Su Xun and Xie an are back at Qianye KTV.

"When do you think Yang Jun will be back?" Su Xun asked the waiter directly.

Ready to take the wait.

Xie Minghua, struggling with his uneasiness, looked at Su Xun and said, "this boss, I just called Yang Jun, and he said you should call him."

Su Xun's eyes narrowed slightly when he smelled the words. He smelled something different.

I'm afraid Yang Jun has already looked at the things inside, and he's also moved his mind.

But on the surface, he was still silent, with a smile: "I'll call him when he calls."

He was wearing sunglasses and no one could see what he was thinking from his face.

Su Xun, who is all in Yang Jun's mind, doesn't notice that a person who has just entered a KTV stares at him.

Although he wears sunglasses, some people can recognize him even if he turns to ashes.

For example, Yanxiong.

After Xing pangzi's death, his plan to kill Su Xun within a week failed.

Later, when Sun Entertainment ended, he didn't dare to continue to hang out in Taiping District, so he came to the Southern District to hang out. He spent all his savings and bought a law enforcement officer.

Today, I invited my team leader to a thousand night KTV hi PI. Unexpectedly, I saw Su Xun.

He immediately on the heart, with a flattering face to the captain said: "boss, or you go first, I have a stomachache, go to the bathroom first convenient."

The reason why he flatters his immediate superior is that his immediate superior is the younger brother-in-law of the director, otherwise it is not worth him to be so humble.

"Damn, there's a lot of excrement and urine on the lazy donkey. Hurry up." The captain swearing away.

He likes Yan Xiong better, because he is sensible, bright and generous.

After the captain left, Yan Xiong looked for a humble place to stare at Su Xun.

There must be something sneaky in Taiping District with sunglasses.

So he wanted to see if there were any surprises.

After Su Xun got Yang Jun's phone number, he left KTV.

Yan Xiong quickly went to inquire.

"A few, ask a thing, just what does that person do?" He took out his work permit.

A few people see is a law enforcement officer, the moment is dare not hide, bamboo tube pour beans as all said.

After hearing this, Yan Xiong feels that he has caught something and goes to the private room to find his team leader.

Su Xun, a leader of the criminal team of Taiping District, secretly found a mobile phone in the Southern District.

That means there must be something very important in this mobile phone, otherwise it doesn't need to be like this.

The security bureaus of the Southern District and Taiping District have not dealt with this problem. This is a problem left over from history, and this is a good opportunity to attack each other.

You can find trouble for Sue and show your face in front of the boss. This job must be done.


After getting on the bus, Su Xun called Yang Jun.

"Where's your cell phone?" Su Xun comes to the point.

Yang Jun is a little nervous: "here I am."

"You want money?" Su Xun asked directly.

Yang Jun clenched his teeth: "yes, I want money, hand in money, hand in delivery, I want a million!"

One million is a huge sum of money when the salary of government staff is only 3000 yuan.

But the number he wanted was not much compared with what he had in his hand.

Su Xun agreed: "OK, how to trade."

Anyway, it's not for him to pay. He just needs to get his cell phone.

"At eight o'clock this evening, I'll make a deal at the abandoned garage in Moon Bay. I'll call you at that time."

"OK, take good care of your mobile phone, and you've seen the things. It's not difficult to make this money, but if you lose your mobile phone, you'll lose your life." Su Xun warned.

Yang Jun swallowed a mouthful of saliva and hung up directly.

Xie an then responded: "brother Xun, which boss are we working for?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask." Su Xun dropped a sentence and dialed Chen Siming's phone: "the mobile phone has been found. The other party wants one million. I promise."

"Ah Xun, you've done a good job. You can come and get the money now." Chen Siming did not hesitate, because anyway, the money will return to him soon.


Yang Jun is on the phone with Xie Minghua.

"Minghua, at eight o'clock this evening, you go to the abandoned garage in Yueliangwan and get me something."

Xie Minghua was uneasy: "ah Jun, what are you doing, which makes me very uneasy."

"Minghua, just listen to me. I won't cheat you. I'll give you 100000 yuan when it's done."

Xie Minghua was surprised: "where did you get so much money?"

"Don't worry, Minghua. You said you wanted your parents to have a good life. With this 100000 yuan, you can realize your wish. By the way, help me at that time."Xie Minghua's face was uncertain: "good."

Besides, he was very interested in helping his friends.

Yang Jun is one of his few friends. They have known each other for many years, so he cherishes them very much.

After hanging up the phone, Xie always felt a little uneasy.

"This friend, we have a case that needs your cooperation."

A sound burst into the ear.

After hearing this, Xie Minghua turned around. It was Yan Xiong and his team leader Yuan Yu standing behind him.

Just now he went to the private room to tell Yuan Yu about it. Yuan Yu thought he could do it at once.

It happened that his brother-in-law always looked down on him. This time, he stepped on Su Xun to make his brother-in-law look up to him once.

Moreover, Yan Xiong analyzed that Su Xun was so low-key in handling this matter. There must not be many people. Ten people in their team were equipped with guns, which was enough.

No matter how powerful Su Xun was, he could avoid bullets?

So they came to find Xie Minghua.

"What What kind of case. "

Facing the law enforcement officers, Xie Minghua is very afraid.

Yan Xiong said in a deep voice: "your friend is likely to be in danger. The person who just looked for the mobile phone is a criminal. His criminal record is very likely to be in the mobile phone. He will certainly kill people when he finds the mobile phone."

As a social veteran, it's not easy to deceive a young man.

"What Xie Minghua was in a panic.

Yang Jungang said that he would give him 100000 yuan when it was finished, and he asked him to go to the moon mountain abandoned car repair factory to help get something in the evening.

He immediately thought that Yang Jun might use the criminal record in that mobile phone to blackmail criminals.

Isn't it seeking death with a tiger?

In a hurry, he tells Yanxiong the content of Yang Jun's phone.

After all, law enforcement officers are more trustworthy than criminals.

Yan Xiong and Yuan Yu look at each other and both eyes are bright.

"Don't worry, our duty is to crack down on crime, and we won't sit back and ignore it," Yuan said

"Yes, you'd better do as Yang Jun said. We'll protect the criminals in secret, and then take this opportunity to catch all the criminals!" Yan Xiong is fierce and looks like a just fighter.

Who would have thought that a week ago, he was still an active criminal in a criminal group?

Although Xie Minghua knew that there was danger, for the sake of his friends, he still gritted his teeth and agreed to cooperate with the implementation of the plan.

In this way, the three forces have their own purposes to gather at the abandoned car repair factory in moon mountain.

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