People on earth are well known.

If you want to start with a person, you have to start with his wife and children, especially the children.

In modern society, the ultimate goal of 90% of the people is to work hard for their children.

So Su Xun asked, just like a heavy hammer on Ji Tianqiu and his wife.

They just wanted to live in peace and raise their daughter, but they didn't think about what Su Xun said.

Now listening to Su Xun, looking at his innocent daughter in his arms, they really felt guilty.

Yes, his life is wonderful enough. He doesn't want to fight and kill again, so he lives in seclusion.

But his daughter's life is just beginning.

Does he want to develop his daughter into a village girl?

"Ji Tianqiu, the University of this city, has all kinds of education, accepts all the people who study, spreads the Dharma to the world, does not look at the talent, as long as can cultivate, that will teach."

"You also came from a poor family. You were rejected by the clan for a time. At last, you came to today with your talent in kendo. You should know that it's not easy to do free cultivation."

"Now, if you want to break the monopoly of large businesses and the situation that ordinary people have no way to seek immortality, this is for the benefit of the world. Don't you really think about it?"

From a personal point of view has hit each other, then it's time to stand in the moral commanding height and invite each other to join the team to create a great cause.

"Is there such an institution in the world?" Ji Tianqiu is unbelievable, because it sounds like a myth.

Su Xun's tone was firm: "I didn't have it. Now I have it."

Ji Tianqiu's face was uncertain.

Suddenly, Su Xun and Ji Tianqiu's face changed.

They looked at each other.

Because they all feel that there is a strong momentum is rapidly approaching.

"Ha ha ha, Ji Tianqiu, I let you get away with it a few years ago. Now my cultivation has been consolidated. I will be ashamed with your blood today!"

A heroic voice resounded through the world, accompanied by a streamer, a middle-aged man appeared in the sky wearing a red Taoist robe and long beard.

Wudang town, all the townspeople have long been closed the door to hide, in order to prevent accidental injury.

"Li Tiande." Ji Tianqiu uttered three words.

Su Xun looked at the middle-aged man in the sky.

Because Li Tiande was the great monk who became famous many years ago.

It's still in the early days of Dalai realm, but it's full of breath. As he said, he completely consolidated his cultivation and stabilized his realm, so he came to seek revenge.

Li Tiande's eyes swept over the people below, and his eyes sneered: "Ji Tianqiu, I'm not hiding in this place to get married and have children. I don't think it's to hide from you."

"Li Tiande, it's worse than his wife and children..."

Before Ji Tian finished his prayer, he was interrupted by Li Tiande: "this sentence doesn't work here. Today, you are all dead for me!"

The realm is stable. He, Li Tiande, is expanding. He wants to fight ten for one!

"Do you include me in this sentence?" Su Xun was not smiling. He was worried about Ji Tianqiu. He didn't expect that someone would come by himself.

Li Tiande snorted coldly: "what are you, dare you use this two words?"

"I'm not a thing. I'm your father." Su Xun's voice fell down, his face was cold, and his left hand was empty. He said, "get down here and talk to me!"


Li Tiande's face changed greatly, and then his body fell out of control.


His knees fell down on the ground, and a pit was thrown directly on the ground.

Ji Tianqiu's eyes are shocked. This man has such a strong strength.

Li Tiande was also trembling in his heart. He secretly regretted that he would not be cheap when he knew it.

Just a little inflated, he was directly let down by Su Xun, and instantly shriveled.

Li Tiande looked at Su Xun: "this elder, I'm just saying that I'm comfortable. I have no intention to be an enemy with him. I hope you can learn from him."

"Ji Tianqiu is now a lecturer employed by our university. The friendship between you and him is up to now. I will not care with you if we turn the quarrel into friendship. Can you?" When Su Xun said this, he looked at Ji Tian.

The meaning is very clear. If you don't admit that you are a lecturer in my university, then I won't care about it.

Ji Tianqiu's face is uncertain. He is definitely not the opponent of Li Tiande.

He took a look at his wife and daughter and sighed. He could only acquiesce to Su Xun's statement.

If he is the only one, of course, he can do whatever he wants, which is nothing more than death.

But now that he has a wife and daughter, he has to think about them.

Without hesitation, Li Tiande nodded again and again: "in accordance with the elder's instructions, the enmity between Ji Tianqiu and me is up to now. I'd like to make friends with Ji Tianqiu."

Compared with killing Ji Tianqiu, he thought it was more important to keep his own life."Well, it's a good story that you two make friends. In that case, you might as well join our university as the sword sage." Su Xun looked at Li Tiande with a smile.

Buy one get one free today. It's a big profit.


Li Tiande did not want to join any university to be restricted. He immediately refused: "thanks to the love of my predecessors, but I am so stupid that I can't teach myself well. How can I teach others?"

"Do you know how many years I have practiced this year?" Su Xun asked.

Li Tiande was stunned: "I don't know."

But the secret way in my heart has been practiced for more than 100 years.

Su Xun closed his folding fan and said, "I'm not as old as I am."

I'm not 30 years old this year.


Li Tiande and Ji Tianqiu were surprised and looked at Su Xun incredulously.

Less than 30 years old, how dare they believe it when they practice to this point?

In particular, they have never heard of such a genius.

"If you don't believe me, you can measure my bone age." Su Xun was very magnanimous, because he didn't lie.

After hearing this, although they couldn't believe it, they had already believed Su Xun's confidence.

"I'm sure you won't regret it when you teach in our university. The purpose of establishing my university is to make sure that there is no such thing as you in the world. You have no way to seek immortality, and you are groping for it yourself."

Su Xun began to talk about his dream again, pouring chicken soup.

Li Tiande can only a bite of teeth agreed to come down: "younger generation is willing to."

Ji Tianqiu said yes.

Besides, he is not Su Xun's opponent.

There's no choice. I'm afraid that if I refuse, the other party will turn over and hurt the killer.

"OK, OK, OK, welcome to jiuxiao Xiuxian college. You and I will create a great cause together."

Su Xun laughed and even said three good words, which showed the joy in his heart. At last, the college had two high-end combat capabilities.

Three days later, when Su Xun took them to jiuxiao Xiuxian college, they were just like the first time to go to the city. They were completely shocked.

In particular, the two lines on the gate make people shudder.

On the left: all laws are compatible.

On the right: there is no one pattern in the world.

Middle: jiuxiao Xiuxian college.

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