"I'm back at last."

In the forest of Changbai Mountain in the northeast of the earth, Su Xun was in a good mood smelling the familiar air.

Instead of rushing home, he stepped out first and went to the vast sea.

Seeing Su Xun, Mei Pang was about to cry.

"Brother, I thought you forgot us. Come on, take us back."

They have been in this world for several years. They are tired of waiting for Su Xun.

"It's good. It's all broken through."

Seeing the three men's accomplishments, Su Xun expressed his affirmation.

In the middle of Mei pangzi's Jinxian period, Liu An's Jinxian peak, and Yueling's already at the beginning of the realm of Daluo.

"Thank you for your chance, otherwise Xiaoxian will not be able to break through Daluo all his life." Yue Ling bows to Su Xun with gratitude.

Su Xun raised her up with a wave of his hand: "it's Kyushu homologous, so why be so polite."

"Just look at me, never say thank you, he should." Liu An said haughtily that he thought he was qualified to go with the wind.

Su Xun waved his long sleeves.


Liu An flew out of control.

Mei pangzi moved: "what's your strength now?"

Why every time they feel that they have made a big step forward, they will find that Su Xun has thrown them further.

"Quasi saint." Su Xun spit out two words.

"Quasi saint?" Yueling was surprised. As a fairy, she knew what it meant.

Mei Pang was desperate: "forget it, you are God's own son if you don't compare with your cattle."

A moment later, Liu An came in a mess, licked his face and said, "I never say thank you, because the elder brother should take care of our younger brother. We should be obedient enough. Why are you so polite?"

Looking at Su's flattering voice, he said, "are you flattering me?"

"You are seriously infected by Mei Pang. It's shameless. The phenomenon of human to human transmission is more and more obvious." Su Xun said from the bottom of his heart.

Mei Pang snorted coldly. That guy is better than blue and can lick more than him.

Licking a dog is not a good way to die!

Su Xun said, "I'm here to take you back. I think you're tired of staying here."

"Xiaoxian feels OK." The moon's expression is indifferent. After all, it's a cruel rabbit who can follow Chang'e to guard the Moon Palace for so many years.

It's Mei pangzi and Liu An who are a little annoying.

Only when she got familiar with them did she know how out of tune they were.

Just ask questions that she wants to kill them with a slap.

For example, is there a brothel in the sky?

Isn't Chang'e lonely in the Moon Palace? How to solve personal problems when you are lonely.

When Wu Gang cut down the osmanthus trees, will he find time to hit the ash machine at Chang'e.

Did the seven immortals live in the sky? Did you do anything else after settling down?

Later used to, she has learned to automatically block these out of tune problems.

Mei pangzi and Liu An can't stand the boring life here for a long time: "go back, go back immediately."

Although there are a lot of beautiful women here, they can't raise the slightest desire.

As the VIP of every club, they still like to talk about life and ideals with the ladies and sisters in the club and guide them on the right road.

Don't you like any uniform?

The key is, if you don't go back, what will you do if your membership card has expired?

"OK, wait for me here."

Su Xun's voice dropped and disappeared.

Met with the acquaintances of Haohai, gave some rewards, arranged some things, and then took Mei pangzi and the three back to earth.


"Ah! I'm back at last

"Hoo - it still tastes pure."

On Yuliang mountain, four figures suddenly appear, Mei pangzi and Liu An show intoxicated expression.

Liu An sniffed: "fat man, do you feel it? The taste of my hometown is strange, but it smells kind and transparent, with the smell of squid and Teppanyaki. Is this the so-called local flavor? "

"That I just farted. " Mei Pang said something embarrassed.


The expression on Liu An's face solidified instantly.

"Puyi --"

Yue Ling covered her mouth and laughed, and she was far away from Mei pangzi.

I've been with fat may for a long time.

The moon spirit felt that the gods in the sky before were really boring.

Every one is like a robot, even she used to be like that.

She thinks that it's better to have more human taste, or else in the long life, it's too boring.

"Come on, go home."Four of them flew to the manor on the hillside.

In the garden, Yan Yurou is playing frisbee with Su lu'er.

That is, she throws the frisbee out, and then Su donkey jumps up and holds it.

Yes, he is a good donkey, and he has been cultivated as a dog.

"The master is back!"

Su lu'er lost the frisbee in his mouth and ran to Su Xun.

"The donkey wants to die, master. Next time you go out, take the donkey with you. If there is no donkey to walk on, will the master lose his identity

Su lu'er really can't stand it. He's going to be tortured to death by Yan Yurou.

But the other side is the mother, can't disobey her secret, his life is very bitter, tears can only flow into the heart, only he a donkey know.

If someone else dares to play with him like that.

He had long been a demon. He opened his mouth and swallowed each other.

"Yurou, don't bully him." Su Xun touched Su's head and looked at Yan Yurou.

Yan Yurou curled her lips: "then you can find me a pet to play with me. You should be able to lead me for a walk."

"Sure, next time." Su Xun is helpless with Yan Yurou's little daughter's nature. She is used to her own woman.


Hearing the voice, an Zizhen, Yao Yao, Qin Zhu, Liao Yu and Xiao Bai came out.

Su Xun didn't see the figure of Liuli: "where is Liuli?"

"Playing games, she's really an Internet addict now." An Zizhen says helplessly.

She has realized the feeling that the child is not obedient.

Su Xun walked into the living room surrounded by people.

"NIMA's blown up. I can't hold the middle road!"

"Support! Support! A bunch of pig teammates

As soon as I entered the living room, I heard the angry voice of Liuli, and her small appearance was full of peace keeping.

"No more."

Glass directly breaks the plate in half.

"Is it true or false? Little girl, who can I show you

Su Xun looked at her with a smile.

Glass face a red, ferocious said: "you think I'm afraid of you, ah, and you have nothing to do, I just don't want to play now, can't it!"

"Bear boy needs beating." Said Mei Pang.

Liu An also nodded: "children naughty old bad, mostly used to, play twice on the line."

After the breakthrough, they expanded and dared to talk to Liuli like this.

"Well! A small man will succeed. "

Liuli gave a cold hum to show her disdain. She can still remember the way these two guys flattered themselves.

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