Half an hour later, the car drove into a villa area.

Each villa here covers a large area with its own pool garden and backyard garage.

Zhao Ziling's face was a little unnatural.

Before she saw her villa in the nature district, she knew her home.

She hasn't been back for many years.

Finally, the car drove into villa 7.

"Miss Zhao, please get out of the car."

A man in Black opened the door.

Zhao Ziling, the owner of this villa, doesn't know.

Because when she lived here, the villa was still vacant.

Taking a deep breath, Zhao Ziling hugs Su Xun and follows the man in black into the villa.

When Su Xun was there, she was not afraid of anything.

Into the villa came to the living room, saw a young man sitting on the sofa.

A 30-year-old young man, dressed in a meticulous black suit, has a well-balanced figure, a cold face and an air of self-confidence.

Behind him, four big men in suits stood up and fought, their waists bulging, apparently with guns.

"Sit down."

The young man looked at Zhao Ziling, then stretched out a hand and spat out a word.

Zhao Ziling sat opposite him.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Shen Xun. I'm Shen Ci's cousin." The young man's voice was calm.

But Zhao Ziling raised her heart to her throat.

She has heard that Shen CI has a very rich brother in the company. Otherwise, she can't be a small supervisor and drive a car of $12 million.

However, she did not expect that Shen Ci's brother was not only a matter of money, but also a matter of money.

"No wonder you are light and beautiful," he said

"But I don't want to." Zhao Ziling blurted out that she hated the way the other side stood up.

Just like her father, as if always doing everything is right, always above.

Shen Xun laughed: "it doesn't matter whether you want to or not. His death has nothing to do with you, but it also has something to do with you. If he doesn't send you home, he won't die."

"Before he died, I talked to him on the phone. His wish was to poison you, sleep you, and poison the cat in your arms."

Hearing this, Zhao Ziling was so angry that she suddenly felt that Shen Ci was worthy of death.

Shen Xun sighed: "as his brother, I can help him to fulfill his last wish, so I will give you spring, medicine, and then bury you with him, by the way, let someone poison the cat in your arms."

His tone is very cool, but what he says is chilling. No one doubts that he is joking. He can do what he says.


Suddenly, the tea cup on the table floated out of thin air and hit Shen Xun on the head, falling apart.

The four bodyguards behind him all pulled out their guns in an instant, but they couldn't find the reason at all.

Shen Xun is also a face muddled force, covering his bleeding forehead, still in the state of sleepwalking.

Teacup, can you fly???

"Look straight at me, son of a bitch!"

There was a low, hoarse voice in the living room.

Everyone was staring at the cat in Zhao Ziling's arms.

Including Zhao Ziling.

Su Xun squeezed out of Zhao Ziling's granary, jumped on the table and looked at Shen Xun coldly: "stupid mortal, do you want to poison me?"

His voice is very hoarse, that is because the horizontal bone will be completely refined, now he is forced to speak.

As for the teacup that just flew up, it was naturally controlled by him with mana.

Although he doesn't know magic, he is always experienced in the flexible use of magic power.

"Cat Cats can talk Monster! Monster

Shen Xun was scared to be silly directly, panic of roar a way: "shoot, kill him, kill him!"

Now he began to believe what Shen CI said last night. This cat is really evil.

After hearing the order, the four white faced bodyguards subconsciously wanted to raise their hands and shoot.

The next second, however, a dark shadow flashed by.

The guns in their hands directly disappeared and were directly scratched into rags by Su Xun's claws.

The demon's claw is a natural weapon. Its strength is as strong as mud.

"You will pay for it."

Su Xun's voice fell down, and his paw was lifted, and he controlled the fruit knife in the fruit plate and flew up.

"Puff -"

with the sound of four blades entering the body, the four bodyguards were cut off their index fingers.

As a man who lives on guns, he will never be able to shoot in his life.

Shen Xun was so scared that he knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to Su Xun: "Da Xian, please forgive me. Those who don't know are innocent. Please give me a chance to reform."Monsters, mad, there are monsters in the world, and they are still so powerful.

Four bodyguards also knelt down, now just lost a finger, better than lost life.

Su Xun squatted arrogantly on the table, and the five people below kept kowtowing and begging for mercy.

The situation changed in an instant.

Zhao Ziling looked at this scene, inexplicably surging and excited, looking at Su Xun's eyes full of worship and love.

"I am merciful, so I will not kill you today. I will also give you an opportunity to serve you. You can get wealth and health if you work for me."

Alas, after all, it's still a way to make money fast, or enslave these stupid mortals.

Hearing this, Shen Xun's fear was swept away, and he was full of joy. He looked at Su Xun blazing: "I'm willing to work for the great immortal, and the little one is willing to be a running dog of the great immortal's gate, waiting for the assignment."

It's a demon. It can do all kinds of magic. It's a demon that can live for thousands of years.

Work for him, reveal something from his fingernails, maybe you can make yourself have a good body of Vajra, and easily live for hundreds of years.

As for status and money, he can get them all, but none of them is more attractive than the endless life span.

After all, only if you live long enough can you have more time to enjoy what you create and spend what you earn.

As for his younger brother Shen Ci, he died in a car accident. What does it have to do with Da Xian and Miss Zhao? You can't wrongly blame others.

Look, all of a sudden, it becomes reasonable in an instant.

"Call me king later." Su Xun's voice fell, and he jumped back to Zhao Ziling's arms, his head comfortably lying on the baby's granary.

Shen Xun nodded and bowed: "yes, your majesty, do you have any orders now?"

"For one thing, I spent a lot of money to ask people to go to the wild cliffs in the mountains to look for a panacea for me. All those special plants or fruits that look unusual will be brought back for me to choose by myself."

"I'm going to use the elixir for alchemy. If you can do things well, you'll be rewarded with one."

Demon clan can't alchemy, so they all eat raw, and can't give better play to the medicine.

But Su Xun knew how to alchemy. Now with Shen Xun, there are conditions for alchemy.

Leave these things to them, and you can enjoy your life.

Take videos to fool those idiots on the Internet, tease Zhao Ziling, teach sophomores a lesson, and bask in the sun. Isn't he fragrant in such a day?

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