"Immortal, second brother, are you really immortal?"

In the blink of an eye, Su Liang came to the silent wilderness from the noisy restaurant. Now he really believed that Su Xun was an immortal.

After the letter, he quickly gobbled up the food at the table in front of him.

"Even if I'm an immortal, don't you worry that my silver is stolen?" Su Xun asked with a smile.

Su Liang dragged a drumstick and said vaguely, "what's the matter? You are a fairy, and others can't beat you. What are you afraid of?"

Su Xun

I thought you were a good young man with high moral standards. You are determined not to eat food bought with money from bad sources.

I didn't expect that you were just afraid of being beaten.

After all, it's my su who's lost sight.

"How did I suddenly become an immortal?" Su Xun looked at Su Liang curiously.

Su Liang's mouth is full of oil: "this must be your secret. If you don't ask, anyway, I only know that I will have an immortal second brother in the future, and I won't be hungry any more."

Su Xun sighed in his heart that the boy was really a smart man.

"Do you hate your elder brother and sister-in-law? Want to get back at them? " Su Xun asked again.

Su Liang put down the chicken in his hand, swallowed it in his mouth, and then said, "I certainly hate it, but I don't want to revenge them, and I won't have any more contact with them."

"Second brother, teach me how to practice." Su Liang said seriously.

Instead of answering, Su Xun asked, "tell me why, why do you want to cultivate immortals?"

"I don't want to go through that feeling of being driven away by relatives anymore." Su Liang said in a deep voice.

Su Xun was stunned. He didn't expect that the other party would give such an answer: "I will teach you, but not now. Put your hand in."

"Thank you, second brother." Su Liang put a smile on his face and stretched out his hand.

Looking at the oil in that hand, Su Xun lost the courage to hold it. First he washed his hand with a water ball, and then he began to touch the bone to check his aptitude.

After a while, he released Su Liang and said, "I'm not qualified."

"Just be qualified." Su Liang is very open-minded, as long as he can practice.

After eating in the wilderness, Su Xun thought about it and took the table back to the restaurant.

"The immortals are back!"

"I'll wait to see the gods."

"God bless you..."

A group of people kowtow one after another, and even more excessively ignite the incense they just bought and kowtow.

Su Xun was speechless for a while. He looked at the shopkeeper and said, "open a room for me."

I lost some silver, but it's not for money anyway.

"I can't, I can't. It's a small honor for the immortals to live here. How dare they take money?" The shopkeeper was terrified.

Su Xun said, "take it if you want."

"Yes, thank you very much." The shopkeeper didn't dare to refuse any more. He secretly said in his heart that he would pass on the silver as a family heirloom.

Su Xun said to Su Liang, "you wait for me in the spring breeze building. I'll go out to do business."

"Well." Su Liang nodded.

Then Su Xun stepped out and disappeared.

The shopkeeper looked at Su Liang with a flattering look on his face. He said respectfully, "little fairy, you come with me. I'll take you to the room."

On the other side, Su Xun appeared in the southern suburb of Taihao city.

This is a large open space, which is suitable for the location of the college in his opinion.

Because the area here is large enough, and it can also be reclaimed infinitely, far away from the downtown, but the traffic is convenient, just beside the official road.

School has to be in this kind of place.

After inquiring, Su Xun found out that the open space belonged to Zhao Yuan's family in the city, and it had been abandoned.

Immediately flew to Zhao Yuan's home, directly in the air shouting: "where is Zhao Yuan, I'm here to give you a fairy."

"Immortal! Go and tell the master

"See immortals."

Soon, surrounded by a group of servants, councillor Zhao rushed out to meet him: "I don't know if the immortal is coming. If you are not welcome far away, please forgive me. Please come inside."

Su Xun followed Mr. Zhao to the lobby and sat down.

However, the host of councillor Zhao stood aside and did not dare to sit down. He looked worried and frightened.

After all, the arrival of immortals does not only mean good things, who knows whether the other party is kind or bad?

"I don't know if the immortal is coming. What can I do for you?" Mr. Zhao asked carefully.

Su Xun said with a smile, "I have come to send you Xianyuan. Is the land outside the southern suburb yours?"

"If the immortal wants it, I'd like to offer it with both hands." Zhao Yuanwai said with the pain of bleeding.

That's a big piece of land, but who makes the practitioner like it? He has no choice.

Losing a piece of land is better than letting the whole Zhao family disappear.Su Xun shook his head: "councillor Zhao has misunderstood me. I'm not the kind of person who takes advantage of everything."

"It's a lesson from the immortals. It's something that the villain admires and offers voluntarily." Councillor Zhao knows the rules very well. At first glance, he knows that he usually gives gifts to officials.

Su Xun was speechless: "I want that piece of land. I'm going to run a school."

"Running a school?" Zhao Yuanwai was stunned. If a good immortal didn't cultivate immortals, he ran to the mortal world to run a school?

Su Xun nodded: "it's good to run a school. It's just that we are doing the study of immortality and teaching the method of cultivating immortals."

"It turns out that the immortal wants to establish a sect." Yuanwai Zhao suddenly realized this, but he didn't know how to build the school in the mortal city.

Su Xun shook his head: "you still don't understand, this seat is to run a school, not to start a school. Running a school means that as long as you pay the tuition, you can come in to study."


Zhao Yuanwai's brain exploded. He looked up and looked at Su Xun incredulously.

"Immortal This is When Are you serious Mr. Zhao's voice trembled with excitement. After all, who can't have a dream of immortality?

However, the conditions for accepting and teaching students in each major school are higher than each other. From age to qualification, Yuan Wai Zhao was expelled because of his unqualified qualification.

Therefore, he knows how to create a sensation if such a fairy really appears.

Su Xun said lightly: "do you think this seat is to amuse you?"

"I dare not." Yuanwai Zhao quickly admitted his mistake, and then asked: "Xianren Yan, anyone who pays tuition can enter the school. I dare to ask Xianren. As we all know, cultivation stresses qualifications, but what if people without qualifications pay tuition?"

Su Xun was relieved to smile, and his tone was calm, which contained a sense of pride: "in addition to setting up the main immortal academy, jiuxiao Xiuxian college will also set up a martial arts academy. Those who are not qualified can change to Xiuwu, and it will also set up a liberal arts academy to teach literature knowledge, a mathematics academy to teach arithmetic knowledge, a cooking academy to teach cooking skills, and a science academy And other departments.

"In a word, as long as you pay to sign up, as long as you are willing to learn, at least you will learn a skill in it, and you will never be worried about life."

Zhao Yuanwai was shocked and stunned.

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