Su Xun and Lin Hao left the same day.

Only two people went there and didn't tell anyone else.

When you come to the boundless sea, the boundless sea level connects the sky and the earth, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

When they arrived at the approximate position, Lin Hao and Su Xun dived into the sea and walked on the ground.

The momentum of Da Luo Jing was released, and the sea demon, who was still approaching here, walked away in an instant.

Originally, I was going to have an extra meal, but when I felt the momentum, it was easy to turn into a meal.

Lin Hao pinched a magic formula, and then a flying sword cut through the sea and flew to him.

"Master, this way."

Looking at the direction of the flying sword, Lin Hao left a flying sword. He was afraid that he would forget his position next time.

If you recall the flying sword in this way, you can determine the position. Just keep going.

A moment later, they came to the ruins.

It's a volcano that surges on the bottom of the ocean.

That's right. It's surging. The fire and the sea are actually integrated.

There is a stone gate on the volcanic body, and the whole volcano is closed by a strong prohibition.

Ten steps or so outside the stone gate, there stands a dark stone tablet with the words Lin Hao copied down.

"Master, this is it." Lin Hao said.

Su Xun nodded, didn't speak, stepped up, and a drop of blood dropped from his fingertips.

This drop of blood is suffused with a faint purple golden light. As it falls on the stone gate, the forbidden system bursts into a strong light, and then begins to dissipate.

Lin Hao was surprised to see this scene.

Unexpectedly, Su Xun's blood could be banned.

Is master Su the descendant of one of the two saints?

In this way, it can also explain why he has such a good talent.

After all, as the descendants of saints, they have strong blood. There must be something different from ordinary people.


With the disappearance of the prohibition, the atmosphere that had been sealed by the prohibition suddenly rose to the sky.

Directly tore the sea, straight into the sky.

Both Su Xun and Lin Hao turned pale.

It's just that the momentum leaked out of the tomb is so terrible.

It can be imagined how powerful Fengdu emperor was when he was alive.

"Master, if there is too much noise, I'm afraid it will attract others. Let's go first." Lin Hao said anxiously.

The truth is just as he said.

The movement was too big. At that moment, most of the vast world sensed it.

In an instant, the emperor of haozun's family is separated from the family of Yongzong.

When they appeared, they were already on the surface of the sea.

"It's a great momentum. There must be a great treasure. You Taoist friends will see the fate."

Haotian Laozu looked at the three people and said.

The three nodded.

Then follow the breath of the remaining deep into the sea, came to the ruins.

Looking at the open stone gate, the four people's faces changed, and then entered one after another.

Because the stone gate is wide open, it means that someone has entered. If you don't grasp it, you can't even catch up with the hot one.

Although the metaphor is a bit crude, the truth is the truth.

At this time, the tomb.

The tomb is not big. For the Fengdu emperor, when he is dying, he doesn't pay attention to emptiness.

Enter from the gate, is a long graveway, the end of the graveway, is the tomb.

There was a man sitting there.

One was dressed in black and gold, with the crown of the emperor on his head. His eyes were open, and his appearance was plain, but it revealed an arrogant momentum.

Even though he had passed away, Su Xun and Lin Hao felt overwhelmed.

That pair of eyes opened without a trace of expression, but it seems to be able to see through the stars.

Su Xun even had a feeling that the other party knew he would come.

"Is this the saint?" Lin Hao muttered to himself.

Su Xun's eyes fell on several light groups floating in front of Fengdu emperor.

There is a purple sword with a big crack and a black jade seal.

This is the inheritance left by Fengdu emperor.

But Su Xun had some doubts. What about the inheritance of the great emperor of the demon clan?

Could it be that Fengdu emperor thought that the things of TIANYAO emperor were not worthy to be buried with him, so he directly lost them?

Forget it, if you want to know how to be content, you will be envious of others if you can get the inheritance of Fengdu emperor.

Sue walked slowly.

"The treasure is mine!"

At this time, a roar came from behind, and the four figures almost passed Su Xun at the same time and swept to the guangtuan in front of Fengdu emperor.Four of them are fighting for a group of light, which can just be divided up.


However, in the next second, the hands of the four just touched the light ball, and then they flew out at the same time.

"Ah! Pooh - "

the four great Luo Jinxian smashed into the wall of the tomb, and a mouthful of blood gushed out.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that this treasure has nothing to do with you." Su said, "we are awesome."

It is stated that it is reserved for the descendants of Kyushu. Of course, only the descendants of Kyushu can get it.

In the eyes of the world, Su Xun knelt on the ground and worshipped Fengdu emperor.

"Su Xun, the descendant of Kyushu, is here to see the emperor."

"I would like to thank the great emperor for his kindness of inheriting and respect the great emperor for his power of fighting against the enemy, so that the younger generation can inherit and will not fall into the name of the great emperor."

He banged his head for three times, then got up and took out the things in the four light groups one by one in the eyes of the four murderers.

Not to mention the gift of inheritance.

The Fengdu emperor died fighting with the enemy in order to protect Kyushu, which is worthy of Su Xun's admiration.

If it wasn't for them, the earth would be occupied by the demons. I don't know if Susun would be born.

Da Yin is the imperial seal of Fengdu emperor, representing his identity as the Lord of the underworld.

The long sword, named yintianzi sword, is a magic weapon of Fengdu emperor.

Su Xun threw the jade slips into the system space before he could see them.

Although the last black jade pendant was a magic weapon for storing things, the prohibition on it had been cut off by the Fengdu Emperor himself. Su checked it with his divine sense.

There are only two things in the jade pendant space.

It's a big red bow burning with flame. Two Golden Boys "sky demons" are engraved on the bow.

In addition, there is a red gold inner pill with a brilliant evil spirit, which is supposed to be the inner pill of the great emperor of the demon family.

This is what the Fengdu emperor got after he killed the TIANYAO emperor.

"Su Xun, you can't be insatiable. There are two treasures left, but the other two must be taken out!"

A low voice called his thoughts back to reality, talking about the ice sparrow.

The other three were also staring at Su Xun, obviously with the same idea.

Su Xun looked at them and laughed: "why? How old are you? Or is it your waste? "

His face was undisguised banter and ridicule.

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