That night, Su Xun and pan Tianming met.

The place where they meet is the private club.

"Fat Xing is dead. Now it's your turn to keep your promise." Pan Tianming poured tea and made a gesture to Su Xun: "please tea."

Su Xun took a cup and tasted it: "good tea."

"Nature is good tea." Pan Tianming is very happy.

Su Xun put down his tea cup, took out a piece of paper and handed it to pan Tianming: "it's all written on it."

Pan Tianming took it over and looked at him. His eyes began to glow, getting brighter and brighter.

"You are really a talent. You should rely on your brain to eat. It's too unfair for you to carry a gun." Pan Tianming sincerely said that he really admired it.

No one could see such a simple business opportunity in Liaocheng, but Su Xun saw it. What is talent?

Su Xun said with a smile, "everyone has his own ambition. I prefer the feeling of carrying a gun to doing business."

What he likes is not holding the gun, but being in power!

Pan Tianming gave him a simple way.

It's pirated brand-name clothes and shoes.

Liaocheng is a chaotic city, at least for the moment. The poor are far more than the rich.

Can foreign companies really come here to pursue the responsibility of foreign famous brand piracy?

I'm not afraid of coming back.

After all, Liao City is notorious.

"You take part in a share." Pan Tianming carefully put away the paper, looked at Su Xun and said.

Su Xun was stunned. After a while, he said, "Pan Dong, I'm very poor. What can I do for you?"

"Your brain." Pan Tianming pointed to his head and said to Su Xun, "you use your brain as a shareholder, accounting for 10%, so you have to contribute to the piracy business."

Pan Tianming is a very clever man.

Although Su Xun paid attention to it, he realized that there were still many things he didn't want to understand, which Su Xun must know.

And that's why he can come up with this idea and prove that he has enough brain, that's enough.

"Since Mr. Pan is warmly invited, I'll take advantage of it." Su Xun agreed to come down.

Or he couldn't refuse at all.

Pan Tianming laughed: "ah Xun, your brain, plus my capital and contacts, will definitely make a lot of money. You'll get your wallet and explode!"

Now after washing white, he doesn't have to worry about the way to get money.

For the time being, there's no need to pretend to be a grandson in front of those celebrities.

In the eyes of real tycoons, they are chamber pots.

When you need it, take it and urinate.

Kick it off when you don't need it.

And then the next time you look for them, they're still in the butt.

There's no way to make money. Money comes first.

"It's mutually beneficial. This time I've got fat Xing. It's not only my breath, but also my contribution." Su Xun took a sip from his cup.

Pan Tianming leaned forward: "do you want to give you some more of the same credit?"

Fat Xing can die.

Then Dai Fei and Liao Han can also die.

When they are dead, pan Tianming has nothing to resist.

"Ha ha." Su Xun laughed, everything was silent.

Pan Tianming sighed: "I don't want to. I've been brothers for so many years, but I can't help it. It's better to lose a few people to get off the ship than to let the ship sink. After all, there are so many people on board."

A helpless appearance made Su Xun almost believe that this guy had a conscience.

"Pan dongdayi, I admire him very much." Su Xun showed his admiration and agreed: "after all, pan Dong must be responsible for most people, understand, understand."

"There are too few people who can understand me." Pan Tianming sighed, shameless and serious.

In a few words, he sold his brother who was fighting with him. Naturally, Su Xun accepted all the orders.

Su Xun found that this guy didn't seem to care whether he killed those people on the spot or caught them alive.

He asked: "Pan Dong, if you capture them alive, are you not afraid that they will go in and talk?"

"What do they say?" Pan Tianming showed a blank expression: "I'm a serious businessman. If they want to frame me, they have to show evidence."

Hearing this, Su Xun understood again, old fox.

He's done with all the evidence long ago.

Even if it's Dai Fei, it's useless for them to get caught and correct him, because there's no evidence.

They chatted late into the night before leaving.

Looking at Pan Tianming's car, Su Xun's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a meaningful smile.

I've run them today.

I will do the same for you in the future.

Killing people and setting fire to earn enough capital, I want to go ashore to wash white. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world.

You might have succeeded before.But now that I'm here, don't think about it.

I'll leave you a room in prison.

Su Xun stopped a taxi and took a taxi to the law enforcement branch of Taiping District.

I wrote an anonymous report letter.


The next day.

When Su Xun walked into the law enforcement department safely, everyone was shocked.

Because according to their conjecture, last night sun entertainment will certainly retaliate.

But I didn't expect that Su Xun had nothing at all. How could they not be shocked?

And Su Xun's commendation came again.

This time, not only he, the whole three teams were commended.

The name of crime killer will appear in the newspaper tomorrow.

Team one and team two are envious.

After all, with Ma Siping and Feifei doing nothing, there is no case to deal with, let alone making contributions.

Look at team three. What a prestige.

Ma Siping and Feifei are also depressed.

What's the matter with Sun Entertainment? Why didn't Mao start Su Xun?

They didn't wait for Su Xun to be killed by sun entertainment, but they waited for someone from the internal investigation department.

"Are you Ma Siping?"

"Yes, it's me."

"Are you Zhou Tai?"

"It's me. What's the matter?"

"We are from the internal investigation department. Someone has reported that you have taken bribes, used public tools for private purposes, and committed crimes by taking advantage of your position. Please follow us to investigate." One of the team leaders of the investigation department said it in a blunt tone and showed the arrest warrant at the same time.

The internal investigation section of the law enforcement bureau is dedicated to the examination of the internal personnel of the law enforcement agencies.

"What did you say? How can it be? Who reported it? It's a frame up! It's slander

"Yes, we've never done anything like that!"

Fat and Ma Si are calm.

Chen Siming came out: "brother, what's the matter? Is there any misunderstanding?"

"Team leader Chen, we won't take people without evidence. The case of Zhou Tai and Ma Siping has been confirmed." Knowing that Chen Siming was about to be promoted, the head of the investigation department was very polite to him.

Ma Siping and Feifei knew they were finished when they heard this.

Su Xun stood in the corner and looked on coldly.

Of course, he wrote the anonymous letter.

As a kind-hearted person with justice in his heart, he would never allow fat and Ma Siping, the black sheep, to exist in the law enforcement team!

Well, in order to be the team leader Cough cough, wrong. For the sake of law enforcement, he broke his heart.

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