Su Xun's life was full.

No way, when you have more women and industries, your life will be full.

As usual, I went to Taixu world and licking dog world to see my sons Su Ming and Su Qing.

In Taixu area, Su Xun delimited a county for Su Ming.

Su Ming has a lot of ideas. Su Xun can't let him fool around with the whole jiuxiao Dynasty, but he doesn't want to stifle his pioneering spirit.

So he set aside a county with a population of 100000 for him to carry out whatever reforms he wanted.

There is only one condition. If there are civilians in the county starved to death, Su Xun will punish him.

Because this kind of thing happened was that the prince lost his virtue. Su Xun had to give an account to all the people in the world.

And Su Qing, the bear child in the dog licking world, has started to pretend to be forced to go forever.

What is the world's first genius? The first child prodigy is all based on him.

Moreover, Su Xun found that the dog licking world had changed. It seemed that this ordinary world had begun to upgrade. At least if it could be upgraded to the martial arts world level, there would be martial artists.

The reason for all this is Chu fan, the protagonist of the world.

In order to one day break the void and see his master Yueling again, Chu fan devotes himself to studying all the martial arts secrets that can be found at all times and in all countries.

Then he integrated and created a new way to cultivate Qi and resist Qi against the enemy. He called it new martial arts.

Although he can't even beat Su Qing, his talent and perseverance can't be denied.

The reason why Su Qing is strong is that his father Su Xun has strong blood and his accomplishments are growing slowly.

Chu fan, on the other hand, made progress by relying on the teaching of Yueling and his own understanding and perseverance.

If we can open up a new road, maybe in a few hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years later, Su Xun and Chu fan will see each other again one day.

But at that time, he was too strong for him in outer space.


New Monday, new identity.

[system, extract the 26th new identity. 】

[extracting Successful extraction. Congratulations on the new identity of the host: scavenger. 】

[the residents of Yuanyang have been living a miserable life, because the arrival of different people makes their life even worse. 】

[these people have the same appearance as them, but they all have immortal bodies, and they are reckless and indifferent to life and the law. When they see an individual, they go up and chop, which makes Yuanyang chaotic. 】

[as a member of Yuanyang, you have the responsibility to maintain the peace of the world. 】

[identity and ability: the chain of curse. 】

[identity task: clean up all the strange people and give Yuanyang a new peace. 】

Su Xun:???

What kind of ghosts can be resurrected infinitely? What kind of race are these aliens?

The ability of infinite resurrection is too rebellious.

Su Xun looked at the identity and ability again.

Chain of order: the chain of God transformed by the law of curse. Anyone who is bound by the chain of God will be haunted by curse.

Su Xun's eyes brightened.

The law of curse.

He has a chance to break through the sage!

As long as he can understand and master the law of curse, he will become a saint with the power of curse, which is equivalent to crow's mouth. Anyone who dares to offend him will wait.

Su Xun thought that the strange people in this world could be resurrected infinitely, and thought that the risk factor was a little high.

So instead of rushing in, I went to find Mei pangzi and Liu An Yueling first.

"What do you want to announce when you bring us three together? Is another sister-in-law pregnant? "

Mei pangzi looked at Su Xun and asked.

Yue Ling and Liu An looked at Su Xun with admiration when they heard this.

I see that I'm going to have a child, and another one is the fifth one.

That's very capable.

"Don't be silly. I have something very important to tell you." Su Xun said in a deep voice.

Three people see this is also involuntarily serious up, all ears.

Su Xun's eyes swept over the three people: "I can send you to different worlds. Did you guess?"

The three looked at each other and nodded.

A fool can guess.

"If I'm right, you have a treasure that can travel through the plane, right?" Said Mei Pang.

Su Xun said, "but you guessed wrong."

Fat Mei

No face at all? brother.

"It's not a treasure, but I can cross the world myself." The system is integrated with him. He has no problem himself.


Three people exclaimed.

If there's a protection that can take him around the world, it's no surprise to the three.But he has the ability to travel around the world. It's terrible.

What kind of boss has such strength?

I'm afraid that only the unfathomable saint can cross time and space.

"That's the truth. This time I'm going to a new world. I'm going to take you with me."

The system said that when you enter the world for the first time, you are not allowed to carry other people.

However, he can bring them into the small world he has created.

It is equivalent to smuggling goods.

The infinite resurrection of those strange people made Su Xun raise the danger of the world in his heart.

So it's better to bring a few helpers over.

The spirit of the moon immediately declared: "everything is under the command of the immortal."

"You listen to everything he says." Mei Pang was a little sour, and hummed: "let you take off your skirt, you also listen?"

You know, neither he nor Liu An can lick Yueling.

Fortunately, they also regard each other as their biggest competitors.

In any case, they didn't expect that their biggest opponent was Su Xun.

"Shangxian won't let me do such a thing." The month work properly face all didn't red, tone light say.

Su Xun was a little complacent: "see, this is the importance of character accumulation. Only you are such an obscene and trivial person will ask a woman to do this kind of thing."

"Am I obscene?" Mei pangzi, look at Liu An.

"It can't be said to be obscene." Liu An shook his head and said solemnly, "I think it's insulting and obscene. If you look ugly, don't involve words."

"Damn it Mei chubby spits on the back stabbing of his teammates, thanks to the fact that they washed their feet together last night.

Mei pangzi said to Su Xun, "brother, I'll go."

"I'll go too." Liu An followed closely.

"OK, let go of your mind, I'll take you into my world first." Su Xun said.

Finally, Su Xun set out with Mei pangzi, Liu An, Yueling and Liuli.

Su Xun didn't want to take the women with him, because he thought the world was a little dangerous.

But Liuli has to go. She was stimulated by Liu An and Mei pangzi last time.

Once need to kneel lick her person, actually climb to her head elated.

King Liuli can't stand it.

So she doesn't want to salted fish any more. She has to work hard.

Naturally, I will not miss this opportunity to go to another world to practice and improve my accomplishments.

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