Don't blame Huang Mei for his shock.

This golden cymbal is the treasure of his master Maitreya Buddha. It was so easily accepted.

"Golden Cicada! You've got your past life back! "

Huang Mei King pointed to Su Xun and called.

"There's a lot of nonsense. The devil will die!"

Su Xun gave a cold drink, and then a flying sword broke through the air.

King Huang Mei is stunned. The monk uses his flying sword to step on the horse Is he hallucinating?

Between life and death, he quickly responded, can only take out another magic weapon, the day after tomorrow.

I want to take this flying sword in.

Su Xun also took out a magic weapon, gangzhuo, and threw it out directly.

The magic weapon of Maitreya with Lao Jun's magic weapon.

Gangzhuo took the bag the day after tomorrow.

Lao Jun won.

"How could that be?"

Huang Mei king was deeply hit. He kept back his legs and his face was full of disbelief.

"What else? If not, today is your day of death. " Su Xun said coldly.

King Huang Mei yelled, "I'm the boy under Maitreya. Monk Tang, how dare you kill me?"

This is equivalent to: my father is Li Gang!

Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing all showed their sarcastic expressions.

Another one from the sky.

"Poor monk, how dare not kill you?"

Monk Tang sneered and his flying sword was like light.

"Puff -"

a stream of blood rushed out, the head of Huang Mei king was cut off directly, and his body fell to the ground.

At the same time, Lingshan.


Maitreya, who was closing his eyes and chanting sutras, suddenly exclaimed and opened his eyes.

The arhat Bodhisattvas all around looked at him one after another. I don't know what made him so impolite.

Maitreya Buddha said: "just on a whim, my boy Huang Mei is afraid to be killed by the monkey king."

Everyone was shocked. After all, they all knew that King Huangmei had brought Maitreya's treasure to the lower world. How could he die so easily?

Only Avalokitesvara feels the same, because the inspiration king also died in the hands of Monkey King.

Monkey King: I've got more and more pots, so I'm going crazy!

"I'll go down and have a look."

Maitreya was so angry that he got up and left.

Huangmei king is his boy. The monkey king killed him in this way. What's his face?

However, the monkey king did not know the identity of Huang Mei, so he was angry and had nowhere to go.

But the death of Huang Mei is the death of the king. Those two treasures are to be taken back. They are the most precious ones.

He was also very curious about what means the monkey king used to break his two treasures.

When Maitreya came to xiaoleiyin temple, what he saw was a mess, blood dripping, and the body of his boy, the Yellow browed king, was completely cold.

"I've seen the Buddha, but I don't know what the Buddha is doing here!" Su Xun knew it and asked.

Maitreya Buddha is also called Donglai Buddha.

Maitreya forbeared his anger and said in the most peaceful way: "today, I found out that my child had come to the world to be a demon. He wanted to come here to accept it, but he didn't think he had died in the hands of Wukong. It's just that he was responsible for it. Just please return the golden cymbal and the bag that the evil animal stole."

Death is dead, even if there is a big fire in his heart, he can't vent it.

He'll be content to get the baby back.

"This The Buddha didn't know that the monster had come to take out two treasures, but they had been damaged by Wukong. " Su Xun opened his eyes seriously and told a lie. The baby was in the system space.

What are you kidding? You connive at the boy to be a demon, and you want to take the baby back?

I didn't wake up last night. I started daydreaming in broad daylight.

Maitreya eyebrows PICK: "Tang Sanzang, monks don't be full of nonsense, my baby is not monkey king can destroy."

"Amitabha, monks don't lie. They dare to teach the Buddha that what the poor monk says is true. If we don't destroy those two treasures, how can we fight against your boy Huang Mei?" Su Xun was not in a hurry. He could tell lies easily. He was very skilled.

Maitreya's eyes narrowed slightly and his face became cold. Instead of looking at the Tang monk, he looked at the monkey king: "Monkey King, since you have been worshipping my Buddha, you have changed the habits of those monsters and returned my treasure quickly."

in his eyes, Jin Chan Zi, who has not awakened the memory of his previous life, is just an ordinary monk.

If the baby is on the monkey king, he doesn't have to waste a lot of time talking to the Tang monk.

I've heard that the Tang Monk's temperament has changed. Today I realize that he is full of lies!

But Maitreya didn't take it seriously. Although he said monks don't lie, which of them, Buddhists and Bodhisattvas, didn't lie?

"Buddha, the baby is not on my grandson." The monkey king is telling the truth.Maitreya saw that the master and apprentice were so presumptuous, and Huang Mei's death made him angry. He was furious: "Monkey King, you are presumptuous!"

Then he reached out to monkey king.


Suddenly, a big mouth was on his face, and his voice was so clear that the whole hall could be heard.

Maitreya was stunned.

Sun Wukong, Sha Wujing, Zhu Bajie, including the white dragon and horse, are also confused.

Looking at Su Xun with an incredible face.

No matter what, they didn't think that Su Xun dared to slap a Buddha in the face.

"Don't you drink, mad?" Su Xun looked at Maitreya coldly.

Master is so cruel that he even scolds himself.

Maitreya is still in shock and muddle force, did not respond, because it gave him too much stimulation, a chaos in his mind.

After a while, he calmed down, and his anger did not hide: "Jinchanzi, you have recovered your memory!"

If not, Monk Tang would not have hit him.

"Stupid beep!"

Su Xun's mouth was full of fragrance. He picked up his cassock and went straight to Maitreya's face, hitting it with one blow.

"Be so presumptuous

Maitreya was furious, but he was even more shocked by the great change in his journey to the West. Why didn't the Tathagata Buddha realize it?

At the same time, he wanted to stop Su Xun lightly.


However, this ordinary punch is still accurate on his face.


Maitreya screamed and was directly knocked down.

Then Su Xun jumped up and rode on his big belly. His fists were left and right.

"Fuck you, don't be shameful!"

"Dare to fight my apprentice! You're braver than you are

"See? Jinnao, your big jinnao. I'll give it back to you now. "


A gold cymbal fell on Maitreya's fat face.

This is a pure hand-to-hand fight. No, to be exact, it's a one-sided fight.

Maitreya's mana is directly suppressed, just like an ordinary person.

His precious cymbals hit him on the head again and again, which made him miserable.

"Ah! Monk Tang! You are crazy

"Ah! Stop fighting. Stop fighting. "

Monkey King and others have been completely stupid.

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