Someone came to collect the demons.

But the demon found that he had nothing to do. Instead, he watched an immortal be taken away.

What kind of experience is this?

The sheep demon's mood is complex and can't be described.

Niulang dares to run in and is overjoyed: "thank you for your help

Sheep demon:???

What's going on here?

He was completely disordered in the wind, his mind was blank, and the whole sheep was muddled.

Why does the cowherd treat the weaver girl as a monster and invite the Heavenly Master to collect the demon.

The key is that this old thing really took away the weaver girl.

The goblin felt that everything was in a mess.

"Demon Is girl Zhinu a demon It was only then that boss Zhou and tie Zhu responded.

Cowherd explained: "yes, weaver girl is a demon. If it is not a demon, how can the master accept her?"

"Well, you beast!" Boss Zhou was furious: "you brought a demon back. Are you going to kill us, you son of a bitch?"

"Son of a bitch, I have to learn a lesson today." Zhou Tiezhu is also full of anger and wants to fight against the cowherd.

"Wait!" Su Xun yelled.

The elder Zhou showed a flattering expression on his face and listened attentively: "Heavenly Master, you say."

"Demon, I've taken it. Should I settle the money?" Su Xun said blandly.

Cowherd blurted out: "did Su Xun give it?"

The sheep demon was shocked, and it was Murakami Su Xun again.

Su Xun looked at the cowherd: "Su Cun was saying that the demon was not in his house, so naturally he didn't have to marry him. Did you want to break the debt?"

At the same time, he exudes a sense of danger.

The Zhou family, father and son were all startled.

"Dare not dare not, Heavenly Master Hand accept demon, is to save our family's big benefactor, money naturally want to give."

Boss Zhou was so scared that he ran into the house and came out with a piece of silver.

Maybe it's fate.

This piece of silver was exactly the one Su Xun bought from the cow. Now it came back to him in another way.

"It's time for me to go first."

Su Xun's voice fell, put away the silver, walked out of the Zhou family, and soon disappeared.

Then the elder brother Zhou and the father and son Zhou Tiezhu naturally spread the fire on the cowherd's head.

"Well, you son of a bitch, if you didn't bring back a demon, would you need to lose money?"

"Little beast, you're trying to kill us. Don't take me if you want to die!"

The father and son chased the Cowherd and fought in the yard, but they were too tired to catch up.

Sheep demon listless looking at this scene, he now do not know what to do.

Weaver girl is taken as a monster by cowherd. Do these two still have a chance to be together?

But they're not together.

What about the demon family plan?

"Iron ox, iron ox!"

In exchange for his vest, Su Xun rushed into Zhou's house.

"The village leader is coming. Hurry up. Please take a seat."

Boss Zhou and Zhou Tiezhu let the cowherd go and quickly took the bench to serve tea and water to Su Xun.

The sheep demon looked at Su Xun and his eyes narrowed slightly.

This is just an ordinary villager. How could Niu San die in his hands?

It's all his fault. You have to kill him before you leave.

"Well, I said, the weaver girl is a monster." Su Xun looked at the Cowherd and said.

The cowherd nodded listlessly. After all, he thought he could marry a fairy wife, but he didn't expect it to be nothing.

Su Xun said, "by the way, sell me another one of your sheep. I'll smoke some bacon."

At the same time, he took out a ingot of silver and threw it to boss Zhou.

Mr. Zhou catches them in a hurry.

"Dad, why does this silver look so familiar?" Zhou Tiezhu scratched the back of his head and said.

The eldest brother of Zhou said: "isn't the silver all the same? Take the village leader to pick the sheep

The sheep demon watched Su Xun come and quickly took a step forward to suppress other sheep. He was an independent, stupid mortal. Pick me, pick me.

And then do what he wants.

"That's it. It's so arrogant. It looks like it's under baked." Su Xun pointed to the sheep demon and said.

The cowherd went in and tied up the sheep, then handed the rope to Su Xun.

He also remembered the sheep, which made him have a psychological shadow. He was killed by Su Xun.

The sheep demon saw that he was picked, and his eyes showed a smug cold awn. He was led out with great cooperation.

Su Xun led the sheep home.

Back home, the sheep demon did not pretend, showdown, directly into a human body half demon form of sheep head, grinning: "stupid mortal, you never thought of it! Ha ha ha... ""It's a dying sheep. Can you be quiet?" Su Xun grabbed his horn, fell to the ground and dragged it to the stone platform.

The sheep demon was confused for a long time, and then he reacted. He directly changed into his original shape, and his body expanded rapidly: "damn mortals..."

"It's the sheep." Su Xun's voice fell down, and he skillfully pressed it on the stone platform. With the butcher's knife, the white knife went in and the red one came out, and a stream of blood came out.

Feeling the passing of his life, the goat demon began to doubt the demon's life, which was totally abnormal.

However, more abnormal is still behind.

Su Xun stripped its memory, then looked at it, only to find that it was almost the same as the memory of the cow demon, so he crushed it directly.

Then start to operate the tools to bake the whole sheep.

After the mutton test, Su Xun went to the underworld.

"It's you!"

Suddenly she saw the girl's pupil shrink.

"Your Majesty." Black and white impermanence and others.

Zhinu was shocked that there was such a big God in this small village.

"You go down." Su Xun waved them away. Instead of paying attention to the weaving girl, he caught Niu San's confused soul.

A moment later, the fresh niutouyin will come out, and it's time for his partner, Ma Mian.

This just looked at the weaving girl: "little friend, do you have many question marks?"

Weaver girl can't understand, showing a blank color.

"You have a lot of doubts, don't you?" Su Xun went to her and sat down. He gave her a sheep.

It's so fragrant. Zhinu can't help catching it.

I can't help it. There are too many spices.

Even a shoe, as long as the spices put more, still can make a delicious.

Zhinu nodded with reserve: "I don't know which God you are. What's the matter with all this?"

"Before I explain to you, you have to answer me a question." Su Xun said.

"Great God, please."

Su Xun looked at her seriously: "as the weaver girl in the sky, why do you go down to earth to take a bath?"

This is a place that Su Xun couldn't figure out.

Do you think the water in the sky is too clean?

Weaver girl pretty a red, and then clenched red lips explained: "is three elder sister proposed under the mortal play, you elder sister all come, I can't refuse."

"Interesting." Su Xun showed a funny smile.

I'm afraid this "third sister" is not a traitor. I'm afraid she's one of them.

This can also explain why the weaver girl did not go back with them, but no one reported to the emperor.

It's mostly the "three sisters" who make trouble in it.

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