After Sansheng stone was refined, Su Xun went back to earth with Mei pangzi, Yueling and Liu An Liuli.

When I left, I took out two superior spiritual veins.

After returning to the earth, Su Xun still buried the spirit vein in the territory of the Dragon kingdom.

At present, the aura within the territory of Longguo is very abundant. It's just leaked out, which has benefited several neighboring countries greatly, leading to a sharp rise in land prices.

Once the most barren place in the world, it has turned into a rich area with every inch of land and money.

"It's going to be an immortal world again."

Feeling full of aura, Liu An said.

Mei pangzi doesn't think so: "not everyone is suitable for cultivation, let alone r star as the backstage, so the development of science and technology will not stop."

"You know it again." Liu An is very strange.

Plum fat person is not polite to all spray: "Yin Yang person, rotten fart, share."

Liu An reached out to touch his face.

"What for?" Mei opened his hand and said, "I don't want to step on the horse, Ji!"

Liu An said, "don't you say I'm a rotten fart? I'll touch it to see if it's rotten. "

"Go away! Your face is my fart. What's wrong with you? " Mei Pang didn't scold.

Su Xun ignored the two silly beeps, looked at Yueling and said, "silly beeps are handed down from others. It's better for you to keep a little distance from them."

"I can prove that!" Liu An can't wait to say: "I was also a charming and domineering prince. Since I stayed with Mei pangzi for a long time, I was infected by him as silly beep."

"Silly beep, don't you scold yourself?" Mei chuckled.

Liu An sneered: "as long as I can scold you by the way, I'm willing to scold myself."

If you hurt the enemy a thousand, you lose eight hundred.

"See, this is the ready-made silly beep." Su Xun pointed to two examples to warn Yueling.

Yueling just chuckles.


Su Xun took four people home.

Although glass can't be regarded as human, we can't engage in racial discrimination. Divine animals are superior to human beings.

During this visit to Yuanyang, the cultivation of Liuli made a great progress. After all, the blood of the beast was against heaven. As long as she was serious, she would take off at any time.

It was just salted fish before.

Glass breaks through Jinxian.

Mei pangzi and Liu An have not made any progress. They have been consolidating their accomplishments and consolidating their foundation.

It is worth mentioning that the cultivation of Liuli has been improved, and Naizi has actually become larger.

Su Xun always suspected that she was changed by magic power. Otherwise, how could he explain that she was only a teenager?

But Liuli didn't admit it.

Su Xun said that unless he tried, he was rejected by Liuli holding a machete.

Su Xun was more convinced that she had used her magic, which was called self deception for short.

Otherwise why don't you dare let him feel it?

Isn't it just a fear of revealing?

Ha ha, he has already seen through everything.

"Wow, Liuli, you You... "

On returning home, several women noticed the change in the size of the glaze.

It's not about size.

Because before the glass a (poor) flat as wash.

"As I said, I'm still growing. I'm sure I will." Liuli said triumphantly.

Su Xun was rude and said, "it's fake. She changed it with magic. She just cheated herself."

"Shut up Liuli jump feet, red face said: "don't let you touch is false, which has this kind of reason, I see you just want to take advantage."

"Nonsense! How can you insult my innocence out of thin air! Is that what I am? " Su Xunyi's right words scold him, feeling that his personality has been humiliated.

A group of women looked at him, nodded at the same time, and said with one voice: "you are such a person."

"Cough It seems that you misunderstood me a lot! " Su Xun said without changing his face.

An Zizhen and others rolled their eyes.

When a row of beautiful women roll their eyes at the same time, it is also very beautiful (* / ω\ *).

In the evening, Su Xun took them to sing.


The next day, Su Xun went to Taixu.

After seeing modern society, Su Ming had many plans and ideas in his mind.

Su Xun gave him a county with 100000 people to manage and build according to his own ideas.

So Su Ming is currently working as a magistrate in this county, the kind of military and political work.

County government backyard.

"My son, please give my father's greetings."

Su Ming salutes Su Xun respectfully. He finds that every time he sees his father, he feels more and more awed."How do you feel?" Su Xun asked faintly.

Su Ming showed a look of repentance: "my son's ministers dare not deceive his father and Emperor. In the past, they had all kinds of ideas, but they always regretted that they could not be put into practice. When they came to govern, they found that they were completely different from what they had expected."

"For example." Su Xun asked.

Su Ming respectfully said: "for example, children's ministers follow the example of the earth. Children of poor people can go to school free of charge, but they find that not many people will send their children to school, because children can help them with farm work."

"What do you think?" Su Xun asked again.

Su Ming was a little at a loss: "I don't understand. Isn't it good to let my children go to school? In the future, their children will change the environment of their whole family. "

"You're talking about the future, but they want the present. They don't even have enough to eat. What about the future?" Su Xun's face was expressionless and his tone was calm. "You only look at the problem from your point of view. You feel that they don't let their children go to school. You are angry and sad."

"But you have never thought that you think reading is good because you are full and have the energy to pursue a better life in the future."

"And the common people, most of them have no future, so they only look at the present! Now, as long as they don't die of hunger, they will be satisfied. "

When he assigned the county to Su Ming, Su Xun thought of a similar result.

Su Ming is very smart, but there are some things that IQ can't make up for, such as experience.

Only experienced, will understand.

Su Xun wanted him to learn to give up his own position and look at things from the standpoint of the world.

It may be just an idea to rule a country for the king, but the result is hard for the people to afford.

He can try and make mistakes, but the result of his trial and error is to let the world bear for him.

Now, it is better to find a county for Su to learn from his mistakes than to let him inherit a country and try again.

Su Ming's face was blue and white, and he bent over: "my son knows his mistake."

"If you know your mistakes, just follow me back to the palace. What you need to do is to learn how to be king, not to think about how to realize your unrealistic ideas, because you can't be wrong!"

Su Xun's tone was calm and not severe, but every word was knocked on Su Ming's heart.

His waist was bent lower and his head was lower.

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