There are a group of immortals in front of the road.

Plus the foot power of the white dragon horse.

The road was smooth and fast.

It's been two months since I went to Taiping. I met some wolves, insects, tigers and leopards. But in the early spring, when the willows are green and the trees are green, the trees are green. The masters and disciples play in the spring, and the sun goes down.

In the distant valley, there are buildings and pavilions. The monkey king yells, "master, there is a temple ahead. It's better to have a rest here for one night."

Su Xun lifted the curtain and got out of the carriage. As soon as he saw it, he knew that it must be the Guanyin temple.

The black bear spirit appeared here, and was finally accepted by Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The black bear spirit is a wild spirit that fights with the monkey king. It's very capable.

It belongs to young and middle-aged talents. How can such talents be given to Buddhism?

Su Xun must lead it to the right way!

With a wave of his hand, Su Xun brought the carriage into the system space and left a white dragon horse alone.

"Let's go. We'll stay here today."

After the five immortals have dug their way, they can finally take a breath.

Su Xun walked in front of him, and the monkey king led his horse behind him to the Guanyin Buddhist temple.

After approaching, I saw layers of halls and pavilions, selected the overlapping corridor room, outside the three mountains, covered by towering clouds; in front of Wufu hall, there were thousands of red mist. Two pines and one juniper. There are two pines and a forest of cypresses, each with its own color. The tower of bells and drums is high and the pagoda of futu is steep.

Su Xun only sighed.

"The dog says, here of and, still be true chicken, son has money!"

In the village of Kaka, the people around are pale and thin, but the monk built the temple so magnificently, just for enjoyment?

How can such virtues be said to promote Buddhism and benefit the common people?

The liberation of Buddhism and the improvement of productivity started from the Guanyin temple.

The four value Gong Cao and others in the void shivered and mourned for the deep people in the Guanyin temple.

I'm afraid that this Guanyin temple is going to end.

When I came to the door, I was about to enter. I saw a group of monks coming out of the door. They all wear left hairpin hat and no dirt clothes. Double earrings with copper rings and waist girth with silk belt. Grass walking to steady, wooden fish hand inside.

One by one, they were fat and glossy. They were seriously suspected that they had eaten meat.

Wrong. I almost framed them.

It's supposed to be eating in the temple behind closed doors.

After some exchanges, Su Xun reported his way. The monk invited Su Xun and monkey king to the temple for tea.

He also exclaimed why such a handsome monk found such an ugly apprentice.

When Su Xun heard this, he sneered in his heart. He chose the monkey by his appearance. What kind of Buddhism did he practice?

After entering the Guanyin temple, the patriarch came out. In the conversation, the patriarch said with pride that he had lived for more than 270 years.

This is obviously trying to pretend.

But Su Xun and monkey king didn't respond, and they even wanted to laugh.

Two hundred and seventy years old is also worthy of pretending in front of them?

The monkey king has been oppressed for 500 years.

The old monk was well dressed and enjoyed himself. He called the monk to offer tea.

A little lucky boy took out a plate of suede jade and three tea bells inlaid with French blue and gold. Another boy took a white copper pot and poured three cups of fragrant tea. It's really colorful, and the taste is better than that of osmanthus.

Su Xun smacked his tongue secretly. Are monks so rich these days?

Think about it. In modern society, when monks get together, they drive Rolls Royce.

You can't find a parking space in a BMW.

In ancient times, monks had more money.

However, Su Xun was very upset.

But in his mouth he praised, "what a treasure."

The old monk showed a proud expression, and said with a little forced: "dirty eyes, dirty eyes! The master is the kingdom of heaven. You can see all kinds of rare things. How can you praise him? Master, since he came to China, what treasure do you have to show me? "

Su xuncai didn't want to do such childish things, otherwise he would be stunned if he took a video game.

But he didn't want to pretend to be forced, but the monkey king couldn't bear the anger. He took out the love crazy mobile phone that Tang Monk gave him and said, "Hey, hey, speaking of baby, my old sun, here is a piece of master's reward for me."

"Oh, what is it?"

A group of monks were all puzzled.

"You wait and see."

Monkey King somersaulted out, called out the camera mode, and then aimed at the third man to click the shutter.

Then he came to the old monk with his mobile phone and said, "look, how is this better than your baby?"

"This This This... "

The monk and others were shocked to see their appearance on the screen."Is it that people's souls are sealed inside?" Two hundred and seventy, said the old monk.

"Puyi --"

Su Xun sprayed out a mouthful of tea. Isn't that the stem of the Qing Dynasty?

The old monk burst into tears again, saying that he had lived for more than 200 years before he could see the treasure. He asked Su Xun to lend it to him and watch it carefully, waiting to return it later.

Su Xun thought, in the plot, you are greedy for monk Tang's cassock and want to burn him to death.

Now I'm greedy for my mobile phone. I won't be burned to death and monopolize my mobile phone Right?

Let's not talk about the machine. Let's talk about civilization.

Su Xun thought it was interesting, so he agreed to borrow the cassock from the Tang monk in the original story.

If you don't plot my mobile phone, I have no excuse to divide the land.

After all, even if he doesn't like the monk, there must be a reasonable excuse to make him fight harder.

Fishing law enforcement, Su Changlao.

After leaving the mobile phone to the old monk, Su Xun and monkey king went back to their room to have a rest.

In the evening, the old monk studied the mobile phone and found many strange functions. He was so surprised and happy, but he cried bitterly.

Several disciples asked why.

The old monk said that he would not give up the thought of returning this treasure tomorrow.

A monk named Guangzhi proposed to kill the Tang Monk and monkey king, bury the body in the backyard, and then forcibly occupy the treasure.

A monk named guangmou thought it was wrong and put forward a different opinion: "grandmaster, in sun's opinion, we are now calling for a bunch of firewood from the big and small houses in Dongshan mountain. We give up the three Buddhist temples and set fire to teach him that if he wants to go, he can't even burn his horse. When people saw it in front of and behind the mountain, they only said that it was because of his carelessness that he left the fire and burned my Zen hall. Those two monks will be burned to death? It's a good cover up. Isn't the cassock our family heirloom

After hearing this, the old monk brightened his eyes, wiped his sleeves with tears, and even said several good words.

After hearing their plan, Su Xun even said several good words.

Finally, I broke the story to the original plot, and finally gave me an excuse to start.

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