Installed a wave of force, fiercely stimulated the little heart of the guests, and Su Xun felt comfortable.

A bunch of stupid, ignorant aliens.

I'm afraid you can't dream of it.

Now standing in front of you, Ben Shuai is arrogant for the first time in the world. You are an undercover.

Su Xun is ready to move. He really wants to expose his identity and scare these people.

But when he thought that the exposure would attract big men to hunt him down, Su Xun held his heart for a while.

After all, he can tell which is important between Shuang for a while and Shuang for a lifetime.

"Who is the girl beside you, master Xiao?"

The fourth Princess of the ice sparrow clan looked at Lin Wanrou, who was beside Su Xun. She felt a little familiar and had a good feeling in her heart.

This is the blood of the demon clan. There is an induction between the same clan.

"This is my new disciple." Su Xun touched Lin Wanrou's head: "Wanrou, say hello."

That's your sister.

"Wanrou has met the fourth princess." Lin Wanrou said that she had a good feeling for her beautiful sister.

With a smile in her cold eyes, the fourth princess took out a green flying sword from the storage ring: "you are quite suitable for my eyes. I will give you the green frost sword I used in my early years."

As the voice fell, the flying sword came out and flew slowly to Lin Wanrou.

"Master." Lin Wanrou looks at Su Xun.

Su Xun nodded.

Lin Wan, with a soft eyebrow and a smile, caught the flying sword and said to the fourth princess, "thank you for the sword."

Lin Wanrou only felt happy, but this curtain fell in other people's eyes, but it shocked the eyes.

We all know that the fourth Princess of the ice sparrow clan is famous for her coldness and inhumanity.

But now, she was so kind to a little girl she met for the first time.

People began to think divergently again.

In their opinion, Lin Wanrou certainly did not deserve to be impressed by the fourth princess.

But Xiao Yun has!

The fourth princess is used to coldness and arrogance, so it must be a circuitous way to show her love to Xiao Yun.

Hiss -

on this thought, everyone took another breath. From the attitude of the fourth princess, we can see Xiao Yun's value and status in the eyes of the ice sparrow family.

Everyone's crazy.

Su Xun took Lin Wanrou to the master's seat, took his glass and looked at the crowd:

"you are all guests from afar. Today, I'll eat and drink well in changshengzong. Changshengzong is poor, so I can only take out these common things to entertain you. I hope you don't mind."

"Here's the first one, to you all."

People smell speech heart is ten thousand Grass Mud Horse gallop and pass, mercilessly trample on their fragile heart.

Ten thousand year spirit wine, one thousand year spirit medicine, dragon meat, is horse riding the so-called vulgarity?

So what's good?

Many religious sects were deeply hit and felt as if they were climbing out of the beggars' nest.

All the people in a complex mood together to drink.

Zhou Suqing put down his wine glass, stood up and looked at Su Xun, and said in an ethereal voice: "master Xiao, my father specially sent a little girl to send a calligraphy and painting to congratulate master Xiao for breaking through Taiyi."

Voice down, took out a picture scroll, scroll in the air, hundreds of wearing various colors of gossamer, graceful beauty barefoot, came out, dancing in the air.

All of us are infatuated with it.

"Thousand beauties and hundred beauties!"

Someone who knows the goods exclaimed!

"A thousand beauties and a hundred beauties. All the beauties in the picture have the lowest strength of harmony, and ten immortals are proficient in 49 kinds of ancient magic array! It's said that the magic array composed of this ten beautiful pictures can trap friar Jinxian! "


The whole audience was in an uproar. Is it so low-key now? It's called a pair of calligraphy and painting. It's a magic weapon to trap Jinxian!

Looking at the crowd, Zhou Suqing's mouth rose and his face showed a touch of complacency.

They are rich and powerful.

"Pa! Pop! Bang

There was a burst of applause, and the immortal devil's Saint Jiao said with a smile: "although this hundred beautiful pictures are good, they are not living people after all. Without so much fun, what if they can trap Jinxian? Little girl, the future is not just golden fairy. "

At the same time, she pointed her toes and fell beside Su Xun. She sat down and said, "in this way, master Xiao thinks that baimeitu can match me? The big gift from my master is just a little girl. Can it be a good match for the patriarch? "

The smile on his face became more and more charming, and a pair of white long legs cocked up. In public, he put them in Su Xun's arms, and his eyes were like silk.


The whole scene was exploded in an instant, and everyone was stunned and unbelievable.

People have long been used to the habit of Xu Qingli, the saint of the demon sect.They were shocked that the immortal demons wanted to marry Xu Qinghao to Xiao Yun!

If Xiao Yun marries Xu Qinghao, the immortal demon sect will have a big help in the future.

With a wave of his hand, Su Xun swept Xu light's legs down. With another wave, Xu light's tall body flew out of control.

Light said: "Xu shengnv Tianxiang Guose, Xiao did not dare to climb the high branch, this matter must not mention."

These big gates are the existence that he will limit or even destroy in the future. How can he marry the immortal saint of the demon gate?

After all, he was not thinking in the lower half.

"You..." Xu Qinghao was a little stunned and annoyed. He didn't expect to recommend himself as a pillow, but he refused.

The light cloud is light and light, this is the evil spirit power to all say not a few others.

After all, despite the prejudice against demons, Xu's appearance is beyond doubt.

Zhou Suqing sneered: "Fox son, I don't know the shame, it's disgraceful."

"Zhou Suqing, you old girl, my aunt tore your mouth!"

A belly of fire Xu light directly launched an attack on Zhou Suqing.

"I'll teach you how to be a man."

Zhou Suqing set foot in the air, and the air was filled with the smell of fire medicine.


Suddenly, a force burst in front of them, and they were shocked back to their original position.

Su Xun said in a calm voice: "all the visitors are guests. Don't do it here."

"I'm sorry, master Xiao. Su Qing has lost his temper for a while." Zhou Suqing apologized cleanly.

Xu Qinghao snorted coldly: "Xiao Yun, you are not rejecting me, you are rejecting our eternal life gate."

"Yes, master Xiao, my master is sincere. I hope you can think about your relationship with my younger martial sister." The son of eternal life also stood up.

They are still lack of awe for Xiao Yun, otherwise they would never dare to talk like this.

Liao Siqiu, the son of Li hen Zong, sneered: "I've heard of strong marriage, but it's the first time I've seen strong marriage."

"Maybe I'm afraid I won't get married." From hate patriarchal Saint Mo Ziyuan not salty said a word.

The fourth Princess of the ice sparrow family said nothing, but the disdain in her eyes was obvious.

It's an eternal target.

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