"Brother, are there all immortals in your house? Are there many monsters? "

"Immortal? Only the father emperor is an immortal. The rest are monks. There are many monsters. "

"Brother, I really want to go back with you. People in our world are so stupid. Brother, I always seem to be out of place with them because I'm not stupid enough."

The two little guys exchanged information about the two worlds, and they got on well with each other.

After all, the two children are demons of the same age. Other children are no different from fools in their eyes, so they naturally have a sense of identity.

"It all comes from my good genes." Su Xun sighed with emotion.

Qin Qing rolled a white eye: "so you sow all over the world, the purpose is to change the human gene?"

"You've discovered that, and I can only contribute to humanity." Su Xun said solemnly, and his hand swam around her.

Qin Qing red face opened: "the child is still there."

"It's OK. I cast it. They can't see it." Su Xun said with disapproval.

Qin Qing was speechless: "is that how magic works?"

"Magic is for people." Su Xun said triumphantly, feeling very comfortable.

Su Ming and Su Qing get along very well.

There's no such thing as those rich families.

After all, Su Xun was so stubborn that he could give his son a world.

So women don't teach their children to fight for anything in the dark.

Su Xun and Su Ming spent a few days in the dog licking world, letting the boy and Su Qing cultivate their feelings.

A month later, he took Su Ming back to Taixu.

Su Qing and Su Ming say goodbye, and make an appointment to take Su Qing to Taixu next time.

Su Qing is fascinated by Taixu world. He wants to see Xiuxian world and his father's jiuxiao Dynasty.

After sending Su Ming back to Taixu, Su Xun went to Haohai again.

In a word, we have taken every important world in a circle. There are too many things to deal with.

It seems that we have to have more sons.

Otherwise, who will inherit such a big family property?

Although Mei said she would like to be a son.

But Su Xun thought that if he had such an evil son, he would be angry to death, so he refused.

After collecting a wave of ghosts into the underworld, Su Xun returned to the earth.



"System, extract the 24th new identity."

[drawing Successful extraction, congratulations on the host's new identity: tianwu village villager. 】

[there is a village named tianwu village, which is located in the wasteland of the extreme West and is known as the nearest place to heaven. The villagers living here have lived here for generations. 】

[there is a family in the village. This family has two sons, Zhou Tieniu, who is not popular and can only live in the cattle pen. Zhou Tieniu has an old cattle as his companion. One day, the cattle told him that a fairy would come down to take a bath tomorrow. Zhou Tieniu, encouraged by the old cattle, stole one of the fairies' feather clothes, so that he could not go back to heaven and marry him. 】

[identity ability: draw a circle to curse you, and follow your words. 】

[identity task: investigate all the truth. 】

Su Xun was stunned. Didn't he hear the love story of the big Cowherd and weaver girl from childhood?

Niulang and Zhinu fell in love, but heaven blocked them. The Queen Mother rowed the Milky way. Later, they could meet each other at magpie bridge on Tanabata, which spread to later generations.

For this reason, Qixi Festival was also born.

But from the description of the system, it seems that the story of Cowherd and weaver girl is not as beautiful as it sounds, but has deeper calculation in it.

As for why the hero is called Zhou Tieniu, it's easy to understand, because Niulang is his wife's nickname, not his name.


the cowherd first peeps at the fairy's bath, and then steals people's clothes on his horse, which makes people unable to go home. It can be said that he is corrupt, old-fashioned and hooligan.

This kind of behavior, not to mention in modern times, even in ancient times, is also illegal and should be despised.

Can such criminals marry fairies?

Is the fairy so hungry and thirsty that she has never seen a man?

Or is Niulang really handsome?

How handsome can he be?

There is no reason for this horse.

In addition, the cattle who encouraged the cowherd should be a demon according to the records in the story.

And cultivation should be stronger than fairy.

Otherwise, how could the cowherd, a mortal, steal the Weaver's plume without knowing it?

It's true that fairies are vegetarians.

So here's the problem.

Why would a powerful cow demon be willing to be a farm animal in a broken village?

Even in the end, he sacrificed himself and let the cowherd wear his own skin to go to the sky to chase the weaver girl.It's too much love to be a demon.

There's another problem. The weaver girl can't go back to heaven after her feather coat is stolen. Didn't the fairies who went down to earth to take a bath with her find that there was no one missing?

It is recorded in the story that when heaven sent soldiers to capture Zhinu, both Zhinu and Niulang had children. Although it was a day in the sky and a year on the ground, the reaction of heaven was too slow.

Finally, the Queen Mother rowed down the galaxy to stop the cowherd from catching up. Magpie was moved and volunteered to build a magpie bridge.

Then the queen mother had no choice but to let them meet once a year on Tanabata.

This is too much. Can't the Queen Mother deal with a group of magpies?

And what he couldn't understand most was that Niulang was just a mortal. Wasn't the simplest and quickest way to kill him directly?

Then can Zhinu turn the world around?

Su Xun always thought that the fairy tales could not be read carefully, otherwise there would be doubts everywhere.

I didn't expect that he would go to this world now. It's really mixed.

Then I thought of those two identities and abilities. The system is more and more off-road.

Draw a circle to curse you: if the host draws a circle in place and thinks about the cursed object in his heart, he can curse successfully. It is only effective for the object whose cultivation is lower than that of the host.

Probability: whatever the host says is likely to come true.

How can we say these two abilities? I always feel that they are unreliable.

The first is the first, draw a circle to curse you, only for the object relationship whose cultivation is lower than yourself.

But they are better than each other, do you still need to curse? Just do it and he's done!

The second skill, probability, is to focus, that is, whether it can be realized or not is completely random.

What's the difference between horse racing and lottery?

Forget it, this time you should be able to do it yourself.

After all, although the world of Cowherd and weaver girl has the existence of the emperor of heaven, but the strength does not seem to be very strong.

The queen mother drew a milky way with a hairpin, which was only medium meaning in Su Xun's eyes.

The crux of the problem is the old cattle.

From the story, the reason is that the old cattle encouraged the cowherd to peek and steal clothes, and then there was a series of bad things behind.

So go in and deal with the old cattle first!

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