Su Xun couldn't understand.

The game terminal called "zero" appeared inexplicably.

But everything in the world has a reason.

Who made this game terminal and what is its purpose?

Is it really just to make a game so simple?

"Master Yes, will you let us go? "

Huang Sheng asks carefully.

Su Xun said, "you should have a game forum for this game."

He has read similar online game novels before. Generally, this kind of game has a forum for communication.

The three were shocked. This NPC knows everything, even the forum.

How do you feel more earth like than them?

There is also a "zero back" forum made by Huang you

"What are the functions of your game?"

"There are strength charts and guild charts, which can be used for all channel shouting and single channel communication." Huang Sheng also worried that Su Xun didn't understand.

Su Xun's self-expression surprised the three people. The NPC's acceptance was so strong that he didn't give them a way to survive.

A terrible thought rose in their hearts.

Is this the last big boss of the game?

"How will you three do for us in the future?" Su Xun looked at them and said.

Three people a Leng, Huang Liang first reaction: "master, as long as you shout, there will be a lot of people willing to help you."

He didn't lie. Su Xun, a mysterious strong NPC, was licked by everyone.

Of course, if we can fight, we all fight to kill and explode equipment.

"Well, why don't you three want to?" Su Feixun is smiling.

Three people are bitter, because we know you are not a normal NPC.

Su Xun said lightly: "I don't want to force you. If you agree to live, if you don't agree, go to die."

Three people speechless, does this step on the horse still call to force us? You are so kind.

He said, "the three eyes are the same as one."

"But I don't believe you." Su Xun said in a calm tone, and let the three stand up with a wave of his hand.

Three people want to cry without tears.

It's you who want us to work for you.

Now it's you who say you don't believe us.

Big pot, what do you want us to do?

Su Xun's eyes swept from the three faces: "you are brothers and sisters."

"The master's eye is like a torch." Huang Sheng flattered.

Su Xun pointed to Huang Xiaoyou and said, "she'll stay with me, and you two will work for us outside, so we can rest assured."

They all changed their faces.

"Master, I'd like to stay..." Huang Sheng and Huang Liang opened their mouths almost at the same time.

Su Xun interrupted them directly: "no way."

"Big brother, second brother, I'll stay." Huang Xiaoyou said on her own initiative, otherwise she was afraid that none of them would be able to leave.

Huang Sheng and Huang Liang have no choice but to promise: "please tell me."

"The emperor." Su Xun said, and the name forced him to get up.

Two people speak afresh: "ask emperor Jun to order."

He counseled cleanly.

"You went out to publicize that you found a new copy and attracted more players to come here, eh This copy is called the underworld, Fengdu, the Lord of the underworld. "

The corners of Su Xun's mouth rose, and he raised a smile. These players are all free tools. They don't need to be used in vain, and they may be able to lead to behind the scenes.

As long as the person behind the scenes dares to enter the underworld, unless the other party is a saint, he is a brother in the underworld.

As Huang Sheng and Huang Xiaoyou look at each other, they summon up their courage: "Emperor Who the hell are you? "

They feel something's wrong with this NPC.

There is no legend of the underworld in Yuanyang world, let alone the legend of Fengdu emperor.

But they have Fengdu emperor on earth.

Instead of answering Huang Xiaoyou's question, Su Xun asked, "you should be able to take a screenshot."

The three men widened their eyes again.

Don't you know it's a game, a forum, even a screenshot?

Did he catch a player before?

So why arrest us?

Is it because the player he caught before is dead?

Think of here, three people hit a spirit, and then quickly nodded and replied: "can take a screenshot."

Su Xun said, "only when there is a picture and a truth can people believe it. I'll cut two with you."

The voice falls down, saw glaze one eye.

Liuli reluctantly changes back to the unicorn itself.

"WowLooking at the huge and majestic Unicorn with black feet, the three of them all widened their eyes.

Su Xun stepped into the air and took off to stand on the mountain in the distance. Liuli lay at his feet.

"What are you doing in a daze

Su Xun's voice came to the three people's ears.

The three of them immediately made a mental move, aiming at the crazy screenshot of Su Xun on the mountain. Zhang Zhang revealed a kind of supremacy of heaven and earth.

Then Su Xun waved his hand again and took three people to the gate of hell.

"See your majesty!"

The ghost who guards the gate will kneel down.

"The gate of hell!"

Seeing the ghost gate, and the endless sea of flowers that have been re cultivated after the ghost gate, the three people are shocked.

As Earthlings, they know what the gate of hell stands for.

Before, Su Xun said that this was the underworld. They just took it as a random name.

Now it looks like the underworld.

And then associate a series of performances of Su Xun, it seems that he is not the NPC of Yuanyang game at all.

Is he really the legendary Fengdu emperor?

Are all the myths and legends true? The Jade Emperor, the Tathagata and the Buddha are real?

No wonder they can't go offline here. It turns out that this place really doesn't belong to the game world.

For a moment, they were shocked.

Fengdu emperor entered the game world!!!

What's going on here?

"No gift." With a wave of his hand, Su Xun asked the seven ghost generals to get up and said to Huang Sheng, "aim at the ghost gate."

"Yes, Emperor."

This time, Huang Sheng and Huang Liang showed a lot of respect. After all, this is the emperor of Fengdu. At least his strength must be the best.

Two people face the gate of death and the seven ghosts will be a click screenshot.

After the screenshot, they look at Su Xun.

Su Xun took three people out in one step.

The next second, three people will feel a whirl of heaven, and then in front of one of the bright.

"Here is "Yuanyang?"

Looking at the green mountains and green waters in front of them, the three found that they had returned to Yuanyang.

"Yes, I'll open a way in and out of the underworld here. The more players you attract, the better. I won't treat you badly."

While Su Xun was talking, his hand was in the void, and a black whirlpool appeared in his mouth, which was the entrance to his small world.

Huang Sheng and Huang Liang look at each other, they always have a sense of being bought by the devils.

In the Anti Japanese era, they were traitors. If those players knew that they had been cheated, they would not be killed in the real world.

But on second thought, this may be the Fengdu emperor in the myth of the earth. How can we be called a traitor when we help our ancestors?

They have a lot of balance in their hearts. They have to learn to persuade themselves to do something against their mind.

"Don't worry, Emperor. I will live up to the emperor's high expectations. Please be kind to my little sister."

"Go ahead."

Su Xun nodded slightly, then disappeared in the same place with Liuli and Huang Xiaoyou.

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