
As Su Xun spoke, their bodies were stiff again, and their faces were frozen.

I feel that the temperature around seems to have dropped a few minutes.

"Big brother I Did I have an auditory hallucination? " The short man stammered, shaking his hands with the dried fish.

The tall man turned pale: "OK As if I heard it, he called us silly beeps

The next second, they look at each other.

A shrill scream broke the peace in the neighborhood.

"Ah!!! Monster

The cat can talk. It's not a monster. What is it?

No wonder the cat is so clever. The horse is a monster!

"Grandfather cat, please forgive me. We don't have two or two pieces of meat on us. It's not enough for you to stuff your teeth."

"Yes, please let us go. I haven't bathed for a month. The meat stinks."

The two knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing for mercy.

Su Xun grinned: "didn't you take a bath in a month? That's just right. It's all pickled. "

Hearing this, they were scared to pee. God, this cat really wants to eat people.

At the same time, the doors of every house in the building were opened, and a group of people rushed out in their pajamas or coats.

They were awakened by the screams of two thieves.

"Help! Help! Monsters want to eat people, monsters want to eat people

Seeing these people, the two thieves almost cried with joy as if they had seen the Savior.

When they heard this, they were all stunned and subconsciously looked at Su Xun.

"Meow ~"

Su Xun let out an innocent cat cry, and then several jumps disappeared in the corridor.

People this just returned to God, eyes fell on the two thieves.

"The furtive one is still carrying tricks and tools. He must have come to steal things. Beat him and call the police after the fight!"

"That is, thanks to the cat's discovery, otherwise I don't know how many families will suffer this evening."

"Grass Mud Horse, my house was stolen two days ago. They must have done it. Beat them!"

Filled with indignation, a group of people rushed up and punched and kicked the two thieves.

They curled up and were beaten. They wanted to cry without tears. They came to work in this community for the first time. What was stolen before really had nothing to do with them.

I don't know which colleague did them harm.

Soon the police came.

When they were taken away by the police, they kept muttering to themselves that Mr. cat was a monster and the monster wanted to eat people.

"Comrade police, that cat is really a monster. I suspect that it is hiding among us, just to rule us."

"Police comrades, I have no mental illness or mental disorder. What I said is the truth. I suggest checking all the cats in the country."

Then two people who told the truth were treated as mentally ill and sent to a mental hospital where they were locked up.

And Su Xun was on fire again.

According to the "facts" made up by the neighbors, it was Su Xun who found the thief, then scared them out and attracted people.

"Mr. cat, I doubt that these two men are going for Mr. cat."

"I really organized a team to steal the cat. The cat was not stolen, and it was scared into mental illness. That's why stealing the chicken is not the way to eat the rice."

"I laugh to death, but also said that the cat master is a monster, the cat master wants to rule the human race, those two guys have brain problems?"

"The cat is so beautiful. I love it."

"Why didn't you wake me up last night?" Zhao Ziling looks at Su Xun with a little blame.

Although she knew that the other party could not be stolen, she was shocked when she learned about it.

Su Xun said, "you sleep so soundly. I can't bear to wake you up."

Last night, he had finished refining the transverse bone and could speak normally.

"Hum, master, you are a cat. Why do you tease girls?" Zhao Ziling touched Su Xun's ear and a smile appeared on her face.

Su Xun said, "because I've been preparing to become a human being."

"Hee hee, yes, you can't do bad things to me before you become a human being." Zhao Ziling took a look under Su Xun's stomach.

Su Xun clamped his legs subconsciously.

Zhao Ziling laughed more happily: "you are shy."

"No, it's just a subconscious reaction." Su Xun would never admit it.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

Zhao Ziling was just about to speak when her cell phone rang.

Take it out and see that it was a colleague who played well at work before her.

"Hello, yunyun." Zhao Ziling gets through.

"Ziling, you don't tell me when you leave. You don't treat me as a friend. Do you have time? Come out and have dinner with me. It's my treat."Zhao Ziling quickly said: "don't, or I invite you, you say place, I come now."

"No.5 private room of Zijin garden restaurant."

"OK, wait for me." Zhao Ziling hung up and said to Su Xun, "I'll take you to dinner."

"Woof, woof..."

Xiao Er called twice, and he also wanted to go.

"Darling, you are too old to bring into the restaurant. I will bring you something delicious." Zhao Ziling touched his dog's head and went to make up.


More than 20 minutes later, Zhao Ziling took Su Xun to Zijin garden restaurant by taxi.

Under the guidance of the waiter, he went to the No. 5 private room and pushed the door open.

She found that in addition to yunyun, there was an ordinary looking boy she didn't know.

"Ziling, come and sit down." Yunyun quickly got up to greet each other with a warm smile on her face.

Her eyes fell on the cat in Zhao Ziling's arms and widened: "Ziling This, this is the cat who is very popular on the Internet recently

"He called it master." Zhao Ziling said.

Yunyun eyes some jealousy and greed, joked: "no wonder you suddenly quit, the original is to do video when the network red to, not lack of money."

"No way." Zhao Ziling was a little embarrassed and lifted her hair.

Yunyun pointed to the boy and said, "this is my boyfriend, Sun Jian."

"Hello." Sun Jian said hello to Zhao Ziling: "yunyun always says that you are her only friend in the company, so I'll follow her. Do you mind?"

"Of course not. I delayed your date." Zhao Ziling said with a smile.

Su Xun's eyes narrowed slightly, and his intuition told him that these two people were not friends and girlfriends.

After some greetings, the three took their seats.

Sun Jian and yunyun exchanged eyes. Yunyun poured a glass of wine for Zhao Ziling: "let's have a drink first. The first one is to wish Ziling a big net star."

Su Xun's skill of stopping for three seconds when starting changed their wine glasses.

Three seconds later, the three drank at the same time.

"I'll take care of Ziling for the second cup. Thank you for taking care of my family." Sun Jian poured another glass of wine.

Although Zhao Ziling didn't want to drink more, she couldn't refuse the first two cups, so she had to accompany her.

This time, the search launched the time stop skill, which also changed the wine cups of the three people.

In this way, Sun Jian and yunyun drank the two glasses of wine that Zhao Ziling should have drunk.

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