Originally, he thought these people were all entrusted by Su Xun.

But now it seems that's not the case.

At a young age, he can make his master keep such a low attitude, call himself a loser, and attract so many guests on the second day of business.

To sum up, apart from the legendary one, he could not think of a second person.

Kitchen God.

Under him, all the auras of genius will be covered by him.

Shen Fang is also a boy learning to cook. He is also gifted and proud, but he knows the difference between himself and the kitchen god.

But today, in full view of the public, he actually came to challenge the kitchen god, and he also spoke rudely.

It can be imagined that after today, his behavior of not knowing the superiority of heaven and earth will become a joke in the industry.

Because he really didn't deserve to compare with Su Xun.

Shen Fang pursed his lips. His face was uncertain. He stood in the same place for a moment and was in a dilemma.

"Get out of here, shame on you!"

Xia Zhou glared at him with a fury.

Shen Fang looks at Xia Zhou gratefully and knows that the master is giving himself steps. He turns around and walks out of the kitchen god Pavilion.

"Master Su, the rebellious apprentice is ignorant, which makes you laugh." Xia Zhou said to Su Xun.

Su Xun stirred the egg liquid in his hand and said without raising his head: "young people, it's hard to avoid complacency. Just beat more."

Ming Ming Shen Fang is older than Su Xun.

But the words came from Su Xun's mouth, but no one thought that peacekeeping should be so.

"You are right." Xia Zhou politely replied, then turned around and walked out of kitchen god Xuan and retreated into the crowd again.

What Su Xun wants to cook is fried rice with eggs, because there are too many people coming here today. He can't cook dishes one by one. He's too tired.

Want to taste his craft, not to see what you want to eat, but to see what he wants to do.

The leftovers of yesterday's night are used for the meal, which is the best raw material for making fried eggs.

Eggs are pure farmhouse eggs with rich nutritional value and better taste.

Fried rice with eggs is fried rice with eggs. There is no need to add more fancy materials.

After stir frying, Qin yanrou and the fried eggs are cut off.

The egg meal is clear and plump. It looks as if it's shining and makes people move their fingers.

Everyone is involuntarily excited up, after all, this is the kitchen god fried egg fried rice ah.

There is no doubt that everyone can cook fried rice with eggs, but the taste is different. But everyone thinks that what Su Xun makes is the best taste in the world.

"It's worthy of being the kitchen god. A bowl of simple fried rice with eggs is appetizing, and it's not enjoyable."

"Forgive me for being illiterate, lying in a trough. It's too delicious to step on a horse!"

"You have to send a circle of friends..."

All of them expressed their evaluation of this bowl of fried rice with eggs in their own ways, and expressed their affirmation of Su Xun's cooking skills.

All day long, the people outside the kitchen god Pavilion did not disperse, and more and more big men arrived. Finally, the municipal and government departments in Jiangnan also came forward, because many foreign guests came.

And all this is just because of Su Xun.

What news stresses is timeliness, and what various media are fighting for is the word "fast".

So in less than two hours, countless news has been flying all over the Internet.

[surprise! What's the reason for the gathering of the important people from many countries? 】

[the kitchen god reappears with the same style, and the man is back! 】

[he caused traffic jams again, but the reasons are very different! 】

[Master Su? Master Su? Who the hell is he? 】

Su Xun is on fire. To be exact, he is on fire again, not only at home, but also abroad.

After all, Su Xun's years of traveling around the world have left many legends in the catering industry. In the industry, he is a highly respected Master.

But there are always some top young people in the industry who don't know the superiority of heaven and earth, and make some comments on the Internet that belittle Su Xun.

Su Xun, who was busy in the kitchen, knew nothing about it. Even if he knew it, he would only laugh it off.

Because in the catering industry, in terms of cooking skills, although he is the same age as these people, he is no longer a rank.

He doesn't need to lower his price to deal with the so-called younger generation.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the people gathered outside the store finally dispersed after Su Xun spoke, and Su Xun was also ready to close as usual.

But Chen Quan, President of the Longguo Chef Association, and several members of the association who came with him did not leave.

"President Chen, do you have anything else to do?" Su Xun asked as he took off Qin Zhu's apron and chef's hat.

Chen Quan looked at each other with embarrassment.Su Xun browed: "President Chen, if there is nothing else, I will leave."

"Master Su, stay here." Chen Quan quickly opened his mouth, then sighed, and said with shame: "it's a shame to say that, but my old Chen still has to have the cheek to ask Master Su to do something to win glory for our dragon kingdom."

"Master Su, please." The others bowed and spoke sincerely.

Su Xun was confused: "President Chen, even if you ask me for help, you have to make things clear first."

"Master Su, take a look at this." Chen Quan took out his mobile phone and turned to a post that had just been forwarded to China and handed it to Su Xun.

This is a letter of war sent 20 minutes ago, and a challenge letter sent to Su Xun by a chef of Bangzi kingdom. The content is as follows:

five years ago, you became a kitchen god only because I didn't do it. The name of Kitchen God should belong to our great Bangzi Kingdom, not the ignorant and ridiculous dragon people.

I'll beat you and prove with my strength that you dragon people are inferior to us in cooking skills, and dragon people are not worthy of the name of Kitchen God.

The comment area under the post has been blown up for a long time.

"Damn, this horse is too arrogant. I really think they are the best in the whole universe. We must educate him!"

"Where does this horse come from? It's full of superiority in a small area. He's a fart!"

"Upstairs, I checked. This guy has been very popular in recent two years and won a lot of awards."

"Fuck, it's the tortoise grandson again. He went crazy once a year ago. This time, the kitchen god is here. If you don't believe him, you can still jump up."

"The Kitchen God should fight, hang that turtle grandson!"

Su Xun didn't care about these rising stars, but there were many people who wanted to step on him to become famous. This arrogant stick was undoubtedly.

Su Xun returned his mobile phone to Chen Quan and looked at him with inquiring eyes. Is this kind of small rubbish worthy of his hand?

Chen Quan was embarrassed and said with shame: "master Su, this Bangzi man is very strong. He came to Longguo one year ago to challenge all the major cuisines. We were all defeated by him because we were not good at learning."

Several other people are ashamed of the lower head, feel ashamed.

Su Xun suddenly realized that no wonder Chen Quan asked him so strongly. He wanted him to help him.

At this time, several cars came over. As soon as they stopped, a group of reporters with long guns and short guns jumped out of the car and rushed to Su Xun.

"Master Su, what do you think of the challenge of Bonzi chef Jin zhengu?"

"Mr. Su, the other side humiliates our dragon Kingdom, will you fight?"

"Mr. Su..."

In the face of a barrage of reporters, Su Xun just made a light remark:

"I'll have time before five o'clock tomorrow afternoon, so I won't wait."

He didn't care about these people's challenges, but when the other side rose to the level of national attack and racial humiliation, Su Xun couldn't just sit back and ignore them.

Now that Jin zhengu has gone with the wind, Su Xun will let him wake up and help the so-called Flammulina velutipes understand how rubbish he is.

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