Su Xun's voice fell.

There was a sudden silence in the yard.

Su Hu's face turned red, and he quickly got up: "Xiao Xun, I'm useless..."

He didn't expect to be seen by Su Xun that it was a double reed designed by him and his daughter-in-law.

"Shut up when you know you're useless!" Li Jinling yelled, then looked at Su Xun and Su Liang coldly: "since the words are open, then I don't have to cover it up. I'll tell you directly."

"Our family is too poor to support you two. You can leave after this meal."

"Jin Ling..." Su Hu is one of those people who want to be both a watch and a memorial archway.

"Brother, don't talk. I'm sick to see you speak." Su Xun interrupted him. To tell the truth, he just didn't like Su Hu.

As soon as I married my daughter-in-law, I forgot my brother. Now I'm joining my daughter-in-law to sing double reed to drive myself and Su Liang away.

That's fine.

After being torn down by themselves, they also beat the drum of retreat. This kind of person has been like this all his life.

Su Xun looked at Li Jinling.

Being watched by Su Xun, Li Jinling suddenly felt that the second brother-in-law was a little strange. Her heart was empty, but her mouth was still tough: "it's useless for you to stare at me. I married your brother to live, not to serve you two."

"Sister in law, since you don't care, I'll tell you." Su Xun laughed, dragged a stool to sit down and looked at Li Jinling: "this house belongs to my parents. Xiaoliang and I also have a share. Let's go. Should we share the house?"

Su xunzhen is not bad at this point. He just wants to make it clear and then break it.

Li Jinling immediately blew up: "house? Do you still want a house? Your eldest brother is the eldest. Of course, the house is his. Besides, you eat ours and use ours these days. You don't need money! "

The most valuable thing in my family is this courtyard. How can Li Jinling separate it.

"That is to say, not a cent." Su Xun was still calm.

Su Liang is still young. He can't hide the emotion on his face. He clenches his fists tightly and his eyes are red.

Li Jinling said angrily: "there is no point. If you don't go, I will call my brother to come here and let him discount your leg."

His brother is a pig butcher. Nowadays, pig butchers are technical jobs, usually done by themselves.

When a man wants to control and kill a pig, his strength is leverage.

"Go to this, brother, and I'll never be separated."

Su Xun's voice fell down. He got up and gave Su Hu a smile. Then he turned and left.

I don't know why, watching Su Xun leave, Su Hu was touched in his heart. He wanted to say nothing, but he finally swallowed it.

"Su Liang, what else do you do? Is that still a shame? "

Standing in the same place at a loss, Su Liang heard the second brother's voice, deeply looked at the eldest brother and sister-in-law, and turned to chase out.

Turning around at the same time, tears on the wind out.

My parents have just passed away.

He was driven out of the house by his elder brother and sister-in-law. He felt cold, but compared with his body, what was colder at this moment was his heart.

He vowed that he would make a name for himself and never want to experience such a thing again in his life.

"These two broomsticks are gone at last."

There was a smile on Li Jinling's face. Now the courtyard is completely theirs.

The better the days will be.

Su Hu's face was a little complicated. He sighed: "it's my mother's brother after all."

"You pity them, who pity you? Then we will have to raise children. If they share half of the family property in the future, what else will we take to raise children?"

Li Jinling despised her husband's shrinking.

"The tiger said:" I heard this, I should say to you

What happened to my brother?

He will have more sons than his brothers.

I'm right! Yes, that's right!


"What are you crying for? What's the point of crying for a man?"

Listening to the sobs in his ears, Su Xun frowned and yelled.

Su Liang shivered. He always felt that his second brother was very different today from before. He could not bear to cry any more.

"Go to an inn first."

Su Liang said weakly, "second brother, we don't have any money. It's very expensive to stay in an inn."

"It's not us, it's you." Su Xun corrected his language mistakes: "you don't have money."

Su Liang didn't understand. Is there any difference between the two?

I didn't, did you?

According to the memory of his identity, Su Xun took Su Liang to chunfenglou, the best restaurant in Taihao county."That's it. Eat first."

Su Xun's voice dropped and he walked in.

Su Liang was so scared that he grabbed Su Xun's arm: "second brother, this is Chunfeng building."

"I can read more than you." Su Xun finished and continued to walk inside.

Su Liang saw this, standing in the same place some dilemma, the last bite, followed up.

When the second brother was beaten, he could help him get some punches, so that he could get lighter.

Then he saw a scene that made him feel incredible.

His second brother, who was as poor as himself, took out a certain amount of silver and threw it to Xiao er. He said skillfully, "here, a good table of wine and vegetables and a pot of good wine."

"Well, please come in."

In this way, Su Liang followed Su Xun to an empty table and sat down.

He felt like he was dreaming.

Just now, I was abandoned in my elder brother and sister-in-law's house.

Now I will come to Chunfeng building with my second brother.

After a while, he thought of a very serious question: "second brother, where did you get the silver?"

The silver ingot is so big that it can't be stolen from any noble person, can it?

If it's found out, it's OK.

"What's so much nonsense for? My own Su Xun glared at him.

Su Liang pursed his lips, but he didn't dare to force more, but he was even more worried because the second brother couldn't have so much money.

Su Xun looked around in the restaurant, and his eyes fell on a cold young man on the second floor.

It was a monk, fairyland.

Su Xun is choosing partners.

Running schools and popularizing compulsory education can't be done by him alone. He has to cheat a few teammates.

"You sit here and I'll meet a friend." After saying a word to Su Liang, Su Xun got up.

However, Su Liang grabbed him and looked at him nervously: "second brother, the silver you just gave is not fake, do you want to leave me here and run away?"

Su Xun

"If you don't read the script, your brain will be normal."

Voice down, a shake off Su Liang's hand, step to the second floor.

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