Inspiration King

Stimulation comes too fast, just like a tornado. It's just a pain before it reacts.

It's crazy!

He had a dreamlike feeling.

But the pain from his neck clearly told him that he was really pinched by Tang monk.

There are many legends about Tang monk.

It is said that he was reincarnated and could live forever after eating.

It is also said that it is the reincarnation of ten generations of good people. After eating it, you can live forever.

In a word, no matter what the reason is, the monster knows that he can live forever.

I also know that monk Tang is an ordinary mortal.

But now, the inspiration king wants to curse.

Who is the source of this outrageous news? Can we find out and send it out?

You call this horse a mortal?!!!

What am I?

An ordinary goldfish?

The inspiration King doubted the fish.

"Want to eat me?" "Su Sifei reminds you that you're not going to be eaten by the boy at the dinner table

"Elder, please forgive me, elder, I I am also a Buddhist disciple. " The inspiration king is trembling.

Su Xun's eyes sneered: "the goldfish of Guanyin."

"The elder knows that Then let me go. It's the flood that washed the Dragon King temple. The whole family doesn't recognize the whole family. It's a misunderstanding. It's a misunderstanding! "

Inspiration King eyes a bright, he saw the hope of life, fish can continue to walk.

"But what about it?"

Su Xun's eyes became contemptuous, and his hand around his neck became more and more powerful.

The inspiration king felt that he had difficulty breathing and was terrified: "no Don't... "

"It's not lonely for you to have me. I'll send you to bliss." Su Xun's voice fell, and his right hand burst out.

"Click -"

the inspiration king was crushed to death.

It's like being crushed to death by an ant.

The king of inspiration, never close his eyes.

"Damn, I hate dead fish eyes most."

Su Xun's voice fell, and he threw his body down. Several swords flashed by. The fish's body was cut into countless pieces and fell into the river.

Then he put his hands together and said, "Amitabha, it's so good."

At this time, in the purple bamboo forest of Luojia mountain in the South China Sea, the Bodhisattva Guanyin, who is weaving a flower basket, suddenly feels a sudden impulse and makes a quick calculation.

Then his face changed: "my goldfish died? Have you not been killed by that monkey? "

She can only count the king of inspiration is dead, but not in whose hands.

We can only speculate that it's the monkey king, because in the group of four, the monkey king is the most powerful.

The face of Guanyin Bodhisattva is very ugly.

All the strange things that happened along the way are unexpected.

I just feel that the journey to the west is not controlled as the Buddha said, and my face is uncertain.

The inspiration king is dead, so she doesn't have to weave this basket, and she doesn't have to go to Tongtianhe.

But in my heart, I secretly recorded a sum of money from monkey king. After all, it was a goldfish that she had kept for so long. She even said that she would be killed if she was killed.

Su Xun didn't care what the Bodhisattva thought. If she didn't come, he would turn into a sprayer and give her a good treatment.

At the bottom of Tongtian River, after the king of inspiration died, the little demons were shivering and fleeing.

Su Xun cut off with a sword, and then his figure disappeared.

A moment later, several water demon bodies appeared on the water.

He doesn't want the rubbish.

"Master is back."

In old man Chen's house, when he saw Su Xun coming back, the three brothers of the monkey king all rushed forward.

"Master, what happened to the monster?"

"Is he dead?"

Old man Chen also looked at Su Xun nervously.

"After the lotus monk said," he is no longer needed to kill a ghost in the poor Bodhisattva pond

"Thank you very much. Thank you very much." Old man Chen was very grateful to Su Xun.

Monkey king said with a smile, "master, you killed the golden fish of Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva is afraid to remember this account. I'm afraid he will make trouble for you after going west."

Su Xun gave him a pity look.

The monkey king realized something, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

Bodhisattva doesn't know his master's strength, so he will be the first to doubt him.

That is to say, he has carried the pot for his master.

"Master, you are not authentic. How can you entrap me?" Monkey King is in a hurry.Su Xun said, "Amitabha, Wukong is relieved. After going west, Bodhisattva has no chance to trouble us."

This rebellious heart is well known to all.

Old man Chen told the other villagers that the goblin had been removed, and the whole village was very happy.

Then he directly shared the food that was originally used to worship the inspiration king as a celebration, and also expressed his gratitude to Su Xun's disciples.

In the evening, the four stayed in old man Chen's house.

The next day, the four disciples got up and came to the Tongtian River. The villagers rushed to see each other off.

It was the boatman in the village who was going to row them to the other side.

The old people in the river were shocked by a huge turtle.

"Monster! There are still monsters in the river

"Several elders, please do it. Get rid of the monster quickly."

"You don't have to panic. I don't think the old turtle is a monster who does harm to people." Su Xun knew that this guy was carrying four Tang monks and disciples across the river.

Hearing this, the villagers became quiet.

The old turtle said: "elder Mingjian, I have never harmed anyone's life. I have been renovating the cave in Tongtian River. Later, the cave was occupied by the inspiration king. Last night, the elder killed the inspiration king. I'm here to repay my kindness. I'm willing to carry the elders to the other side."

The villagers are relieved, but they are not averse to goblins. After all, they depend on the river to eat. There are many kinds of goblins, as long as they don't harm people.

"In that case, the four of them are not polite." Su Xun got on the shell of the old turtle, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing, and Bai Longma.

The old turtle, holding the four masters and disciples, swam to the opposite bank quickly but smoothly. After landing, he said, "elder, I can smell that the Buddha in the West has no death and no life. I can know what happened in the past and what will happen in the future. I have been practicing here for more than 1300 years. Although I have a light body and can speak human language, I can't get rid of it. Wan Wang's father went to the West and asked the Buddha when I would have to take off my shell and be alone. "

It's also a foreshadowing. Tang Monk forgot to ask for him when they arrived in the West. Then they took the Sutra back to Datang. When they passed by Tongtianhe, they sat down again to beat the turtle. As a result, the old turtle asked about it. Tang monk said that they forgot, and the old turtle turned over and overturned it in the river.

Now that Su Xun is here, there won't be so much trouble, not to mention that he is greedy for the shell of the old turtle.

He said: "you want to be a person. I can give it to you now, but you have to give it to me."

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