"Hey, you goblin, but that's all!"

The monkey king landed with a scornful smile.

"Whoa, whoa!"

The king trembled with anger.

It's like being forced by others instead of being forced by others.

Pretending not to be forced but to be forced by Cao!

Can you not be angry?

"Fight again!"

Monkey king went up again with the golden cudgel.

The one horned King took out a bright circle from his sleeve, threw it high, and called "close". The monkey king's golden cudgel was directly put in.


The monkey king was so surprised that he turned back and fell on Su Xun's side.

"Ha ha ha, Bi Mawen, it seems that you are just like this. No wonder you can only raise horses in heaven!"

The one horned king gave a bad breath, but he didn't catch up with him. He laughed happily.

Su Xun's eyes were bright. This diamond carving was a cow's criticism. Taishang Laojun was one of the three Qing Dynasties. There were many treasures.

Su Xun was a little embarrassed. If he went down, he would make Lao Jun bald.

"Master, this monster baby is powerful. I lost my weapon, but I couldn't take him. I asked master to do it."

The monkey king looked at the Tang Monk and said, "if you can't fight, you'll find your parents. There's no problem.".

Moreover, he thought that the circle was familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

But in the past, he was hit by gangzhuo from the sky when he made havoc in the heavenly palace. Then he was bitten by Xiaotian dog according to his leg, which was taken down by the heavenly soldiers.

After hearing the words of Monkey King for a long time, the king of one horned dog seemed to have heard a joke and burst into tears.

"Ha ha ha Bimawen, Bimawen, you can't help but let the Tang Monk do it. When did you become like this? "

"Monk Tang is a mortal. My king is standing here. What can he do to my king?"

The one horned king never dreamed that the monkey king would ask the Tang monk for help, and almost died with laughter.

"Amitabha, qingniu, is that funny?"

Su Xun read a Buddha's name and looked at the king with a smile.

Hearing the word "qingniu", King Dujiao's face changed. He looked at monk Tang in disbelief: "you How do you know the origin of my king? "

"Qingniu? My grandson remembers

Sun Wukong also remembers that qingniu, the one Lao Jun sat down with, was once smashed by this circle when he made a big fuss in heaven. This is Lao Jun's magic weapon.

"It's Lao Jun's mount."

Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing also know the identity of the one horned king in an instant.

"First of all, gold and silver boy, and then you green ox, don't you really know? It seems that if you are really old, you can't even look at your subordinates. "

Pig Bajie hummed and said, looking at qingniu strangely.

Qingniu burst into a rage: "pig Bajie, how dare you, my master!"

"You are a loyal cow. Is it because the Buddhist demons have been fanned, but you Taoist demons have not been fanned, so you are grateful?"

Sun Wukong sneers. As a demon, he is very upset when he looks at the running dog like qingniu.

Although qingniu has been following Laojun for a long time, it's normal to be grateful to Laojun.

But from the standpoint of race, the monkey king is not happy, that is, not happy.

"Wow, I have to give you arrogant people some color today!"

King Du Jiao was so angry that his face was livid that he called out "zhe", and the diamond in his hand flew high.

Su Xun explored the emptiness, lightly grasped the steel chisel in his hand, and lightly said: "it's good to use it as a bracelet. It's predestined with me, so I'll accept it."

"This How can it be

The one horned king was so shocked that his chin almost fell to the ground.

He seriously suspected that he was hallucinating.

That's a diamond!

How could Tang Monk take it away?

Isn't monk Tang an ordinary mortal?

"Almsgiver, everything is possible."

Su Xun skillfully put away the steel chisel, and looked at the king with a smile.

"Monk Tang! Give it back to me

Roared the king.

Tang Monk calmly a smile, tone of calm said: "I see benefactor and poor monk predestined relationship, poor monk a little thin production, how about later give poor monk farmland?"

Hearing the word "predestined fate", King dujiaoyu had a bad feeling in his heart.

The next second, Tang Seng took out his gold rope and lost it.

"Gold rope!"

King Dujiao exclaimed, of course he knew his master's treasure.

He wanted to run, but he couldn't run at all. He was tied up by the rope and fell to the ground.Su Xun points out a spell.

The king of the one horned horse suddenly showed his original shape, a powerful green ox.

Su Xun skillfully sealed his magic power, put him into the small world, and said to black and white impermanence, "put a plow on it, and use it to cultivate the field of miraculous medicine."

You have to work with a lot of food.

"Monk Tang! Monk Tang, how dare you

Qingniu roars and roars. However, apart from being able to speak, he is no different from an ordinary cow now, so the resistance is invalid.

Su Xun also put those little demons into the small world. He invited the mountain god here to fish and enforce the law. He also put the mountain god into the small world.

Then erase the marks of the fight with magic.

Then everything was perfect, and all the witnesses and evidence disappeared.

The whole process of flowing, skilled people distressed.

"Amitabha, remember, we haven't met qingniu from the beginning to the end. Let's go."

Su Xun said a word to the stunned Monkey King. He turned over and got on the horse and hit Maxi.

"Master, where has qingniu gone?" The monkey king couldn't help asking curiously.

Su Xun looked at him puzzled: "qingniu? I haven't seen qingniu before. "

Monkey King

Is it that fast?

Dou rate palace, is alchemy of Lao Jun suddenly feel a whim, immediately pinch a count.

Then his face changed: "the youth is gone."

He broke off contact with qingniu, and he couldn't calculate where qingniu had gone.

The two boys were told to take care of it.

When he came to jincho cave, it was so empty that he couldn't find any hair.

"Where is the mountain god here?"

Originally, I wanted to ask the mountain god, but I found that the mountain god was gone.

He was very puzzled, where did his green cow go?

"Does it have something to do with the people who learned the Scriptures?"

Lao Jun could only speculate in this way, and then he disappeared in a flash.

When Su Xun's four people deliberately speeded up, when Taishang Laojun caught up with them, they had already passed Jincong mountain.

"Monk Tang, don't go in a hurry!"

Taishanglaojun yelled, and then drove the cloud to more than four people and fell in front of them.

"Amitabha, I've seen you before. I don't know why you're blocking the way? I've spent a long time on my journey to the west, but I can't afford to delay it. "

Su Xun took the initiative and asked clearly.

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