New copy task received.

Many players are ready to go to the underworld to kill some small monster brush experience.

But not all players.

In a communication group called "fishing headquarters".

"This task is too stupid. The Lord of the underworld is so strong that he can't kill him. On the contrary, once we start, we don't even have the chance to move bricks."

"That is, the game is unscientific. It's only one year since the game was launched. The players haven't grown up. How can they play it?"

"I feel that Luo Wuchen and the Lord of the underworld can't kill him."

"I have a suggestion. We can do the opposite. Don't we just go to the Lord of the underworld? If you help him fight, the reward will be higher! "

"Wocao, brother talent, you're right. This game has a high degree of autonomy. We can take refuge in NPC to play other players."

"Isn't that a little bad, a traitor?"

"Damn, it's just a game. Of course, how can we have fun? What's more, how can we call it a traitor? He who knows current affairs is a hero. "

There are not a few people who have the same idea.

After all, the operation of the players is the old sow with chest, hood, set after set.


"The trough! What's going on! "

"They went to NPC? Is there any mistake, and this kind of operation? "

"Fuck! What are you doing? Kill

Soon, two waves of players scuffled together, both sides have casualties, you come and I go, a group of chickens peck each other, the fight is very fierce.

When the players behind come, what they see is the chaotic scene in front of them, which makes everyone feel sleepless.

"Who can tell me? What happened? "

"Didn't you come to fight against the underworld? Why did you hit me first? "

"What shall we do?"

"What else can we do? Sit and watch the play. "

Then a strange scene appeared in the battlefield outside the ghost gate.

After a steady stream of players, a row of sit down to watch the play.

In the middle of the open space, two groups of players spit fragrance, whoa whoa, beat you to me, blood flying, chaos scene is like a street fight.

"Don't fight! Stop fighting! We can't come back to life! "

"Don't fight, we can't come back to life!"

The dead found something wrong and began to cry out to stop the war.

According to the previous process, they will be resurrected in the novice village after they die.

But now, after their death, their souls are still in this world, unable to leave.

People who eat melons also see something wrong.

"What's the matter? If this copy is dead, it can't be revived. What's the difference between it and real death?"

"It's hard to beat a chicken on the horse! Lying trough, play a game, but also lose their lives, play a hammer

"The trough! I don't want to play any more. My mother told me to go home for dinner, and I haven't finished my homework yet. "

"I suspect it's a conspiracy! The game is alien science and technology, and the aliens pave the way for one year, in order to use this task to lead us to this world and trap our souls here, so that they can rule the earth without resistance! "

Panic began to spread among the players, because they only thought it was a game, but now they can't resurrect after death. Who dares to play?

There are even conspiracy theories. After all, there is no shortage of Utopian conspirators in the world.

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