The human world.

Just over a month.

But it is not too much to use a sentence to describe the world.

In any big city, people in jiuxiao College's robes can be seen everywhere on the streets.

Psionic flying swords that come and go in the sky.

There's even something called a psionic car.

Four wheels, driven by spirit stone, are as fast as a horse on the ground, but they can't be used in mountainous areas.

But it doesn't hurt, because straight roads are being built between every city.

Now the chariot produced by jiuxiao college has become a symbol of identity.

Don't say it's a dignitary.

Even people in practice like to drive on the street in a psionic car.

The second generation of the rich are already racing.

At the same time, there are also large-scale passenger carrying psionic vehicles, which are specially used for people's transportation.

Everything is produced by jiuxiao college and promoted by the imperial court.

All the money earned goes to jiuxiao college.

In addition, he also invented the psionic lamp, which can be used for half a year.

So although it's expensive, it's worth buying one.

Jiuxiao college has changed people's lives by producing new things.

More and more people who cultivate immortals give up practice and begin to indulge in scientific research.

These are changes in people's livelihood.

In military, psionic guns, antiaircraft guns, and even psionic machine guns have been upgraded once.

Each branch is equipped with 50 heavy guns.

Now when two monks fight for life and death, it often happens.

Fighting, the two suddenly tacit understanding of the separation, and then each from the storage ring out of a psionic heavy machine gun, carrying began to blow up.

The picture is too beautiful to see.

The image of immortality and chivalry was completely destroyed.

The 35th day of Su Xun's seclusion.

An unexpected guest came on this day.

In the middle of the great Luo Dynasty, Wang Shenjiang came to taihaozong with his own soldiers.

After all, it's a matter of course to come to the biggest clan and ask directly.

But today's taihaozong can only be called taihaozong site.

"How could it be like this? Was taihaozong destroyed?"

Looking at the ruins and desolation of taihaozong, Wang Shen will be shocked.

After all, taihaozong has six great Luo, the first sect in the world. Who has the ability to destroy it.

"Go to Yuhua gate."

The king will not believe that all the sects have been destroyed.

But soon he had to believe it.

Because running several sects in a row is the same result.

It's deserted and desolate.

"What happened?"

Wang Shenjiang was at a loss, but he told him directly that something must have happened.

"What now, general?" Asked the guard.

Wang Shen will face uncertain: "disguise into the city, into the city to inquire about some."

Voice down, a change, from a majestic general into a businessman.

All the guards behind turned into servants, dressed up, and then followed Wang Shenjiang into the city.

The city they entered was Yanyun city.

The dean of Yanyun branch of jiuxiao Xiuxian college is Qin Feiyu.

His father has settled the knot with him and joined him.

After entering the city, Wang Shenjiang and others are just like the local baozi entering the village.

"What is it?"

Watching a psionic car speeding by at 60 yards an hour, Wang was stunned.

"it's called the spirit vehicle, woodlouse." A rich second generation despised a sentence, and then left.

Wang Shenjiang

I was just despised?

And a mortal?

Why does the world change so fast? He doesn't know the city in front of him.

God Wang stopped a monk with accomplishments and said, "brother, I want to know what happened to the Taiyin Sect on the mountain nearby? Why is there no one? "

"You don't know?" The monk looked at the people in front of him with suspicious eyes.

Wang Shenjiang said quietly: "we have been running business before, and we really don't know about it."

"It's been a long time since the secret sect came back to Beihai. In fact, nothing happened there." The young man said casually, his voice dropped and left.

God Wang will suddenly realize: "so it is."

It seems that everyone in heaven thinks too much.

But so many East gates are pouring out.

What's good about that secret place?The king is about to move.

At this time, count to streamer break empty and come, the king God will wait for a person to encircle.

As soon as the monks pointed to each other, they asked the young monks whether they were good or not

Wang Shenjiang

Obviously, what the young man said just now was a hoax.

Damn, it's only a long time since there was a lower bound. He really can't understand this world any more.

Is there no basic trust between man and God?

"Please come with me, gentlemen. Don't make us embarrassed." Said the young man in a cold voice.

These people are all dressed in the clothes of jiuxiao Xiuxian college. They are all from the law enforcement hall. They all know what they do just by their names.

Wang Shenjiang caught two words embroidered on his collar: "jiuxiao? What school is jiuxiao? "

As a great Luo Jinxian, he admitted that his memory would not be a problem.

But I never remember jiuxiao.

"Just follow us." The leader of the law enforcement team said coldly, "take all of them!"

"Be presumptuous The king turned back to his original appearance and held a token: "open your dog's eyes and see clearly. I'm the general of heaven."

"Ha ha, if you are really from heaven, it's you who catch you. Take it!" The chief of the law enforcement team was not afraid, but he was even happier.

The mouse is too crazy to be the bridesmaid of the world.

When is it that the lower school is not afraid of the heavenly generals? And we have to take the initiative to arrest them.

First it was forced, and then it was the anger of dignity being provoked.

A group of members of the law enforcement team spewed blood and flew out.

At the same time, feeling the breath, Qin Xiangyuan came.

Wang Shen will be anxious to report the situation here, do not want to entangle, directly with all the people up in the air, will leave to go back to heaven.

"Come if you want, go if you want, when we are where?"

The law enforcement team leader wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up and resisted an upgraded version of jiuxiao 2.0 super large caliber psionic antiaircraft gun from the storage.


The shell hit Wang Shenjiang, who had no defense and didn't know anything about scientific and technological weapons.


Wang Shenjiang's body fell like a stone, but it soon stabilized. He was surprised and angry, and continued to fly to the sky.

What the hell is this!

Why is the world like this?

He bit his teeth and continued to fly.

To fly higher, in order to crush the hands of the jade card was sent back.

Below, more than 20 antiaircraft guns.

"Let it go

"Boom boom..."

Just like playing games, the soldiers brought by Wang Shen were shot down one by one.

The king was shot four times, but daroshu didn't build it. He didn't hurt his foundation.

Fortunately, Qin Xiangyuan arrived in time, had a fight with him, and finally arrested him.

Wang Shenjiang, the end of tragedy.

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