Jiuxiao college has become famous ever since it forced the leader of the four peaks of Taihao sect to retreat. No one dare to underestimate it.

The college has also entered a period of stable development, and it has become easier to recruit scattered students.

Taihaocheng college has been expanding. At present, there are more than 30000 students. Even the prince has been sent to the local college of Arts by the emperor.

Jiuxiao Xiuxian college was officially recognized by the imperial power among the people, and also established its prestige in the field of Xiuxian.

The first branch is in the process of preparation. It is located in Yanyun city thousands of miles away from Taihao city.

After all, Tianlan is so big that the two colleges are too close to each other, which is easy to cause competition.

What's more, with the convenient transportation, everyone uses the psionic flying sword, and the distance of thousands of miles is nothing.

Qin Feiyu is the president of the branch.

His accomplishments have broken through Jinxian, barely enough to sit in the branch of the town.

Moreover, as long as the general hospital is still there, no one dares to attack the branch hospital.

For example, as long as Taihao immortal sect is still in heaven, no one dares to attack Taihao sect.

After all, the small ones came and the old ones came.

Under the research of sun Hai, Wen Ruo, pan Qingyu and others, the spirit filled antiaircraft gun and the psionic howitzer have been launched.

The psionic shell is very powerful, and the largest caliber even one shot is equivalent to that of friar Jinxian.

Seeing this kind of achievement, sun Hai, Wen Ruo and pan Qingyu are running all the way to the science and technology tree.

They have a great goal.

That is to let you cultivate all the way to heaven, and I'll solve it by myself.

If it can't be solved by one shot, two, ten and a hundred shots will be fired at the same time.

However, it costs too much money to fight one gun. It is specially used to defend against foreign enemies, but it can't be used at ordinary times.

Su Xun devoted himself to closing the door, and finally made a breakthrough before Tianjiao met Wu, and reached the peak of Da Luo at one stroke.

At least in the world of Tianlan, he is hard to meet the enemy.

As for heaven, including the emperor of heaven, there should be no more than five people who can suppress him.

After all, there is no saint in this world, and the cultivation of quasi saint is already the peak.

But these few people in heaven hold the lives of tens of thousands of monks.

The reason why they restrict their ascent is to prevent more people from robbing resources or even threatening their status.

If they want to be always high, they must suppress others. This is the tacit understanding of all the rulers in heaven.

There is competition, but there is balance.

In order to avoid the riots in the lower world, they regularly released a part of the quota to appease.

But most of them are from the ruling class of heaven, such as the major sects, which will not threaten their status.

It seems that the purpose of randomly casting the order of ascension is to give the monks a chance to ascend, which is a high sounding word.

In fact, why not lead and induce these scattered practitioners to kill each other and consume each other's strength in the process of competing for the order of flying?

And if some of them get away with it, they have to choose a force to join them.

These are all crepe articles. If they told Su Xun.

Therefore, the present situation in the mortal world is that some people can't fly up, while some people don't want to fly up to be restrained as dogs.

The whole world has fallen into a kind of abnormal development, which is one of the reasons why high-level casual practitioners are willing to join jiuxiao Xiuxian college.

They are the people who suffer the most under the existing system.

So they have not broken all these illusions in their hearts.

It's just that the loose book is just a bunch of loose sand, and there is no inside information, so naturally there is no leader.

But now that they have jiuxiao Xiuxian college, they are naturally moved.

The situation of this world is somewhat similar to that of the late Qing Dynasty.

Different people have different opinions.

The present heaven, just like the Qing Dynasty, will be overthrown and must be overthrown.

This is the torrent of history, and no one can stop it.

Anyone who tries to resist will be mercilessly engulfed by the torrent, unable to turn over a spray.


Time flies by.

In the twinkling of an eye, it came to the 17th of this month.

It's the day when Tianjiao meets Wu.

Taihaozong is located on Mount Taihao.

Taihao mountain was not originally called Taihao mountain, but since then, the name of Taihao sect has changed.

In order to prepare for this session of Tianjiao meeting, Tai haozong emptied his mind.

Just like the earth holding the Olympic Games, when it's the turn of our country, it is used in all ways to make it grand and successful.

"Dang - Dang - Dang -"

with the three rings of the bell, the Mountain Gate of taihaozong was opened, and the mountain protection array was removed.

Each sect took its disciples up the mountain.

In the huge arena of Tai haozong's martial arts, three challenge arenas have been built. They are reinforced by the Dharma array and can withstand the attack of friar Da Luo.Even if you fight in the arena, you will not affect the audience.

All the schools on the mountain find their own positions one after another. The elders of the school sit in front of them, while the disciples stand behind them.

At this time, the meeting had not started, and there was a lot of noise in the arena.

"Zixiazong also came. I heard that Lu mingshuang, the chief of zixiaozong, also broke through the golden fairyland."

"Hiss - it's a time of great pride. The chief of Taihao sect is also a golden immortal."

"Yes, in the past, fairyland could sweep one side. This year, fairyland is not the best."

"Xiaoyao Island young master, Baima Temple Buddha, these all break through the golden Wonderland."

"This year's tianjiaohuiwu has to see..."

"Suzerain arrives -"

with a long roar through Taihao mountain, the suzerain of Taihao is followed by the four elders, and the four peak masters come from the horizon.

Among them, there are six great statues. Taihaozong is worthy of being the first one both in the world and in heaven.

"See you, Lord!"

The disciples of Tai haozong said hello in unison.

Yu Tianqi, the leader of Taihao sect, sat down at the top, and then said, "all disciples are free."

The disciples of Taihao got up one after another.

"This session of Tianjiao society has come to close the mountain protection array and the mountain gate."

A voice sings Tai Hao.

It's always been a rule. Everything has to make way for this during the period of Tianjiang Huiwu.

"Wait a minute. I'm in a hurry to close the door before everyone comes. Isn't it a bit inappropriate?"

"In such a prosperous age, would it not be a pity if there was no jiuxiao Xiuxian college?"

At the beginning of the hearing, it was misty and uncertain, but it fell into my ears, just like the sound of thunder.

All of us subconsciously follow the path of fame.

Qin Xiangyuan's face changed because they were too familiar with this man's voice.

Cao Daoyuan, in particular, is unforgettable and can never be forgotten in his life.

Sure enough, the next second, their old acquaintance appeared.

In the sky, Su Xun came with the sword sage Ji Tianqiu, Qin Feiyu and a hundred students.

Jiuxiao Xiuxian college suddenly intervened, making this year's Tianjiao martial arts atmosphere become strange.

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