Liaoyang City, yezhuling.

One player after another appears here.

"I didn't expect so many people."

"These days, people who want money don't want to die."

"I lost a big scar on my head, but I came back to reality with all my accomplishments. Hehe, what do you want to do? Who can stop us?"

More and more players gather here, breaking through thousands in the blink of an eye.

"All of them should be here. Why hasn't Luo Wuchen come yet?"

"I don't know. He's very good. Who knows when he'll show up."

"This time, he should integrate all of us, twist into a rope, and lay a piece of territory in Yuanyang."

"If that's the case, I'll support it 100 percent. It's better than hiding."

Suddenly, two figures appeared in the sky.

"Why are there two people?"

"Luo Wuchen and Su Xun, the Lord of the underworld!"

"Damn, it's a conspiracy. He took refuge in NPC!"

Seeing Luo Wuchen and Su Xun together, everyone's face changed greatly. Without time to think, they almost subconsciously wanted to run away.

"I've come. Do you want to go?"

Su Xun sneered scornfully and poked out his hand.

A big hand blocking the sky and the sun directly patted everyone on the ground.

"Damn it, Luo Wuchen, you are a traitor of the players! Spy

"Let us go, please don't kill us, please!"

"Spare my life..."

There was a big break and people were crying.

People who think they are not afraid of death are still ugly when they are dying.

I found that I was afraid of death.

Su Xun didn't talk nonsense. He just waved his sleeve robe and argued that all these people were in the underworld.

Almost at the same time, he heard a systematic sound in his mind.

[congratulations to the host for completing the task: clean up all the strange people and give Yuanyang a new peace. 】

[get reward: chain of curse. 】

before, he had only the right to use the chain of curse, but now, it completely belongs to him.

Almost instantly, he had a lot of feelings in his mind. He completely mastered the law of curse, and he was the incarnation of curse.

Booming -

the sky in Yuanyang began to change.

The sky presents a strange black, and the unknown atmosphere covers the whole world.

"What's going on?"

Lu Chen was startled and ran away. He had a long distance with Su Xun.

The earth is shaking, the sea is surging, the sky is collapsing, as if the world is about to be destroyed.

Only Su Xun stands between heaven and earth.

He closed his eyes, his whole body purple mixed in the unknown black air, looking very strange.

It's like a sublimation.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

Deep eyes, as if to see through the space, see through the time, the whole world time stop.


A surge of momentum from his body continuously sent out, pouring eight wasteland.

Almost at the same time, many of the old closed doors opened their eyes and broke out.

Turning into streamer, he came in a flash and looked at Su Xun in the center of the storm from a distance.

"Is that sanctification?"

Everyone's eyes are full of envy, you know, they have been closed for thousands of years, and they have not grasped a rule, only touched the threshold.

But now, some people have become saints and completed their lifelong pursuit.

All of them bowed to Su Xun, then sat in the air, closed their eyes and began to practice.

They are taking advantage of the light of Su Xun and the chance of Su Xun becoming a saint, and they can also get enlightenment.


Su Xun's momentum kept climbing, as if to split the sky.

When the trees are withered, all the flowers are in full bloom, there are golden lotus on the ground, and all the animals in the mountain are singing together.

Countless streamers across the sky, Emperor Liujiang down to the world.

The birth of a saint is a celebration of heaven and earth.

Gradually, Su Xun's momentum began to be restrained and gradually subsided.

At first glance, he was a common man.

But I can't remember what he looks like.

He just stood there, which was a mystery, a way, a curse.

"Congratulations to the saint!"

"Congratulations to the saint

"Congratulations to the saint!"

Countless monks came to kneel down, their voices resounded through the world, and countless monsters also knelt down.

Su Xun didn't speak and walked out step by step.

Every time he takes a step, where his feet fall, a golden lotus grows.

All of a sudden, Su Xun was walking. His figure became lighter and lighter, and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.Everyone looked at each other and didn't understand where Sue had gone.

Liu An, Mei pangzi, Yue Ling, Lu Chen and Huang Xiaoyou all looked at Su Xun's disappearing figure with dull eyes, and their hearts were full of fire.


Earth, China.

That night, everyone saw God.

"The trough! Look what that is


"No! That's God! Is he going to take the "zero"

In the void, a huge figure runs through the sky and the earth, and the giant reaches for the transparent tetrahedron.

The tetrahedron struggled to escape.

Su Xun said coldly, "if you dare to resist, you will be tempered."

The transparent tetrahedron didn't move for a moment.

"Eh, is it a thing with a master?" Su Xun laughs and uses the above prohibition as a medium to burn the power of curse and release a curse.

Then he waved away the prohibition, and at the same time, he took a look into the void and looked through the stars.

Some time and space, a young man suddenly a mouthful of blood, pale face, forehead is cold sweat.

Murmured to himself:

"so strong human, I have remembered your eyes."

Suddenly, he felt that something was wrong with his body. His face became more and more gloomy and murderous.

Almost word for word: "the power of law! Holy One

On the earth, Su Xun had already held the tetrahedron in his hand and forcibly invaded its memory to read information.

And the human below is a sensation.

"He actually took zero!"

"What kind of existence is it?"

"Is zero created by him?"

All the people were so surprised that they took out their mobile phones to take photos. The armed helicopter only dared to hover in the distance, and did not dare to approach within kilometers.

After reading the memory of sifangti, Su Xun showed an interesting smile.

"There's some meaning."

This tetragonal body is not called "zero", but a reincarnation space created by a God.

Reincarnation space, can sign a contract with reincarnation, let reincarnation go to different world to plunder Qi, the LORD God can become stronger by swallowing Qi.

The main god of this reincarnation space makes reincarnation space into a game terminal, allowing a large number of players to replace reincarnation. The exemption agreement signed by the players is actually a reincarnation contract.

Once the reincarnation contract is signed, unless the reincarnation space is broken or the God dies, the reincarnated will always be controlled by the reincarnation space.

It's a pity that the so-called disclaimer has never been carefully read by the players. When they come across this kind of disclaimer, they just agree without looking at it.

Obviously, if this God has not been to the earth like technological world, he is a traverser, otherwise he can't think of such an operation.

Maybe one day, they will meet.

At the level of Su Xun, all his premonitions might be a glimpse of the future.

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