su Xun break through so fast?

Su Xun closed his eyes. Two tears fell from the corner of his eyes. He said hoarsely, "I went to the two world passageways to find the second elder, but I didn't find him at all. Then I went to lingyangzong alone."

"I didn't expect that I met the elder and the headmaster who were wounded and fled on the way. I knew that lingyangzong had been prepared for a long time. They deliberately showed us everything. There was a traitor in our clan! Shameful traitor

Speaking of the last five words, Su Xun was almost gnashing his teeth, and his fists were blue.

Everyone can feel his anger.

Because people are just as angry.

They have been able to guess that because of the traitor, the whole army of changshengzong was destroyed.

And this traitor, most likely, is the second elder who was supposed to be in the channel of the two worlds, but somehow disappeared.

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Su Xun continued: "the elder and the leader were plotted by mu Shuangxiong. Although they were not worried for a while, they hurt Daoji. They They passed on to me their accomplishments and the secret skills of inheritance and utilization. "

"In addition, I had an adventure. I broke through the peak of Jinxian at one stroke. With the body of the master and the elder, I killed lingyangzong, killed mu Shuangxiong and slaughtered the whole family of lingyangzong, leaving no dogs or chickens."

All the people were silent. From Su Xun's words, they could hear his remorse, grief, anger and unwillingness.

Only in this way can we reasonably explain why he can break through the peak of Jinxian.

At the last moment, the two patriarchs burned themselves to light up Xiao Yun, and they are also lighting up the future of changshengzong.

With at least one Jinxian peak, changshengzong will eventually develop again.

No wonder they believe it so easily.

It's just that there's no loophole in Su Xun's words, and there's no reason for him to lie. Tianjiao, who used to be changshengzong, didn't, and now as a golden immortal, there's no need to lie to them.After all, if Xiao Yun has a problem, he can kill all of them with his cultivation, and then rob the immortal clan and go away.

"Meet the leader."

Elder Ma was the first to bend over to Su Xun.

Su Xun is the only suitable successor of the leader of changshengzong.

"I'll see you later."

Other disciples reflected that they followed suit to pay homage to Su Xun.

Elder Liu also covered his chest and said in a deep voice: "there have been many impoliteness just now. I'd like to ask the leader to know the crime."

"Liu Chang is always in a hurry, I can understand, because I am in the same mood as you." Su Xun said, and her voice changed.

Looking at the crowd, he said: "you, the headmaster and the elder, they have fallen. When they fell, they have made me who I am now. Therefore, I swear to carry forward the changshengzong. I hope you will join me in revitalizing changshengzong!"

Although Su Xun is in high spirits now, everyone can see that he is trying to be calm. He just buried the pain in his heart.

Because at this moment, everyone can be depressed, but only he can't, because he is the new patriarch.

Su Xun: what you see is what I want you to see. In fact, Lao Tzu is a group of people who are happy now. They are excited beyond words (⊥ Omega ⊥).

"Yes, disciple!"

A thousand people responded in unison, and they were very angry.

"All the disciples go back to their posts. Elder Liu and Mr. Ma come to the hall with me."

Su Xun's voice dropped and he flew to the main hall, followed by elder Liu and elder ma.

Next, in the hall, as the new patriarch, Su Xun conveyed his orders to the two elders and set the development policy for Changsheng sect.

First of all, it is natural to recruit a wide range of people, and only talents are the foundation of the rise.

Before, he just wanted to use changshengzong as a tool, just like a night pot, and throw it away after urinating.

But now his mind has changed.

The foundation of changshengzong is still there. We can't waste it.

He wants to make changshengzong his own tool and a sword in his hand.

He let the sword go to whoever it went to.

That is to say, next, he will carry out personal worship in changshengzong, push his personal prestige to the peak, and then carry out independence and layoff.

Let changshengzong become the first in the vast world, and then there will be more options for him to operate.

Although Lin Hao wanted to accept his elder sister, he didn't want to.

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