Taiyi Jinxian's early cultivation.

Faster and more durable.

So it didn't take long to come to changshengzong.

When he first joined changshengzong, everything in it was novel to Lin Hao and Lin Wanrou.

Su Xun called an outside disciple.

"See Lord." The disciple saluted.

Today, Su Hao pointed to his disciple and took him to his residence

"Yes, Lord." The disciple replied.

Su Xun said to Lin Hao, "follow him."

"Please, elder martial brother." Lin Hao bows to his disciples.

Soon, the outside disciple left with Lin Hao.

For Lin Hao, Su Xun didn't have to worry too much.

The protagonist of this creature, give him a platform, he will be able to soar, or let him grow freely, lest it limits him.

Su Xun wanted to see Lin Wanrou: "you live with me for the time being."

"Ah Lin Wanrou exclaimed in surprise. Her pretty face turned red and she wanted to stop talking. She was holding her skirt feet in her small hands.

Su Xun was speechless: "I live on a whole mountain, and I don't need a room for you."

Lin Wanrou then realized that she had made a mistake. She was immediately ashamed: "master I... "

"Come on, let's go." Su Xun took her back to xuanyue peak, where she lived.

On the mountain, there was a hanging moon hall, where Su Xun lived as the leader.

"This courtyard will be yours in the future."

Su Xun takes Lin Wanrou into a courtyard next to him.

The yard is not big. There are only three rooms in it. There are a few plum trees planted in it. They are also blooming this month.

Lin Wanrou fell in love with it at the first sight: "thank you, master."

"Why be polite with master." Susian touched her head.

Lin Wanrou was a little embarrassed. Although she knew it was her own master, she was only a young man in her twenties.

The difference between men and women made her unaccustomed to the intimacy.

"You'll have a rest tonight. I'll teach you to practice in the morning."

Leaving a word behind, Su Xun turned and left.

Instead of going back to his yard, he changed his original appearance and summoned Zhou Qiushui in a low-key way in Houshan.

"The president."

It's very exciting for her to wear a xiangpao. It makes her feel like she's stealing it at night.

Although they are innocent.

The main reason is that there is something in this atmosphere.

"What's up with the dawning people?"

As soon as he left the pass today, Su Xun went to Nanzhao city. He didn't know the recent situation of Dawning meeting in changshengzong.

Zhou Qiushui pursed his red lips and put on a smile: "it's very good. He's integrated into it. Maybe it's because of his accumulated experience. His accomplishments have also improved very fast."

"Well, keep up your efforts. In a few days, you can go to Gaiya star to send back the first batch of resources and bring back the second batch of members by the way."

Su Xun nodded and said that he stood up with his negative hand and looked at the moon in the sky from a distance.

Zhou Qiushui slightly bow: "yes, president."

"We should do a good job in Ideological Education for the members of Dawning society. We should not forget that Gai Yaxing is still trampled by the invaders. We should let them assimilate the disciples of changshengzong instead of slacking off in such a life."

Let his own people spy on my own power, and let his subordinates assimilate his subordinates. Su Xun felt that there was no more coquettish operation than himself.

"Yes, the president can rest assured that the autumn water will not disappoint him." Zhou Qiushui said in a deep voice.

Su Xun waved to indicate that she could go down.

Zhou Qiushui turned and left.


One day, the news of Xiao Yun's breakthrough in Taiyi Jinxian has been spread.

Everyone who gets the news knows that changshengzong has become the most marginal second rate sect from a semi disabled third rate sect.

The biggest difference between the second rate middle gate and the third rate middle gate is that there is a Taiyi Jinxian.

Although changshengzong had some problems, and the patriarch was only in the early stage of Taiyi, it was also Taiyi.

After all, the whole vast sea world, plus the demon clan, the Taiyi golden immortal on the surface is only a dozen.

Oh, now there is another Xiao Yun.

Therefore, the name of the immortal clan, Xiao Yun's name, has begun to ring throughout the vast world.

In his twenties, Taiyi's future is definitely more than that of Daluo Jinxian.

For example, haotianzong.

I have already noticed Xiao Yun.

Haotian sect, Lihen sect, bingque clan and immortal demon sect are the four first-class forces in the world of Haohai.

The ancestor of Haotian was in the middle of the great Luojing period.

At this time, he was holding the information about Xiao Yun in his hand. After reading it, he sighed."It's so awesome. I'm old."

"Shishuzu, you have a long life for Daluo. How can you say that you are old?" Zhou Yuanhong, the contemporary leader of haotianzong, said.

Haotian Laozu shook his head, did not explain, but said: "Xiao Yun breakthrough Taiyi, changshengzong will certainly Daqing, you send a gift."

"Yes, shishuzu, even if you don't say it, I will send it." Zhou Yuanhong smiles.

"But if I don't say it, the gift you give will be much lighter."

"Uncle Shi has a brilliant plan." Zhou Yuanhong arched his hand.

Haotian grandfather suddenly said: "your daughter Suqing, it's impossible not to get married in her life."

"Shishuzu means..." Zhou Yuanhong understood, but he hesitated.

The ancestor of Haotian snorted coldly: "if you are not willing to be such an arrogant person, some people are willing to, not to mention lihatzong and immortal demons. I'm afraid the ice sparrow people are willing to marry a royal daughter to Xiao Yun."

Taiyi in her twenties, the bright future is visible to the naked eye.

His achievements will surely surpass those of the top generation of our time.

"Yes, I understand." Zhou Yuanhong dispelled the doubts in his heart.

It's true that it's not a matter of his unwillingness.

It's just that he doesn't want to. If a large group of people want to, whether he can seize the opportunity is still a matter of two.

Zhou Yuanhong proposed to leave and went back to his residence to summon his daughter Zhou Suqing.

"Dad, you're looking for me."

Zhou Suqing is now 40 years old, but it doesn't make much sense to talk to the immortals.

At the age of 40, Zhou Suqing's appearance has been in his twenties. He is tall, dignified and beautiful.

It's not a very good age to break through the immortals in the group of genius. It can only be said that it's the upper middle position.

Zhou Yuanhong put down his ancient books and said casually, "do you know the news that Xiao Yun, the leader of Changsheng, broke through Taiyi?"

"My daughter knows." Zhou Suqing's mood is a bit complicated, because her talent is simply rubbed on the ground compared with Xiao Yun's.

Zhou Yuanhong nodded and said carelessly: "changshengzong will definitely hold Daqing. At that time, you will send a gift on behalf of haotianzong."

He is going to let his daughter and Xiao Yun meet first to see how their senses are.

"Yes, daughter, yes."

Zhou Suqing had no doubt about him, and he didn't know his father had other plans.

"Come on, you go down and have a rest."

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