"Quemoy wolf! If you go down to earth and marry a mortal without permission, it's against the law of heaven. Come out quickly and get caught! "

A big drink, like thunder into the cave.

"Boys, go out with me to meet the enemy!"

Wearing armor, kuimu wolf took his steel knife and went out with a cry.

"Meet the enemy! Meet the enemy

"Follow the king to fight the heavenly soldiers!"

Although the little demons look like a mob, they are still loyal.

Even if they knew that the soldiers and generals were coming from outside, none of them ran away because of fear.

"Master, what do you think?" Asked Goku.

Tang Seng gnaws chicken leg: "eat while see."

Monkey King

"Elder, I know that all the elders are capable. Please help me." Flowers shy suddenly kneel on the ground, pear with rain.

Her two children also knelt down.

Su Xun used his magic power to lift up the mother and son: "don't worry, benefactor. Naturally, I won't sit back and ignore you until I have enough to eat and drink."

Heaven and earth are the biggest.

Hundred flowers were very anxious, but they didn't dare to urge him any more. They could only watch Su Xun's ears, but they didn't hear the things outside the window. They just ate wine and meat.

After giving up drinking and eating meat, he went back to the pig's stomach.

After all, they all know their master's ability. If he's so sure, it's no problem.

It's outside the cave.

Kuimulang, with his little demon, is standing in front of the cave.

In the sky, Li Jing, the king of tota, stood in the front. Behind him were Nezha and ten thousand generals.

Li Jing, the king of tota, was holding a small golden tower in his hand. He was wearing armor and was very brave. He yelled at the kuimu Wolf: "kuimu wolf, you have violated the law of heaven. Now if you don't go back with me quickly, you still want to fight back!"

"Li Tianwang, why do you want to force each other? I'm not the star king. I'm willing to be a monster. Can't you give me a way to live? " Said the wolf.

Li Jing snorted coldly: "isn't it wrong for you to say that? Look at the tower

Voice fell, the hands of the exquisite pagoda will fly out to the kuimu wolf fell.

Kuimu wolf was surprised. He didn't expect that the tota heavenly king would make a big move as soon as he came up.

But in the next second, the exquisite pagoda flying in the air suddenly floated into his cave.

Then came a faint voice.

"It's a good tower."

Kuimulang was surprised and moved. He didn't expect that the monkey king really helped him.

Yes, although the voice came from Su Xun, in his opinion, the only one with such strength in the cave is Sun Wukong.

"Who is in the cave! I'm Li Jing, the heavenly king of Tuota. Don't you return my exquisite pagoda quickly! "

Li Jing didn't expect that her tower was gone, and she was furious.

However, no one was bothering him at all.

Suddenly angry: "where is Nezha!"

"The child is here!" Nezha came out.

Li Jing ordered: "go and get my exquisite pagoda back quickly!"

"Yes, son!"

As the voice fell, he stepped on the wheel of wind and fire and rushed to the cave with a spear in his hand.

Then he was suddenly out of balance, and was taken into the hole by a force.

Li Tianwang stroked his beard and watched Nezha rush in so quickly. He nodded with satisfaction.

Here, the voice just came out of the cave, just changed the words.

"Ha ha, this person is also good."

The smile on Li Jing's face was so stiff that she almost pulled out her beard.

"How could that be?"

Even Nezha is so easily subdued by the other party!

Kuimu wolf is also suspicious. The monkey king has been oppressed for 500 years. Has his cultivation increased?

That's Nezha!

How can you be subdued so easily?

Li Tianwang looked at kuimu wolf like a torch: "kuimu wolf, who is in the cave?"

"Li Tianwang, you are so capable. You'd better go in and have a look." Quim wolf sneered.

"You..." In a rage, Li Jing drew out his sword and said, "all the officers and men will take him down for me."

We're ready to use the sea of men tactics directly.


Ten thousand soldiers will rush down immediately.


All of a sudden, an invisible obstacle avoidance will bounce them back, and they will be turned upside down.

"Amitabha, it's so good. Why is benefactor Li so angry?"

With a Buddha's name, Li Jing saw a handsome young monk come out with red lips and white teeth.

"Monk Tang! It's you

King Li exclaimed and looked at the monkey king who was carrying Nezha behind him: "Monkey King, we are following your Majesty's order to catch kuimu wolf. How dare you stop it? I will join you!""You old man, don't ask for the monkey. It's my master who caught Nezha. What's the matter with me?" Sun Wukong wisely gave Su Xun the chance to pretend to be forced.

Su Xun sighed again, good apprentice.

Don't say it's Li Tianwang, even kuimulang doesn't believe it.

Li Tianwang sneered: "Monkey King, do you think I'm a three-year-old? Monk Tang is just a mortal. He can't even touch my beard, let alone snatch my exquisite pagoda Ah

As soon as his voice fell, he let out a shrill cry.

It turned out that Su Xun grabbed his beard and pulled him down.


Hit Li Tianwang on the ground.

"Benefactor Li, are you satisfied now? I not only touched your beard, but also caught it Su Xun's face didn't change and he said softly.

For a moment, everyone was staring at Su Xun.

Li Jing got up and looked at Su Xun incredulously: "impossible! It's impossible! How can monk Tang have such strength? You must be a fake

At this point, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"I know, I know!"

"You must be the monkey king!"

Su Xun:

He suspected that there was something wrong with this guy's brain.

After all, if I had no brain problems, I couldn't have done such things as killing my son.

Li Jing said excitedly: "you are the monkey king, you are the monkey king! In order to help kuimulang without being held responsible, you turn Tang Seng into you, and you become Tang Seng. "

Then he burst out laughing.

"Ha ha ha, Monkey King, you are really stupid. You have come up with such a stupid trick. It is well known that Tang monk is a mortal. Do you want to hide your eyes and ears when you become him?"

Li Jing has an expression that I can see through everything.

The soldiers and generals suddenly realized that their eyes on Li Jing were full of worship.

Su Xun

Monkey King

Nezha has shamefully closed his eyes, I do not know him, he is not my father.


The next second, the monkey king took a big slap on Li Jing's face.

"Does it hurt? Are you sure I'm the monkey king now?" The monkey king asked with a serious face.

Feeling the burning pain on her face, Li Jing was directly confused.

That's not right!

That's not right!

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