"Master, is it true that there has never been a man in this daughter country?" The monkey king is unbelievable.

Su Xun said with a smile, "nature is impossible."

How can a woman's country never come to a man.

If nothing else, isn't Ruyi really an immortality?

Ruyi Zhenxian is the brother of the ox demon king. He occupied the Luotai spring in poer cave of Jieyang mountain and built a Juxian nunnery. Anyone who wants to drink Luotai spring for abortion must give him a gift.

In the original work, the Tang Monk Zhu Bajie drank the water from his son's mother's River and had a fetus. The monkey king went to Luotai spring to get water to have an abortion. Ruyi Zhenxian was not allowed to take revenge for honger.

Now the monkey king doesn't pit the red boy into a good fortune boy who sits down with Guanyin, so he has no hatred with Ruyi Zhenxian, so he should have no intersection.

But she said that the female official came all the way to the palace to see the king of the daughter country and explained the Tang Monk's story.

Last night, the queen said, "this is a moment after the bright jade."

"My Lord, what do you mean by that?" A group of female officials asked.

With a smile, the queen said, "the man from the East is still the emperor's younger brother. Since the founding of our country, there have been several emperors, and no man has ever come to our country. Today, the arrival of Emperor Tang's younger brother is mostly a gift from heaven. If I want to make a country rich and take my younger brother as king, I'd like to be the empress, cooperate with him in Yin and Yang, give birth to sons and daughters, and pass on the imperial inheritance forever. Isn't that the good omen today

"I've never seen a man come to our country", which is a complete lie.

In the original work, seeing that Tongtian River was frozen, with pedestrians and traders on it, Tang Monk asked old man Chen where those people were going.

Chen said that the old men who went to the west of Liang to do business were the women from the west of Liang.

Thus, it can be seen that some men went to the Xiliang women's country, and how could there be no men in the Xiliang women's country?

Far away, there is a ruyi immortal in Jieyang mountain. Isn't he a man?

So what the queen said was nothing but nonsense.

It's just that the men who came here before were too common to be regarded as the king of her country.

Who is Tang Seng?

The emperor's younger brother of the Tang Dynasty, not to mention in a small country like Xiliang, was also a noble man in the Tang Dynasty.

And the queen also specially asked Tang Seng's appearance, and got the answer that he was very handsome.

He is distinguished and handsome.

So the queen, who wanted to be a man, was no longer choosy. She couldn't wait to pack all her belongings and give them to Tang Seng.

However, Monk Tang was bent on learning from the Scriptures and didn't understand the customs. He wasted all his good intentions.

But fortunately, now Tang monk is Su Xun, he is a kind person, can't bear to hurt people.

As long as you are beautiful enough and in good shape, you can get his gentleness and kindness.

He su kind, good life, boundless love, is willing to protect the beauty of the world are happy!

When the female officials heard that the queen wanted to find a man, they had to give the throne to Tang Seng. Instead of opposing, they vied for congratulations.

It can be seen that the Queen's control over the country is very strong.

Seeing that all the courtiers agreed, the queen couldn't wait to say, "please make a matchmaker and go to the Posthouse to propose to Yang Yicheng. With his permission, I'll drive out of the city to meet him."

"After that, I changed the customs declaration and asked the three disciples to continue their journey to the West."

The handsome stay as husband, the ugly send away, perfect, plan pass.

"Yes, Lord."

Taishi and Yicheng took orders to leave.

Taishi and Yicheng soon arrived at the post house.

When he saw Su Xun, he bowed down.

Su Xun said: "I can't afford such a big gift when I introduce my family to you."

When the grand master saw that Su Xun was dignified and handsome, he was very pleased that he should be my king.

The Grand Master said, "my king had an auspicious dream last night. Today I know that Yudi is a man of ShangBang, so I would like to ask for a marriage with the wealth of a country. From then on, Yudi is the king, and my king is the queen. I don't know if Yudi thinks it possible?"

Zhu Bajie, Sun Wukong and Sha Wujing are all wide eyed.

Have you made a mistake, even if you haven't met me, you're going to ask for marriage directly. Is it so rash?

But they all knew that the king was thinking about peaches, and their master would not agree.

Then he heard Su Xun say, "this marriage is too hasty. Why don't you wait for me to see the king first and then think about it?"

Let's see if we're good.

How do you know if your daughter is beautiful if you don't see her?

The Monkey King three eyes widened again.

No, no, No.

Master, are you going to break your lust and precepts now?

"This I still need to go back to the palace and report to the king for decision. " Said the grand master.

Su Xun said with a gentle smile, "I should be careful in my marriage. I'm not in a hurry. There are so many beauties in the Western Liang Dynasty. It's good to just look at them. It's OK for me to stay a few more days."It's obvious that what he said is an LPS, but with this upright tone and appearance, it seems quite magnanimous. On the other hand, it makes the grand master's legs soften.

If she can get such men

The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to see it. The more she looked at Tang Seng, the more beautiful she felt. Her eyes were like eyes, and it seemed that a paw was scratching her in her heart.

Well, the grand master was also very good-looking. Naizi was also very big. Su Xun gave her a smile again.

A woman with rich children's granary deserves his smile.

It was this smile that made the grand master feel as if he had been electrified. He felt numb all over, and the idea in his heart was out of control.

"Just a moment, brother. I'll go back first."

The grand master left reluctantly. After seeing Tang monk with her own eyes, she was really reluctant to give up such beautiful men to the king.

Why can't it be her?

The eyes of the grand master were clear again, then gradually became firm and went to the palace.

"Master, you don't really want to stay here and marry the queen as king."

After the grand master left, the monkey king asked impatiently. After all, he remembered Su Xun's ambition.

This journey to the west is not to learn from the Scriptures, but to arouse the demons.

Pig Bajie hummed: "what's wrong? It's much more comfortable to marry a king than to learn scriptures. Brother monkey, you're still a monkey. Only after you've experienced the intercourse of yin and Yang, can you know how unforgettable that taste is. "

"Look at the eyes of the grand master just now. If master is a king here, hehe, the culture and martial arts of the whole dynasty are all delicate flowers. Will he be allowed to pick them from now on?"

"Let's just enjoy our master and apprentice's happiness."

With that, his eyes became lewd and swayed, his teeth and claws open, his eyebrows flying.

"You idiot! Shut up The monkey king angrily scolded and looked at Su Xun.

Sha Wujing also looks at Su Xun.

Su Xun took a sip of his tea cup and said, "I have my own worries about this."

At this time, the house strange wind.

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