"Get up and sit down. Your father and I got to know each other. He was hurt by others. Naturally, I can't stand by and watch him. You don't have to."

Taoist priest Qingyang said to Wang Teng kneeling on the ground that he was a kind elder.

"Yes, Taoist priest." Wang Teng answered, got up and sat down on the sofa.

Taoist priest Qingyang asked again, "there is a famous fortune teller in Jiangnan City recently. Do you know anything about him?"

The main reason why he met Jiangnan fortune teller this time is that he didn't want to come to the city.

The ghost named Qin Zhu is also an unexpected joy in this trip. He can show up in the daytime. Either his accomplishments are excellent, or he has a mutation.

No matter what point it is, as long as we can get it, we will not lose money in this field.

People who practice Taoism are born to restrain these ghosts and ghosts. It's not difficult to catch a ghost with his accomplishments.

"The Taoist priest is talking about master su. I haven't met him, but I have heard about him a little. Although the rumors are exaggerated, they are not far apart." Wang Teng carefully considered the tone of reply, the recent master Su so fire, he can not have heard of.

In addition, he just saw the news of Zhou Chengxuan's learning from master Su in the local forum this morning. I believe that after tonight's fermentation, this news will cause a great disturbance in the whole Jiangzhou Province tomorrow.

After all, Zhou Chengxuan's reputation in Jiangzhou province is not one day or two. He worships master Su as his teacher, which is enough to show his ability.

The only thing that makes Wang Teng feel isolated is that the other person's surname is su. Now he has a bad sense of anyone surnamed su.

However, I don't know what his expression would be if he knew that master Su was Su Xun.

Taoist priest Qingyang nodded his head and said, "take me to meet Master Su first."

You can catch ghosts at any time. Let's have a look at master su.

"This..." Wang Teng was in a dilemma: "Taoist priest, the news on the Internet says that master Su has taken Zhou Chengxuan as his apprentice. Now it's Zhou Chengxuan who is acting as his teacher under the overpass. Moreover, master Su only counts two trigrams a day. I'm afraid he can only go to the overpass tomorrow morning to see him. I can't find him today."

After hearing this, Taoist priest Qingyang looked at Wang Teng with the eyes of Shabi: "since he took Zhou Chengxuan as his apprentice and found Zhou Chengxuan, can't he know his whereabouts?"

Wang Teng

Why didn't I think of it?

Half an hour later, they came to the overpass in Dongcheng District. From a distance, they saw Zhou Chengxuan, who was like a doctor.

Taoist priest Qingyang frowned. He felt that Zhou Chengxuan and master Su's forcing ordinary people to do fortune telling was a self degrading act.

Like him, who is not a person with more than ten million wealth?

In his eyes, these ordinary people are inferior, not worthy of him.

"What's the matter, Taoist priest?" Wang Teng asked suspiciously, don't understand how to stop suddenly.

"No problem." The voice of Taoist priest Qingyang falls down and walks to Zhou Chengxuan again.

Zhou Chengxuan, who has been working for a long time in the morning, has become a ruthless fortune teller. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he says without raising his head: "is it fortune or marriage in the newspaper

Except at the beginning of his career, he hasn't counted the fate of ordinary people like this for a long time after he became famous.

Although very tired, but let him have a kind of back to the feeling of youth (◍ၸ◍).

"I'm not a fortune teller. I'm looking for someone. I'm looking for master su." Qingyang Taoist priest said in a deep voice.

Zhou Chengxuan raised his head and looked at Taoist priest Qingyang. He frowned and said, "go with me?"

He thought that this guy, just like himself before, was here to kick his own master's field.

Because he smelled the same breath from Taoist priest Qingyang.

After all, this guy is just like himself before, with a sense of arrogance, not to find fault, what else can he do?

More importantly, Zhou Chengxuan suddenly thought of a thing, master did not leave contact information for himself!

This guy reminds himself that you must not forget to leave a number or address when you see the master tomorrow morning.

"Half a peer." Taoist priest Qingyun said calmly that his main business is not to give people fortune telling, but to watch geomantic omen and catch ghosts.

Zhou Chengxuan's eyes narrowed slightly: "what's your name? What's the matter with my master?"

"The poor way is Qingyang, coming from Yunling." Taoist priest Qingyang only said a title, but didn't say the purpose of finding Su Xun.

Zhou Chengxuan nodded: "please come back tomorrow, Taoist priest Qingyang. My master will come here every day to calculate the two trigrams."

"Mr. Zhou, can't you ask the teacher to come out and see you now?" Taoist priest Qingyang frowned. He came here in person to give him enough face. He asked him to wait for tomorrow. He was always waiting for others. When did he wait for others?

Zhou Chengxuan gently smile, nodded and said: "please wait a moment, I'll inform the master."As the words fell, he winked at his apprentice and they left directly.

"Master, the master didn't leave us any contact information. How can we find him?" After walking out of a distance, the apprentice asked suspiciously.

Zhou Chengxuan said lightly: "nonsense, do you need to remind me? Of course I know

"Those two people just now..." The apprentice was a little confused.

Zhou Chengxuan casually said: "let the two Shabi wait slowly, a domineering look, why not heaven?"

Even I can't get in touch with Shifu. You still want to see him. Are you kidding.

Jiangnan City, in addition to the master, does not allow the existence of such cattle force!


Master is still so black!


Two hours later, under the flyover.

Taoist priest Qingyang left with a gloomy face and Wang Teng.

"This bastard, deliberately played us, let us wait so long in vain." Wang Teng gritted his teeth and said that he gave his regards to Zhou Chengxuan's ancestors for 18 generations.

"Su Leng said:" I'll take him first

When was Qingyang played like this? He was fooled like a fool and waited for more than two hours in the same place.

Taoist priest Qingyang choked his anger, and Su Xun became the object of his anger. First, he got the ghost to comfort his anger.

As soon as Wang Teng's eyes brightened, he couldn't wait to say, "I'll have someone investigate where he is right away."

When the voice dropped, he picked up his mobile phone to make a phone call. Although his parents and sister went in, their Wang family's contacts and relations were still there.

Besides, as the chairman of Qingyun international, it's not difficult for Su Xun to find out where he is.

Wang Teng began to thank Zhou Chengxuan again.

If it wasn't for Zhou Chengxuan, how could Qingyang vent his anger on Su Xun?

After all, he was excited to see Su Xun's tragedy in advance.

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