"Come on, let's hear the dog barking first."

Hearing this, and Su Xun's careless tone, Taoist priest Qingyang was furious and stared at Su Xun: "Lizi an dares to insult me like this!"

This man, he is not only cheap, but also double marked. He wants to rob Su Xun's pet and fight against him.

But after a tumble, you still feel aggrieved. Are you surprised?

Su Xun is not used to this kind of person. Since he can't be a man, let him be a dog from now on.


He raised his hand and slapped on Qingyang's face. Su Xun's expression was indifferent: "when a dog doesn't beg for mercy, even if he is happy, he bares his teeth to his master. Why, do you want to be killed and become a dog soup pot?"

Feeling the hot pain on his face, Taoist priest Qingyang suddenly calms down and reminds him of his present situation again.

People had to bow under the eaves.

Qingyang's face was uncertain, and he was humiliated. He opened his mouth and barked three times.

He vowed that he would take revenge and pay back his humiliation a hundred times.

Su Xun then looked at the lake again, picked up the fishing rod and continued to fish. He said softly, "that's right. You have to be obedient when you are a dog. You can think in your heart whether you hate me or blame me, but don't show it on the surface. I don't like it very much, do you understand?"

Qingyang Taoist difficult swallow a mouthful of saliva, nodded, voice dry: "understand."

Su Xun continued to say carelessly:

"if you want to revenge, you only have one chance to do it, so you must be careful. If I'm not dead, tut Tut, then you'll have bad luck."

"If I die, you'll be even more unlucky. My people will let Qingyang Temple live without a dog or a chicken. Do you believe it?"

In a word, if you have the courage, you can try it, but no matter whether you succeed or fail, your Qingyang temple is doomed.

Taoist priest Qingyang's scalp is numb and his heart is trembling. He nods like a chicken pecking rice. He is very obedient now.

Su Xun seemed to think of something again and added: "by the way, you practitioners of Taoism will always have some strange fun. Don't use it on me, otherwise I will doubt you first, and it's easy to misunderstand."

The implication is that as long as I suspect that I have been harmed by Taoism, whether it's you or not, I have to kill you first.

Taoist priest Qingyang wants to cry without tears. I can't take revenge with Taoism, but I have to prevent others from harming you with Taoism?

He was angry and helpless. If his cultivation was deeper and he was not afraid of bullets, how could he be afraid of Su Xun?

Unfortunately, it's just thinking about it. After all, in this age of spiritual rarity, there are few people who can practice to his level.

Qin Zhu vomited his tongue to Qingyang: "don't you want to catch me, Taoist? You catch me, but you come to catch me

Well, it's nice to have a host to protect me, and I'm afraid of something_ <~。

Qingyang's face twitches. He can only ignore Qin Zhu selectively. He is always a ghost. When was he humiliated by the ghost?

It's true that ghosts fight against human power!

"Did you come to Jiangnan City to trouble me?" Su Xun asked curiously.

Taoist priest Qingyang's mouth twitches. I'm not here to make trouble. I'm stepping on the horse. It's a long way to get my head. Make complaints about

, "respectfully," on the surface, "no, I just want to see the miraculous Su master who uploaded the Internet."

"Oh?" When Su Xun heard this, he showed an interesting smile. Isn't that a coincidence? He looked at Qingyang and said, "then you can see it now."

Qingyang is a Leng at first, a little confused. Then he stares at Su Xun with an unbelievable face.

Wang Teng was also full of horror. His chin almost fell to the ground. He never thought that Su Xun was master su.

No wonder he took so many bodyguards with him when he was fishing. It must have been calculated in advance that he and Qingyang would come to trouble him today.

For a moment, Wang Teng was in a bitter mood. It turned out that all this had already been under Su Xun's control.

Su Xun didn't know what he thought, otherwise he would laugh. He was just afraid of death with his bodyguard.

Taoist priest Qingyang's idea was the same as Wang Teng's. he sighed and laughed at himself: "it's true that it's a false name. It's true that there's no plan."

Originally, his every move has been calculated by the other party? That's why so many armed bodyguards have been arranged, just waiting for themselves to enter the urn.

If you really can't underestimate the world.

Su Xun didn't understand what the guy was saying, but he didn't intend to understand it. Suddenly, he thought that there was another one on the lake.

"Bring Wang Teng here." Su Xun said.

Wang Teng shivered. He didn't need the bodyguard to call him. He climbed to the foot of Su Xun directly: "Su Xun, please forgive me. Please let me go. I'm confused for a moment. For the sake of my classmates, please give me another chance."He is now even the intestines are regret green, early know that he would rather not revenge, now want to go back too late.

"But I don't want to give you this opportunity. To give you this opportunity is to be irresponsible to myself." While Su Xun was talking, some fish had taken the bait, and he quickly began to take up the line.

Wang Teng could only look at an Zijin again, and begged pitifully: "monitor, please help me. I know it's wrong. I really know it's wrong. I don't dare to do it any more."

An Zijin didn't understand the process of things, but she certainly stood firmly on Su Xun's side, so she didn't pay attention to Wang Teng.

"Turn yourself in. Let's say that in the case of Qin Zhu falling off a cliff, you also participated in shielding Wang Jiao and helped cover up the crime." Su Xun took the fish from the hook, put it in the bucket, and pointed out a clear way to Wang Teng.

Wang Teng shuddered, his face turned pale, and then he uttered a hoarse word: "good."

Voice down, he stood up wobbly, as if lost the soul in general, like walking dead left.

He can only choose to turn himself in, or he will die.

As for running?

After seeing Su Xun's methods, he did not dare to run at all, because he felt that he could never leave Jiangnan City now.

If you go to jail, you can at least save your life.

This is a high spirited come to revenge, did not expect to eventually have to go to the prison family reunion, let him want to cry.

Su Xun looked at an Zijin and Liao Yu and said, "go back first and explain to you when you have time."

"Well." They nodded cleverly, then turned and left.

Su Xun took out the peace blessing from his pocket and looked at Qingyang: "did you draw it?"

"Yes." Qingyang nods.

Su Xun collected Ping'an Fu again, yawned and said casually, "tell me something about your monks."

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