"The seal of this space is gone, and the seal of these ghosts will also be gone!" Zhou Qin said.

The source of these prohibitions is the village head.

Now the source is gone.

The ban in these evil spirits will naturally dissipate.

"No harm, just a bunch of dogs and cats."

To deal with these kids, Su Xun didn't have to use the ability to stop time. He just had to be hard.

First, he put a magic power across the air, cut the rope of several people, and put them down.

"Woof, woof, woof..."

As soon as he landed on the ground, he rushed to bite a ghost's neck and tore it up.

Husky has a temper, too.

Zhou Qin, Chen Tao and Liu Yun also took out their ghost weapons to meet the enemy.

Su Xun's huge body dealt with these kids, and he just went up and down, one by one.

In a short time, all these evil spirits were cleaned up.


Zhao Ziling ran over and hugged Su Xun's leg. Her height was a dwarf in front of Su Xun, and she could only hold his leg.

Liu Yunnan said to himself, "is this the legendary thigh hugging?"

After the shock, the professor and others were filled with confidence and joy for the rest of their life, sitting on the ground gasping.

At this time, the seal of the space has gone, back to the real world, the original house is still there, but there is no ghost.

After all, those houses exist in another space, which is caused by the fusion of the two spaces. They are not illusions, they are real.

Or now it's called complete integration.

Su Xun's body quickly became smaller: "it's OK, now it's completely safe."

"Let's get the hell out of here." The professor said in shock.

"I'm afraid you can't leave." Chen Tao, Zhou Qin and Liu Yun look at them coldly.

If this group of people were not obsessed with money, where would there be so many things behind them?

We must take it back and give it to the organization.

The professor and others remembered that the three people on the opposite side seemed to be people from special departments of the state.

For a moment.

I didn't even want to run away.

"Thank you for saving my life. Don't worry. We won't disclose anything about you." Zhou Qin looked at Su Xun and said.

Su Xun reminded me: "you still owe me a Yin spirit."

"Don't worry, master. I will never break my promise." Zhou Qin didn't hesitate. She didn't dare to go back.

Su Xun raised his paw and waved, and left with Zi Ling and Xiao er.

He is not worried that Zhou Qin will not find himself.

"You want to ride me or not." Su Xun asked Zhao Ziling.

Zhao Ziling was ready to move, and then held back: "forget it, it's not good. I didn't take you as a pet."

"I'll ride you anyway." Su Xun's eyes were a little playful.

Zhao Ziling was pretty and popular. She had that scene in her mind. She felt ashamed and hummed: "I don't want you to ride it."

"You can lie down. I'm very open-minded."

"* *, shut up

Zhao Ziling felt that she had failed to be a human being. She couldn't drive a cat.

Every day a cat will play.

"OK, I'll shut up, but I hope you can learn to shut up as well."

"Ah! I'm going crazy. Don't drive

Zhao Ziling wants to strangle the cat in her arms. She has three words to say.

Before I came to the campers and the river beach, I checked and found that nothing was missing.

It's impossible for anyone to steal things in the wilderness.

Of course, there's no ghost to steal.

"Are you still sleeping here tonight?" Su Xun asked.

Zhao Ziling has got into the tent and photographed the position beside her: "it's not safe to drive at night."

"Yeah, I almost forgot you were a woman driver." Su Xun suddenly realized and went into the tent.

Zhao Ziling raised her eyebrows and held Su Xun's cat's head in her two white jade hands: "you can't discriminate against female drivers. It's a matter of the road."

"As long as there is a car in mind, there is a road everywhere." Su Xun said seriously.

Zhao Ziling rolled her eyes and threw him aside: "sleep."

"All right."

Su Xun got into the quilt.

But he is not satisfied.

So keep drilling.

"Ah! Asshole, master, what are you doing? Get out of here Zhao Ziling exploded in an instant.

Su Xun squeezes the cat's head out of her collar: "it's warm inside. I'm afraid of cold.""Go to hell with you!" Zhao Ziling was so ashamed and angry that she slapped him hard.

But no matter how she tossed, Su Xun refused to come out, and Zhao Ziling had to let him.

Outside the tent.

Listen to the burst of laughter inside the noise, from time to time accompanied by a scream.

Small two slightly melancholy looking at the moon in the sky, figure with three desolate, four helpless, and three lonely.

Single dog, that's what it's like.

Even if you sleep in the tent, open the door and let me sleep in the car_ <~。


In the morning, Su Xun walked out of the tent and stood up and stretched himself.

"Hey, little two, good morning."

Su Xun said hello to Xiao er. He had a good sleep in the mountains last night.

The little two looked at him bitterly, ignored him, and continued to think about the dog with his tail between his legs.

Not long after that, there was a voice in the tent, asking for clothes.

Then Zhao Ziling came out.

He directly mentioned the back neck of Su Xun's fate and brought him to the river to wash his face.

"It's not gentle at all."

Su Xun expressed his resistance, and his four short legs kept kicking in the air.

After breakfast, Zhao Ziling drove back to the city.

After all, it's not far away from the two boundary villages where she almost has a psychological shadow.

I'm not in the mood to continue the camping.

After parking the car, Zhao Ziling holds Su Xun and leads Xiao Er to the building.

"Wow, mom, look, it's Mr. cat."

Meet a little loli, little loli eyes staring at Zhao Ziling, arms of Su Xun refused to go, eyes are written want to hug.

"Really." Little Lori's mother also followed her eyes and looked at Zhao Ziling: "can you take a picture?"

"I want to hug." Little Lori said quickly.

"Of course." Zhao Ziling is not as jealous as a child. She hands the cat to little Lori.

Little Lori took Su Xun carefully and gently stroked her eyes.

Su Xun rolled his eyes. Little Lori is the most annoying. It's still little Lori's mother.

Why do you like less, woman?

Of course, it's because of the delicate body and soft posture!

Su Xun is nothing else, but he likes to keep learning new knowledge (posture) and knowledge (potential).

Unfortunately, little Lori's mother didn't mean to hold him. She just took a picture, and after thanking Zhao Ziling for a while, she left with her daughter.

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