"Do you mean to play with me?"

Su Xun's brush flew to Liuli.

"I'm not playing

Liuli stands on tiptoe and confronts Su Xun.

Su Xun looked at the little girl in front of him.

He is fifteen or sixteen years old. He is one meter five at most. He has a round white face, big watery eyes, and a plain figure. He has nothing to see except a face.

Looking at his cute appearance, Su Xun couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha ha I laugh to death. Is that what you look like after you transform? Little girl, it's suitable to go out with me and call my father in the future. "

Liuli opens his teeth and waves his claws: "close your mouth. I'm hundreds of years old. You're going to call me grandma!"

"Do you believe me? Good daughter Su Xun pinched her face.

Liuli grinned: "let me go, asshole, it hurts."

"You're a Kirin. Does it hurt if you have such a thick skin?" Su Xun said.

Liuli Yidu mouth: "you are thick skinned. You are the thickest skinned, the most shameless Su Xun in the world!"

"Let's go. Dad will take you home. Your moms are waiting for us to have dinner." Susian reached for her little hand.

Liuli opened his hand: "don't touch me!"

It turned out to be such a little girl. Liuli was also very depressed.

When they go back, they'll laugh to death.

It's over. They won't pinch their faces like they did to Su donkey.

In that case, Liuli felt that he was not as good as the shape.

Su Xun sighed that he had two mounts, one Zhengtai and one loli. The growth period of the monster was too long.

For a demon, such as Liuli, she was a cat and a hellcat before she evolved into a Kirin. She was not an adult when she was a few hundred years old.

Looking at the sullen glass, Su Xun gave her a note: "you can cast your magic and become what you look like when you grow up."

He was curious about what the little girl would look like when she grew up.

After all, it can be seen from now on that it is a beauty.

"And then it's convenient for you, isn't it?" Liuli rolled her eyes and hummed: "in order not to be harmed by some animals that are not afraid of being born and cold, and are sown across ethnic groups, the queen would rather bear this tender face."

"If I think about it in the long run, it's just that you have a normal figure, which really makes me not interested in sex."

Su Xun nodded deeply.

When Su Xun came home with Liuli, he didn't speak. Liuli made a tearful appearance, and tears came down.

"Su Xun! You You can't even let go of such a small one! It's really Too much! " An Zizhen angrily rebuked, his face turned white and his hands trembled.

Liao Yu also frowned: "it's too much. You Alas... "

"Pa!" Su Xun slapped Liuli's head: "play the hammer, tell me who you are. In my face, chiguoguo's planting frame is right."

"I'm Liuli. I'm shaped." Liuli covered the back of his head and said angrily.

An Zizhen's expression was stiff, and he looked at Su Xun with some apology and embarrassment.

Su Xun shrugged: "see, you can't express your opinion at will until it turns out that you don't know the truth."

"Well, I'm wrong, all right, do you need to be weird?" An Zizhen rolled his eyes.

Su Xun said with a smile: "how dare you? You have my flesh and blood in your stomach."

An Zizhen secretly swears that he must educate his son well in the future, and he can't be so playful as his father.

Next, Su Xun accompanied an Zizhen on the earth and went to Liu Yun from time to time.

Although Liu Yun threatened her mother to be pregnant with Su Xun's child.

But I don't know why, two people so many times, Liu Yun's stomach also didn't move.

Time is so plain as water.

At the weekend, susian went to lick the dog identity world.

He is pinching the time. Li Qing is going to have a baby.

XiuXiu had a baby. He was working in the world, so he didn't show up.

When the second child was born, as a father, he could not be absent since he had time.

Haibin first people's hospital.

Su Xun and Qin Qing were waiting outside the delivery room, and they could hear the scream clearly.

Li Qing has taken pills that can improve her constitution. She can be so miserable.

It is conceivable that giving birth to a child is no less than losing half a life for a woman.

"Bang -"

suddenly, the door of the factory opened and a doctor came out in a hurry: "who is the family member of the puerpera?"

"I'm her husband." Su Xun and Qin Qing rushed forward.

The doctor said, "your wife has difficulty in giving birth. According to the regulations, we will protect you. I hope you will be psychologically prepared."In modern society, in general, in case of dystocia, the rigid rule is to guarantee the University.

In the TV series, those who still have to ask their families whether they want to keep the big or the small are all stepping on the horse to make some nonsense.

"I'll do it, adults and children."

Su Xun's voice dropped and went directly into the delivery room.

"Well, what are you doing? You can't go in!"

The doctor was stunned for a moment, and then quickly caught up with him.

"What are you doing? Get out now. What's this! What do you give your mother to eat? "

A group of doctors wanted to stop Su Xun, but they couldn't stop him at all. They could only watch Su Xun feed a pill into Li Qing's mouth.

Then he started to put it on Li Qing's belly, and a soft magic power fell into Li Qing's belly.

"Wow ~"

with a cry, the baby gave birth naturally.

"This How could that be... "

In the delivery room, a group of doctors were confused.


At this time, the outside suddenly clear sky thunder, day rise month, a Colorful Peacock mouth holding a fruit flew into the delivery room, the fruit into the baby's mouth, and then fly away.

Then a soft light appeared on the baby. When the light dissipated, there was no blood stain on the baby, and the umbilical cord disappeared. It became white and fat.

"This This... "

A group of doctors widened their eyes, jaw almost fell to the ground, dumbfounded.

Don't talk about them, even Li Qing and Qin Qing are confused.

The ancients have all kinds of legends. When some great people were born, there would be strange phenomena of heaven and earth.

But it's just a legend. Nobody takes it seriously.

But now, with the clear sky, thunder, the sun and the moon rising, the beautiful peacock comes with an unknown fruit, and it happens in front of their eyes.

What the hell is this!

What's more, what kind of horrible existence is his father?

The doctors looked at Su Xun, and their eyes became a little afraid and restrained.

Su Xun picked up the baby and waved his sleeve. Li Qing, Qin Qing and himself disappeared out of thin air.

"Immortals, there are really immortals in the world." A doctor murmured to himself.

They just gave birth to the immortal woman, and they gave birth to the son of God?

The monitoring in the delivery room recorded everything, but when they reported to the president and checked the monitoring, they found that there was a blank in the monitoring.

Then no one believed what they said.

But only a few doctors believed it, because it was their own experience.

Later, it became a legend. After all, the clear sky generates thunder, and the day rises to the moon. All people have seen it with their own eyes.

It is said that an immortal fell in love with an ordinary woman and died in childbirth. The immortal took the hand and the son came to the world. Then the immortal disappeared with his wife and children.

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